eCharts是一个基于 JavaScript 的开源可视化图表库。



  1. 创建好你的vue项目。

  2. 安装依赖。
    npm install echarts --save

  3. 测试例子。


<style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;


<template><div class="about"><div id="main"></div></div>
import * as echarts from 'echarts';export default {data(){return{}},methods:{},mounted(){console.log('create-----');// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);var option;option = {title:{text:'折线图',textAlign:'auto'},//标题组件xAxis: {type: 'category',data: ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期天']},yAxis: {type: 'value',min:0,//最小值interval:20 //设置强制刻度值},// 是否显示提示框组件tooltip:{show:true},series: [{data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],type: 'line'}]};option && myChart.setOption(option);}
</script><style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;



<template><div id="main"></div>
import * as echarts from 'echarts';export default {data(){return{}},methods:{},mounted(){console.log('create-----');// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);var option;option = {title:{text:'柱形图',textAlign:'auto'},//标题组件xAxis: {type: 'category',data: ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期天']},yAxis: {type: 'value',min:0,//最小值interval:20 //设置强制刻度值},// 是否显示提示框组件tooltip:{show:true},series: [{data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],type: 'bar'}]};option && myChart.setOption(option);}
</script><style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;


<template><div id="main"></div>
import * as echarts from 'echarts';export default {data(){return{}},methods:{},mounted(){console.log('create-----');// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);var option;option = {title:{text:'散点图'},xAxis: {},yAxis: {},series: [{symbolSize: 20,data: [[10.0, 8.04],[8.07, 6.95],[13.0, 7.58],[9.05, 8.81],[11.0, 8.33],[14.0, 7.66],[13.4, 6.81],[10.0, 6.33],[14.0, 8.96],[12.5, 6.82],[9.15, 7.2],[11.5, 7.2],[3.03, 4.23],[12.2, 7.83],[2.02, 4.47],[1.05, 3.33],[4.05, 4.96],[6.03, 7.24],[12.0, 6.26],[12.0, 8.84],[7.08, 5.82],[5.02, 5.68]],type: 'scatter'}]};option && myChart.setOption(option);}
</script><style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;



<template><div id="main"></div>
import * as echarts from 'echarts';//官网例子
export default {data(){return{}},methods:{},mounted(){console.log('create-----');// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);var option;option = {title:{text:'平行坐标图'},parallelAxis: [{ dim: 0, name: 'Price' },{ dim: 1, name: 'Net Weight' },{ dim: 2, name: 'Amount' },{dim: 3,name: 'Score',type: 'category',data: ['Excellent', 'Good', 'OK', 'Bad']}],series: {type: 'parallel',lineStyle: {width: 4},data: [[12.99, 100, 82, 'Good'],[9.99, 80, 77, 'OK'],[20, 120, 60, 'Excellent']]}};option && myChart.setOption(option);}
</script><style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;


<template><div id="main"></div>
import * as echarts from 'echarts';export default {data(){return{}},methods:{},mounted(){console.log('create-----');// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例var chartDom = document.getElementById('main');var myChart = echarts.init(chartDom);var option;const dataBJ = [[55, 9, 56, 0.46, 18, 6, 1],[25, 11, 21, 0.65, 34, 9, 2],[56, 7, 63, 0.3, 14, 5, 3],[33, 7, 29, 0.33, 16, 6, 4],[42, 24, 44, 0.76, 40, 16, 5],[82, 58, 90, 1.77, 68, 33, 6],[74, 49, 77, 1.46, 48, 27, 7],[78, 55, 80, 1.29, 59, 29, 8],[267, 216, 280, 4.8, 108, 64, 9],[185, 127, 216, 2.52, 61, 27, 10],[39, 19, 38, 0.57, 31, 15, 11],[41, 11, 40, 0.43, 21, 7, 12],[64, 38, 74, 1.04, 46, 22, 13],[108, 79, 120, 1.7, 75, 41, 14],[108, 63, 116, 1.48, 44, 26, 15],[33, 6, 29, 0.34, 13, 5, 16],[94, 66, 110, 1.54, 62, 31, 17],[186, 142, 192, 3.88, 93, 79, 18],[57, 31, 54, 0.96, 32, 14, 19],[22, 8, 17, 0.48, 23, 10, 20],[39, 15, 36, 0.61, 29, 13, 21],[94, 69, 114, 2.08, 73, 39, 22],[99, 73, 110, 2.43, 76, 48, 23],[31, 12, 30, 0.5, 32, 16, 24],[42, 27, 43, 1, 53, 22, 25],[154, 117, 157, 3.05, 92, 58, 26],[234, 185, 230, 4.09, 123, 69, 27],[160, 120, 186, 2.77, 91, 50, 28],[134, 96, 165, 2.76, 83, 41, 29],[52, 24, 60, 1.03, 50, 21, 30],[46, 5, 49, 0.28, 10, 6, 31]];const dataGZ = [[26, 37, 27, 1.163, 27, 13, 1],[85, 62, 71, 1.195, 60, 8, 2],[78, 38, 74, 1.363, 37, 7, 3],[21, 21, 36, 0.634, 40, 9, 4],[41, 42, 46, 0.915, 81, 13, 5],[56, 52, 69, 1.067, 92, 16, 6],[64, 30, 28, 0.924, 51, 2, 7],[55, 48, 74, 1.236, 75, 26, 8],[76, 85, 113, 1.237, 114, 27, 9],[91, 81, 104, 1.041, 56, 40, 10],[84, 39, 60, 0.964, 25, 11, 11],[64, 51, 101, 0.862, 58, 23, 12],[70, 69, 120, 1.198, 65, 36, 13],[77, 105, 178, 2.549, 64, 16, 14],[109, 68, 87, 0.996, 74, 29, 15],[73, 68, 97, 0.905, 51, 34, 16],[54, 27, 47, 0.592, 53, 12, 17],[51, 61, 97, 0.811, 65, 19, 18],[91, 71, 121, 1.374, 43, 18, 19],[73, 102, 182, 2.787, 44, 19, 20],[73, 50, 76, 0.717, 31, 20, 21],[84, 94, 140, 2.238, 68, 18, 22],[93, 77, 104, 1.165, 53, 7, 23],[99, 130, 227, 3.97, 55, 15, 24],[146, 84, 139, 1.094, 40, 17, 25],[113, 108, 137, 1.481, 48, 15, 26],[81, 48, 62, 1.619, 26, 3, 27],[56, 48, 68, 1.336, 37, 9, 28],[82, 92, 174, 3.29, 0, 13, 29],[106, 116, 188, 3.628, 101, 16, 30],[118, 50, 0, 1.383, 76, 11, 31]];const dataSH = [[91, 45, 125, 0.82, 34, 23, 1],[65, 27, 78, 0.86, 45, 29, 2],[83, 60, 84, 1.09, 73, 27, 3],[109, 81, 121, 1.28, 68, 51, 4],[106, 77, 114, 1.07, 55, 51, 5],[109, 81, 121, 1.28, 68, 51, 6],[106, 77, 114, 1.07, 55, 51, 7],[89, 65, 78, 0.86, 51, 26, 8],[53, 33, 47, 0.64, 50, 17, 9],[80, 55, 80, 1.01, 75, 24, 10],[117, 81, 124, 1.03, 45, 24, 11],[99, 71, 142, 1.1, 62, 42, 12],[95, 69, 130, 1.28, 74, 50, 13],[116, 87, 131, 1.47, 84, 40, 14],[108, 80, 121, 1.3, 85, 37, 15],[134, 83, 167, 1.16, 57, 43, 16],[79, 43, 107, 1.05, 59, 37, 17],[71, 46, 89, 0.86, 64, 25, 18],[97, 71, 113, 1.17, 88, 31, 19],[84, 57, 91, 0.85, 55, 31, 20],[87, 63, 101, 0.9, 56, 41, 21],[104, 77, 119, 1.09, 73, 48, 22],[87, 62, 100, 1, 72, 28, 23],[168, 128, 172, 1.49, 97, 56, 24],[65, 45, 51, 0.74, 39, 17, 25],[39, 24, 38, 0.61, 47, 17, 26],[39, 24, 39, 0.59, 50, 19, 27],[93, 68, 96, 1.05, 79, 29, 28],[188, 143, 197, 1.66, 99, 51, 29],[174, 131, 174, 1.55, 108, 50, 30],[187, 143, 201, 1.39, 89, 53, 31]];const lineStyle = {width: 1,opacity: 0.5};
option = {backgroundColor: '#161627',title: {text: '雷达图',left: 'center',textStyle: {color: '#eee'}},legend: {bottom: 5,data: ['Beijing', 'Shanghai', 'Guangzhou'],itemGap: 20,textStyle: {color: '#fff',fontSize: 14},selectedMode: 'single'},radar: {indicator: [{ name: 'AQI', max: 300 },{ name: 'PM2.5', max: 250 },{ name: 'PM10', max: 300 },{ name: 'CO', max: 5 },{ name: 'NO2', max: 200 },{ name: 'SO2', max: 100 }],shape: 'circle',splitNumber: 5,axisName: {color: 'rgb(238, 197, 102)'},splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: ['rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.1)','rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.2)','rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.4)','rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.6)','rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.8)','rgba(238, 197, 102, 1)'].reverse()}},splitArea: {show: false},axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: 'rgba(238, 197, 102, 0.5)'}}},series: [{name: 'Beijing',type: 'radar',lineStyle: lineStyle,data: dataBJ,symbol: 'none',itemStyle: {color: '#F9713C'},areaStyle: {opacity: 0.1}},{name: 'Shanghai',type: 'radar',lineStyle: lineStyle,data: dataSH,symbol: 'none',itemStyle: {color: '#B3E4A1'},areaStyle: {opacity: 0.05}},{name: 'Guangzhou',type: 'radar',lineStyle: lineStyle,data: dataGZ,symbol: 'none',itemStyle: {color: 'rgb(238, 197, 102)'},areaStyle: {opacity: 0.05}}]
};option && myChart.setOption(option);}
</script><style scoped>
#main{width: 100%;height:600px;


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