
We all know that iPad Pro already has a seriously powerful computing power and that it’s possible to create meaningful stuff with Apple Pen.

我们都知道iPad Pro已经具有强大的计算能力,并且可以使用Apple Pen创建有意义的东西。

But do we really know how to design great apps for iPad taking advantage of this powerful device to offer better experiences for the users?


At this year’s WWDC, Apple announced many new features for the iPadOS 14 interface and experience. Grant Paul, from the Apple Design Team, reinforces that "just because the iPad is between the iPhone and the Mac, it doesn't mean that is halfway between them, and a great iPad app needs to be dedicated to what is unique and especial about the iPad."

苹果在今年的WWDC上宣布了iPadOS 14界面和体验的许多新功能。 苹果设计团队的格randint·保罗(Grant Paul)强调: “仅因为iPad位于iPhone和Mac之间,但这并不意味着iPad和iPhone之间处于中间,而出色的iPad应用则必须致力于 独特和特殊的功能 关于iPad。”

It means that a great iPad app experience is not defined by an adaptive interface that scales to the different window size, but through understanding how to take advantage of the unique capabilities of iPad and its large Multi-Touch display to offer an experience even more distinctive.


So, let’s see how you can do that in your apps.


布局 (Layout)

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展平导航 (Flatten your navigation)

Update part of the screen at a time instead of using full-screen transitions.


Some interactions that work very well on the iPhone, do not work as well on the iPad, such as large screen transitions. In addition to leaving a large empty space on the screen that could be better used, navigation ends up getting longer and slower.

某些交互在iPhone上效果很好,而在iPad上效果不佳,例如大屏幕过渡。 除了在屏幕上留出较大的空白空间(可以更好地利用它)之外,导航最终变得越来越长和越来越慢。




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显示更多内容 (Showing more content)

If you have a bigger screen, you’ll need more content to fill it. Now the Photos app has been updated on iPadOS14 bringing the new Sidebar navigation, filling the old empty space with content, such as your photos and also the navigation control on the left.

如果屏幕更大,则需要更多内容来填充它。 现在,iPad OS14上的“照片”应用程序已更新,带来了新的补充工具栏导航,在旧的空白处填充了内容,例如您的照片以及左侧的导航控件。


And it makes it easier and faster to do things like drag and drop, since the target that you want to drop is already visible on the screen since you start dragging.


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保持上下文 (Stay in context)

In iPhone apps it's common to be focused on a specific thing as there isn't much space on the smaller screen.


And on iPadOs 13 it was the same behavior, and you didn’t see anything but the file you were renaming, losing all the context on the screen below.

在iPadO 13上,这是相同的行为,除了重命名的文件之外,您什么都看不到,丢失了下面屏幕上的所有上下文。

But on the iPad we have enough space to show more than one thing at the same time, right?


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Now, iPadOs 14 brought file renaming in-line, allowing that the rest of the interface still useful when renaming a file. So see if your app is providing people with useful context or if they're blocking other parts of your app. See if it would work better if your controls were at the same level, rather than overlays.

现在,iPadO 14可以在线进行文件重命名,从而在重命名文件时界面的其余部分仍然有用。 因此,请查看您的应用是否向人们提供了有用的上下文信息,或者他们是否阻止了您应用的其他部分。 看看如果控件处于同一级别而不是覆盖级别,效果是否会更好。


创造身临其境的体验 (Create immersive experiences)

This is about going deep on a specific piece of content. And compared to a Mac, this ability to focus in on a single piece of content is something that’s really unique and special about the iPad.

这是关于深入研究特定的内容。 与Mac相比,这种专注于单个内容的功能在iPad上确实是独一无二的。

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For example, In Music, the Now Playing screen takes over the entire display, so you can focus on the music and the lyrics that are playing.


Like it’s become the piece of content. It leaves your app feeling like more than the sum of its parts.

就像它已成为内容。 它给您的应用带来的感觉不仅仅是其各个部分的总和。


输入项 (Inputs)

The best iPad apps will have support for all these different inputs, from Keyboard, and now, Pencil and Trackpad, exploring what each input does best.



采用系统功能 (Adopt system features)

So after Multi-Touch, use the built-in features in iPadOS to support all of these other inputs. It's recommended that you add keyboard shortcuts for all common actions in your app for people using a Magic Keyboard or other keyboards.

因此,在进行多点触控之后,请使用iPadOS中的内置功能来支持所有其他这些输入。 建议您为使用魔术键盘或其他键盘的用户为应用程序中的所有常见操作添加键盘快捷键。

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iPad Pro 2020 with Magic Keyboard
配备魔术键盘的iPad Pro 2020

The iPad now also supports the Trackpad. But most Trackpad support is going to come automatically because all of the built-in controls in iPadOS support the Trackpad already.

iPad现在还支持触控板。 但是大多数触控板支持将自动出现,因为iPadOS中的所有内置控件都已支持触控板。

And finally, make sure to support Scribble with the Apple Pencil. Like pointer support, it gets automatically when you use the system text input controls.

最后,请确保使用Apple Pencil支持Scribble。 像指针支持一样,当您使用系统文本输入控件时,它会自动获取。


合并多个输入 (Combine multiple inputs)

A very unique and powerful thing on the iPad is the possibility to combine several entries at the same time, in a single interaction.


And in your applications, you can explore this and generate excellent interactions by providing support for the combination of modifier keys with all inputs, such as Touch and Trackpad or Pencil and Touch.


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You can, for example, draw an animation much faster by combining the Touch input and Apple Pencil for a great interaction.

例如,通过将Touch输入和Apple Pencil组合在一起,可以很好地进行交互,从而可以更快地绘制动画。

.These are some ways to make your application’s interaction more powerful by combining different inputs.



侧边栏 (Sidebars)

To optimize iPad layouts, one of the key new features in iPadOS 14 is the sidebar.

为了优化iPad的布局,侧边栏是iPadOS 14中的关键新功能之一。

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Taking a look at Files, for example, the new iPadOS 14 sidebar makes navigation and customization simpler than ever and making navigation simple and fast.

例如,以“文件”为例,新的iPadOS 14侧边栏使导航和自定义比以往任何时候都更加简单,并使导航既简单又快速。

And the sidebars in iPadOS are converted into sidebars on MacOS, so they’re perfect for creating the navigational structure of your Catalyst app, too.



These are the features you can explore from the new sidebar:


  • It provides app layouts optimized for iPad.
  • It supports both modal and non-modal editing so that your users can quickly navigate to what's most important to them.
  • It supports drag-and-drop for powerful multi-window and multi-app interactions.
  • Its content can be organized into collapsible sections.
  • It can be used as an overlay so that it's always available but never in the way.
  • You can interact with it using fluid swipe gestures, so bringing it into view or getting it out of the way are fast and easy.
  • And, finally, it brings the benefit of three-column layouts to all iPads.


工具栏 (Toolbars)

Using toolbars is also another great way to optimize your iPad app to make better use of screen space with its interface.


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On iPadOS 13, some toolbars took up more space than needed on the screen. So, as we saw earlier, this toolbar doesn’t seem to make a great use of the space.

在iPadOS 13上,某些工具栏占用的空间超过了屏幕上所需的空间。 因此,正如我们前面所看到的,此工具栏似乎并未充分利用空间。



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Now on iPadOS 14, a toolbar has been positioned at the top, making a much better use of this large screen.

现在在iPadOS 14上,工具栏位于顶部,可以更好地利用此大屏幕。

However, when there's less room such as in compact-width, these toolbar items stay at the bottom.





Now, some quick tips when working on toolbars in your iPad app:


  1. Place toolbar buttons at the top iPadOS


    Default to placing the toolbar buttons at the top in iPadOS. This is not always possible, but for one, two and three button toolbars, it often is.

    默认情况下,将工具栏按钮放在iPadOS的顶部。 这并非总是可能的,但是对于一个,两个和三个按钮工具栏,通常是这样。

  2. In compact-width, move toolbar items to the bottomUse an alternative layout in compact-width to move toolbars items to the bottom when there isn't the room to place them at the top.



总结 (Recaping)

You need to design your app specifically for the iPad. The ways you can do that are:

您需要专门为iPad设计应用程序。 您可以这样做:

  • Flattening your navigation
  • Letting your content fill the display
  • Showing more content
  • Giving users additional context
  • Supporting all of the iPad's inputs: Trackpad, Keyboard, Pencil
  • Supporting Multi-Touch, and making them work together for some great interactions
  • Using sidebars for really fast navigation rather than tab bars
  • And putting your actions and your controls into the top navigation bar rather than in toolbars at the bottom, to make best use of the iPad's display

Those new controls are gonna work great in your iPadOS and your Mac Catalyst apps in addition to on the iPhone.

这些新控件除了可以在iPhone上使用外,还可以在iPadOS和Mac Catalyst应用程序中很好地使用。


“As designers an as developers we need to focus in on what’s best for each platform to make sure that every device and every platform is creating a great experience.” Grant Paul, Apple Design Team.

“作为设计师和开发人员,我们需要专注于每个平台的最佳选择,以确保每个设备和每个平台都能创造出绝佳的体验。” 苹果设计团队Grant Paul。


我们能想到这一切吗? (What can we think of all this?)

With all the changes in iPadOS 14, we saw that everything is approaching an omnichannel experience, and although Apple itself mentions a creation of a specific system for the iPad, it increasingly seems that we are being guided towards a gigantic behavior change.

借助iPadOS 14的所有更改,我们看到了一切都趋近于全渠道的体验,尽管Apple本身提到了为iPad创建特定系统的过程,但似乎我们正越来越多地被引导走向巨大的行为改变。

What I mean by this is not just an integrated ecosystem, but it seems to be a decision made for years to come, where we will replace our computers for the iPads.


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This may sound really weird at first, but how many times Apple changed our way to interact with the products, right?


And as the campaign itself says, your next computer is not a computer.

正如竞选本身所说, 您的下一台计算机不是计算机



We are already used to the sidebars, we already know about file management, we also need the portability, with that we will gain even more versatility with a lighter device, we have the keyboard with a trackpad and a new version of the cursor called Pointer, and we also have the Project Catalyst, launched in 2019 to migrate our apps from iPadOS to MacOS. A single multiplatform experience.

我们已经习惯了侧边栏,我们已经了解文件管理,我们还需要可移植性,使用更轻巧的设备将获得更多功能,我们拥有带触控板的键盘和名为Pointer的新版本光标,我们还有Project Catalyst,该项目于2019年启动,将我们的应用程序从iPadOS迁移到MacOS。 一次多平台体验。

What can we ask ourselves now is: What can we expect from Apple for the next 5 years? With this speed of evolution, will we still have iMacs or MacBooks as we know them today? How is gonna be our work flow?

现在,我们可以问自己一个问题:在接下来的五年中,我们对苹果有什么期望? 有了这样的发展速度,我们今天仍然会拥有我们所知道的iMac或MacBook吗? 我们的工作流程将如何?




ResourcesDesign for iPad Session — WWDC 2020

iPad会议的 资源 设计— WWDC 2020

Two Weeks with iPadOS 14: Redefining the Modern iPad Experience — Mac Stories

iPadOS 14的两个星期:重新定义现代iPad体验— Mac故事

iPadOS 14: New App Design, Sidebar, Universal Search Engine And Better Pencil Functionality — Appuals

iPad OS 14:新的应用程序设计,侧边栏,通用搜索引擎和更好的铅笔功能-Appuals

iPadOS 14 introduces new features designed specifically for iPad — Apple

iPadOS 14引入了专为iPad设计的新功能-Apple

The 5 most important features in iPadOS 14 — iMore

iPadOS 14中5个最重要的功能-iMore

Designed for iPad — Vidit Bhargava

专为iPad设计-Vidit Bhargava

The One Thing Preventing Me From Using My iPad Pro As My Main Computing Device — Charles Tumiotto Jackson

阻止我将iPad Pro用作主要计算设备的一件事-Charles Tumiotto Jackson

How to design your app for the new iPad Pro and Apple Pencil 2.0 — Azhar

如何为新的iPad Pro和Apple Pencil 2.0设计应用程序— Azhar

Little UX crimes, Figma for iPad, resilient design — and more UX this week — Fabricio Teixeira

很少有UX犯罪,适用于iPad的Figma,具有弹性的设计-本周还有更多UX-Fabricio Teixeira

翻译自: https://medium.com/academy-eldoradocps/how-to-design-a-great-ipad-app-with-the-newest-ipados-14-features-7f5fe80107ff




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