
1,“C” : create the project tree with dialog (该命令需要在工程文件窗口使用,弹出的第二个窗口中需要填写出已经创建好的文件夹,否则未填写或填写错的文件夹就无法列出来。总体上说,该命令没有R好用,R可以直接刷新已存在的文件和文件夹)

2,zM :To fold up the whole project (收拢整个工程文件树)

zO : unfold all (展开整个工程文件树, 注:光标需要在工程文件上,否则命令无效。)

zr : unfold a level (展开整个工程文件树,但是只展开第一级。)

zc zo :for folding a single directory (展开和关闭单个文件树)

zk, zj :move between folds。The exProject provide ctrl-k and ctrl-j for faster moving around the directory

3, \fc : this operation will move the cursor to the project window, and search current edit buffer, if the file founded, it will jump the cursor to it.

4,shift-<enter> :on the directory line, it will open a command window with the path of the directory to help you do some operation outside exVim。(如果光标在文件夹上,则打开外面环境的命令行。如果光标是在文件上,则是打开多个代码编辑窗口)

5,To create a new file in exProject window, you can move your cursor under a file line or a directory line, and press o. After that yo will see a line with mark |-[] under your cursor like the picture shows below: (如何保存并退出新创建的文件?  是:WQ   ?)

the feature never done, it create the directory virtually. That means if you don’t create the directory with same path same name manually in your file system, it will never be access in exProject.   (o 命令可以直接创建文件,但是不能创建文件夹(作者说后面版本可能会连接mkdir()直接创建文件夹),必须手动去创建好文件夹。)

6,<leader>r :it will only refresh the directory your cursor in (<leader>R sometimes cause too much time since it refresh the whole project.)

7,Search tags :The exTagSelect plugin in exVim is responsible for searching tags. You can use \] to get the tag information of the word under the cursor. Also you can use :TS <tag-name> command to input a tag and get the result.

8,When you are in tag select-window, you can press <enter> to jump to the definition, meanwhile the exTagSelect will record the position to the exJumpStack, you can use <leader>tt to check your stack result. And use <leader>tf, <leader>tb to move backward and forward from the next/last definition.(<leader>tf, <leader>tb  该两个命令使用了\],然后enter键后可以返回或返回后再进入搜索结果。类似前进和后退。\tt命令是查看当前搜索出来(enter进入搜索结果文件后)的结果入口)

9,<leader>ss :To browse the whole symbol list

10,<leader>r and  <leader>d   pick up the matched result from select-window to quick-view-window(这两个命令用于  \ss后,在symbol list中黄色标出匹配的pattern)


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