

  • ctb系列数据集划分训练集、验证集、测试集
    • ctb5
    • CTB7
    • ctb8 & ctb9
    • CTB8 & CTB9 (何晗大佬倡导)
    • 划分代码
    • 注意


  • Kruengkrai, Canasai, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Jun’ichi Kazama, Yiou Wang, Kentaro Torisawa和Hitoshi Isahara. 《An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging》. 收入 Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP, 513–21. Suntec, Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2009. https://aclanthology.org/P09-1058.


  • Wang, Yiou, Jun Kazama, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka, Wenliang Chen, Yujie Zhang和Kentaro Torisawa. 《Improving Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging with Semi-supervised Methods Using Large Auto-Analyzed Data》, 2011.

ctb8 & ctb9

  • Shao, Yan, Christian Hardmeier, Jörg Tiedemann和Joakim Nivre. 《Character-based Joint Segmentation and POS Tagging for Chinese using Bidirectional RNN-CRF》. 收入 Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 173–83. Taipei, Taiwan: Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, 2017. https://aclanthology.org/I17-1018.

CTB8 & CTB9 (何晗大佬倡导)

  • https://bbs.hankcs.com/t/topic/3024

  • 每个文件以8结尾的划入开发集,以9结尾的划入测试集,否则划入训练集

  • ctb9的拆分在学术界已有定论,根据IJCNLP 2017上Shao et. al的论文,ctb9拆分遗漏了51个文件,亦即4000-4050这个区间。而且该拆分在各个领域(genre)上的分布比较不均匀。ctb9一共8个领域,分别为:

    • nw 新闻
    • mz 杂志
    • bn 广播新闻
    • bc 广播访谈
    • wb 博客
    • df 论坛
    • sc 短信
    • cs 聊天
  • 在这些领域上,学术界拆分导致的文件数统计如下:

    • Shao et. al (2017) 拆分统计

    • genre train dev test
      nw 604(79.47%) 25(3.29%) 131(17.24%)
      mz 117(90.00%) 0(0.00%) 13(10.00%)
      bn 965(79.95%) 122(10.11%) 120(9.94%)
      bc 69(80.23%) 9(10.47%) 8(9.30%)
      wb 171(79.91%) 22(10.28%) 21(9.81%)
      df 447(79.96%) 46(8.23%) 66(11.81%)
      sc 561(80.03%) 70(9.99%) 70(9.99%)
      cs 14(77.78%) 1(5.56%) 3(16.67%)
  • 考虑到上述样本遗漏、样本不均衡以及拆分规则复杂的问题,HanLP提出如下拆分,推荐给工业界和开源界人士:

    • 每个文件以8结尾的划入开发集,以9结尾的划入测试集,否则划入训练集。

    • 这个简单直白的划分不仅操作简单,而且能够保证各个领域的均衡比例。该划分的统计信息如下

  • genre train dev test
    nw 655(80.76%) 78(9.62%) 78(9.62%)
    mz 105(80.77%) 13(10.00%) 12(9.23%)
    bn 967(80.12%) 120(9.94%) 120(9.94%)
    bc 70(81.40%) 8(9.30%) 8(9.30%)
    wb 170(79.44%) 22(10.28%) 22(10.28%)
    df 448(80.14%) 56(10.02%) 55(9.84%)
    sc 561(80.03%) 70(9.99%) 70(9.99%)
    cs 16(88.89%) 1(5.56%) 1(5.56%)


  • 安装必要的运行库

    • pip install hanlp
  • 定义数据集的train、dev、test

    • CTB9_ACADEMIA_SPLITS = {'train': '''
      0044-0143, 0170-0270, 0400-0899,
      1001-1017, 1019, 1021-1035, 1037-
      1043, 1045-1059, 1062-1071, 1073-
      1117, 1120-1131, 1133-1140, 1143-
      1147, 1149-1151, 2000-2915, 4051-
      4099, 4112-4180, 4198-4368, 5000-
      5446, 6000-6560, 7000-7013''','dev': '''
      0301-0326, 2916-3030, 4100-4106,
      4181-4189, 4369-4390, 5447-5492,
      6561-6630, 7013-7014''','test': '''
      0001-0043, 0144-0169, 0271-0301,
      0900-0931, 1018, 1020, 1036, 1044,
      1060, 1061, 1072, 1118, 1119, 1132,
      1141, 1142, 1148, 3031-3145, 4107-
      4111, 4190-4197, 4391-4411, 5493-
      5558, 6631-6700, 7015-7017'''
  • 分割,将字符串转换为list表

    • def _make_splits(splits: Dict[str, str]):total = set()for part, text in list(splits.items()):if not isinstance(text, str):continuelines = text.replace('\n', '').split()cids = set()for line in lines:for each in line.split(','):each = each.strip()if not each:continueif '-' in each:start, end = each.split('-')start, end = map(lambda x: int(x), [start, end])cids.update(range(start, end + 1))# cids.update(map(lambda x: f'{x:04d}', range(start, end)))else:cids.add(int(each))cids = set(f'{x:04d}' for x in cids)assert len(cids & total) == 0, f'Overlap found in {part}'splits[part] = cidsreturn splits
      ctb9_splits = _make_splits(CTB9_ACADEMIA_SPLITS)
  • 使用hanlp的方法make_ctb,制作nlp四个任务(cws,dep,par,pos)的标准数据集

    • from hanlp.datasets.parsing.loaders._ctb_utils import make_ctb
    • ctb_home:ctb系列原始数据下的data目录地址

    • splits[option]:上一步制定的划分规则,默认每个文件以8结尾的划入开发集,以9结尾的划入测试集,否则划入训练集的规则划分

  • 完整代码

    @Time:2023/2/8 10:17
    @Author:curiousSee Shao et al., 2017, 采用学术界认可的ctb9拆分方案
    from typing import Dict
    from hanlp.datasets.parsing.loaders._ctb_utils import make_ctb
    CTB9_ACADEMIA_SPLITS = {'train': '''
    0044-0143, 0170-0270, 0400-0899,
    1001-1017, 1019, 1021-1035, 1037-
    1043, 1045-1059, 1062-1071, 1073-
    1117, 1120-1131, 1133-1140, 1143-
    1147, 1149-1151, 2000-2915, 4051-
    4099, 4112-4180, 4198-4368, 5000-
    5446, 6000-6560, 7000-7013''','dev': '''
    0301-0326, 2916-3030, 4100-4106,
    4181-4189, 4369-4390, 5447-5492,
    6561-6630, 7013-7014''','test': '''
    0001-0043, 0144-0169, 0271-0301,
    0900-0931, 1018, 1020, 1036, 1044,
    1060, 1061, 1072, 1118, 1119, 1132,
    1141, 1142, 1148, 3031-3145, 4107-
    4111, 4190-4197, 4391-4411, 5493-
    5558, 6631-6700, 7015-7017'''
    def _make_splits(splits: Dict[str, str]):total = set()for part, text in list(splits.items()):if not isinstance(text, str):continuelines = text.replace('\n', '').split()cids = set()for line in lines:for each in line.split(','):each = each.strip()if not each:continueif '-' in each:start, end = each.split('-')start, end = map(lambda x: int(x), [start, end])cids.update(range(start, end + 1))# cids.update(map(lambda x: f'{x:04d}', range(start, end)))else:cids.add(int(each))cids = set(f'{x:04d}' for x in cids)assert len(cids & total) == 0, f'Overlap found in {part}'splits[part] = cidsreturn splitsctb9_splits = _make_splits(CTB9_ACADEMIA_SPLITS)


  • windows下运行make_ctb可能会出问题,建议在Linux下运行
  • 需要划分好的数据集的,私聊我

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