
              Windows 8 Developer Tools  C++Builder XE3


Develop Windows 8 Applications with C++Builder XE3

C++ Builder xe3 开发 windows 8 应用程序

Give your applications Windows 8 style and functionality

先看看windows 8 应用程序的风格和功能

With new Metropolis UI in C++Builder XE3, you can create Windows 8 applications that incorporate the latest Windows 8 styling and functionality in an easy and accessible way. Use Metropolis UI project templates for VCL and Fire Monkey FM2 to get a quick start building Windows 8 applications including blank form, grid style, and split layout style. Deliver applications that work with the latest Windows 8 enabled hardware with integrated touch support and hardware support for gyro, accelerometer and location (GPS).

拥有全新metro 风格的C++ Builder XE3 能够让你用一种简单的方法创建整合了最新windows 8风格的应用程序。在VCL和Fire Monkey中使用metro风格的工程模板,FM:一种快速构建windows 8应用程序的方式,包括,创建空白窗口程序,网格风格,以及分离布局风格。最新发布的windows 8系统,能够非常有效的支持触屏,以及陀螺仪,加速表和(GPS)定位。

New Live Tile integration gives your C++Builder applications a presence in the Windows 8 Start Screen and even enables your applications running on Windows 8 Enterprise edition to communicate with the tiles without having to use Wintry. With C++Builder XE3 and Metropolis UI, you have one of the quickest and easiest ways to create Windows 8 UI style applications.

新一代的完美体验会让你的C++ Builder 程序列席windows 8的开机屏幕,甚至会让你的应用程序在windows 8 专业版本上使用时更加舒心,而非一种冰冷的感觉。使用C++ Builder XE3 和Metro 风格的界面能够让你很快而且很容易的创建windows 8界面风格的应用程序。

Easy path to Windows 8 for existing VCL and Fire Monkey applications

对于VCLFire Monkey应用程序的捷径

Do you have existing VCL and Fire Monkey applications that you want to get to Windows 8? C++Builder XE3 makes it easy to update your applications with the latest Windows 8 UI styling and functionality. Open your existing application and convert your forms to the new Windows 8 Metropolis UI style with the click of a button. Your app will have your choice of Windows 8 color schemes applied; full screen support, Windows 8 standard fonts, and a choice of Windows 8 look buttons to choose from in the object inspector.

你是否想在windows 8上得到已经存在的VCL和Fire Monkey程序?C++ Builder XE 3让你非常容易更新带有最新windows 8界面和功能的应用程序。打开你已经存在的应用程序只点击一个按钮就能用最新的windows 8 metro 风格覆盖你现有的界面。你的程序将会记录你从对象选择器中的选择涉及windows 8 的颜色模式,全屏支持,windows 8 标准字体,和windows 8风格的按钮。

Create applications for Windows 8 Desktops and x86 tablets

在台式机和基于x86平台的windows 8系统中创建应用程序

Use C++Builder XE3 to develop visually and click to compile high-performance native Windows 8 applications. Your apps will run on Windows 8 desktops and x86 based tablets with Intel and Intel Atom hardware such as Microsoft Surface Professional, Slate tablets from HP, Asus and others, as well as AMD processor based tablets from Acer, Samsung and more.

用C++ Builder XE3 来开发可视化的和点击编译的高性能的本地windows 8应用程序。你的应用程序能够运行在windows 8系统的台式机上,基于x86平台的 Intel 和Intel Atom 硬件上例如微软Surface 专业版,惠普、华硕的平板电脑,等等,也可以运行在基于AMD处理器的宏基和三星平台上,还有其他的一些平台。

The Windows 8 look – even for your Windows 7, Vista and XP apps!

Windows 8 的样式——即使你的windows 7,Vista XP 应用程序!

Both the C++Builder XE3 development environment and applications that you create with C++Builder will immediately run great on Windows 8. And in addition to all of the new Windows 8 support, your applications will also run on earlier versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. With C++Builder XE3, you have the opportunity to make applications available to your users with the Windows 8 look, even if they’re not on Windows 8.

C++ Builder XE3 的开发环境和你用C++ Builder 创建的应用程序能够立刻在windows 8 中有效运行。除了对所有新的windows 8的支持以外,你的应用程序也可以运行在早期版本的windows系统中,包括windows 7 ,Vista,XP。使用 C+ Builder XE3,你能够给你的用户创建windows 8 风格的应用程序,即使他们用的不是windows 8系统。


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