
Imagine you have gone to a crowded place, say to a k-pop concert with your friends and you don’t have any electronics or compass with you.


Now one of your friends wants to go a bit far away to fetch something, say light sticks. If he goes to fetch it, then he won't be able to find and reach you in the large crowd :(

现在,您的一位朋友想走很远的距离来拿东西,例如荧光棒。 如果他去拿东西,那么他将无法在大群人中找到并到达你:(

How would you solve this problem? Here is a solution for it given that you have sufficient friends with you. You have to make your friends stand in pairs with an even amount of distance between them till the target place. In the pair of your friends standing at equal distances, one of them should look at the next friend pair nearer to the target place, and the other person to look at the previous friend pair. Now your friend after reaching the target place can return to the initial place easily (and the friends who stand in pairs of course) with the help of the person in the pair who was looking over the previous pair.

您将如何解决这个问题? 考虑到您有足够的朋友,这是一个解决方案。 您必须让您的朋友成对站立,彼此之间的距离要均匀,直到到达目标位置。 在一对等距站立的朋友中,其中一个应查看目标位置附近的下一个朋友对,另一个人应查看上一个朋友对。 现在,您的朋友到达目标位置后,可以很轻松地返回初始位置(以及成对站立的朋友),这对伙伴中的人正在寻找上一个对。

If you managed to set up or understand this, then Congratulations! you have successfully implemented(understood) a doubly-linked list.

如果您成功设置或了解此内容,那么恭喜! 您已成功实现(理解)了双向链接列表。

If you didn’t understand the practical example don’t worry about it, you will understand it at the end of this article :)

如果您不了解实际示例, 请不必担心 ,在本文结尾处您将了解:)

What is a data structure and why should you care? Data structures are a core concept of Software Development. I would like to quote from Wikipedia.

什么是数据结构,为什么要关心? 数据结构是软件开发的核心概念。 我想引用维基百科。

In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification. Data structures provide a means to manage large amounts of data efficiently for uses such as large databases and internet indexing services. Usually, efficient data structures are key to designing efficient algorithms.

在计算机科学中, 数据结构是一种数据组织,管理和存储格式,可实现高效访问 和 修改。 数据结构提供了一种有效管理大量数据以供使用的方法,例如大型数据库和Internet索引服务。 通常,有效的数据结构是设计高效算法的关键。

Even though Data Structures are important but why Linked List when there are a lot of Data Structures? Here are the advantages of linked list

即使数据结构很重要,但是为什么有很多数据结构时为什么要使用链表? 这是链表的优点

  • Dynamic Data structure: Linked list unlike arrays is dynamic data structures. It basically means that amount of data it can store is not fixed i.e, we can increase or decrease the size of the linked list as per the needs.

    动态数据结构 :与数组不同,链接列表是动态数据结构。 这基本上意味着它可以存储的数据量不是固定的,即,我们可以根据需要增加或减少链表的大小。

  • Insertion and deletion operations are easier.


  • Efficient Memory Utilization: Unlike arrays, there is no need to pre-allocate memory.


  • Linear Data Structures: As it is a linear data structure, accessing the data can be done sequentially.


  • Easy Implementation of Other Linear Data Structures: Linear Data Structures such as Stack, Queue can be easily implemented using the Linked list.

    轻松实现其他线性数据结构 :可以使用链接列表轻松实现诸如栈,队列之类的线性数据结构。

With why you should learn the linked list, lets deep dive into the linked list!


Linked List is made of nodes.


A single Node in Linked List consists of 2 parts:-


  • Data: This is where the data is stored.数据:这是存储数据的位置。
  • Reference to the next Node. This consists of a reference to the next node. using this reference we can access data in the next node. We generally name it as “next

    参考下一个节点。 这包括对下一个节点的引用。 使用此参考,我们可以访问下一个节点中的数据。 我们通常将其命名为“ 下一个

A single node

If you are using low-level language like C then you will be using pointers to create a reference to the next node. pointers are nothing but variables that hold the address of another variable. So we will be storing the address of the next node in the reference part of the node.

如果使用的是C之类的低级语言,则将使用指针创建对下一个节点的引用。 指针不过是保存另一个变量地址的变量。 因此,我们将下一个节点的地址存储在该节点的参考部分中。

In case you are using other languages then you create a reference just by assigning another variable to it.


What I mean by “A references B” is that the variable “A” and the variable “B”, share the same memory block. So changing A changes the value stored and hence changes the value accessed by B. In other words, A and B reference the same memory block.

我所说的“ A引用B”是指变量“ A”和变量“ B”共享同一存储块 。 因此,更改A会更改存储的值,因此也会更改B所访问的值。换句话说,A和B 引用同一存储块

class Node:def __init__(self,data):self.data = dataself.next = None
class Node {int data;Node* next;Node(int data){this->data = data;this->next = nullptr;}Node(){this->data = 0;this->next = nullptr;}}

A Linked list

This is what a typical Linked List Looks like


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