


  • 我们要先给这些学生单科成绩排序,算出它们的单科排名,存在Stu
  • 再依次输出想要看分的学生的最好成绩(最好成绩的学科 最好成绩的排名)。如果学号不存在,就输出N/A

题解 C++

using namespace std;
class Stu {public:string id;int C, CC;//C分数 CC排名int M, MM;int E, EE;int A, AA;
int cmpC(Stu a, Stu b) {return(a.C > b.C);
int cmpM(Stu a, Stu b) {return(a.M > b.M);
int cmpE(Stu a, Stu b) {return(a.E > b.E);
int cmpTotal(Stu a, Stu b) {return(a.A > b.A);
}int main() {int n, m;cin >> n >> m;Stu stu[2000];int count = 0;string id;int  C, M, E;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cin >> id >> C >> M >> E;stu[count].id = id;stu[count].C = C;stu[count].M = M;stu[count].E = E;stu[count].A = C + M + E;count++;}string want[2000];for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {cin >> want[i];}//排序优先级 C->M->E->Totalstable_sort(stu, stu + count, cmpTotal);stu[0].AA = 1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {//存A排名,注意一下并列情况下的排名技巧int curRank = 1;if (stu[i].A == stu[i - 1].A) {stu[i].AA = stu[i - 1].AA;}else {stu[i].AA = curRank = i + 1;}}stable_sort(stu, stu + count, cmpE);stu[0].EE = 1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {//存E排名int curRank = 1;if (stu[i].E == stu[i - 1].E) {stu[i].EE = stu[i - 1].EE;}else {stu[i].EE = curRank = i + 1;}}stable_sort(stu, stu + count, cmpM);stu[0].MM = 1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {//存M排名int curRank = 1;if (stu[i].M == stu[i - 1].M) {stu[i].MM = stu[i - 1].MM;}else {stu[i].MM = curRank = i + 1;}}stable_sort(stu, stu + count, cmpC);stu[0].CC = 1;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {//存C排名int curRank = 1;if (stu[i].C == stu[i - 1].C) {stu[i].CC = stu[i - 1].CC;}else {stu[i].CC = curRank = i + 1;}}//输出科目优先级:A C M Ebool find = false;for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {find = false;for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {if (stu[j].id == want[i]) {find = true;if (stu[j].AA <= stu[j].CC && stu[j].AA <= stu[j].MM && stu[j].AA <= stu[j].EE) {cout << stu[j].AA << " A\n";}else if (stu[j].CC <= stu[j].AA && stu[j].CC <= stu[j].MM && stu[j].CC <= stu[j].EE) {cout << stu[j].CC << " C\n";}else if (stu[j].MM <= stu[j].AA && stu[j].MM <= stu[j].CC && stu[j].MM <= stu[j].EE) {cout << stu[j].MM << " M\n";}else  if (stu[j].EE <= stu[j].AA && stu[j].EE <= stu[j].CC && stu[j].EE <= stu[j].MM) {cout << stu[j].EE << " E\n";}break;}}if (!find) {cout << "N/A\n";}}system("pause");

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