
Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone, this week we’re looking at outputting your Xbox 360 to two screens, spooky high-tech Halloween props, and recycling old flash drives as password reset disks.

每周一次,我们收集一些很棒的读者技巧并与大家分享,本周,我们正在考虑将Xbox 360输出到两个屏幕,怪异的高科技万圣节道具,并将旧的闪存驱动器作为密码重置盘回收。

将您的Xbox 360输出到两个屏幕 (Output Your Xbox 360 to Two Screens)

I discovered a really neat trick with the Xbox 360 a few weeks back. I had some buddies over and we wanted to split the video output between a big TV and a little TV (long story short, so the people in the kitchen area could watch the play and know when their turn was coming up). The secret sauce is to use the component AV out cable but to switch the selector switch to standard def. I don’t know why exactly, but the Xbox pushes the standard def video out over the component cables and the regular composite cable at the same time. Unfortunately, if you have a newer HDMI only Xbox you can’t take advantage of this trick.

几周前,我发现Xbox 360确实巧妙。 我有一些伙伴,我们想将视频输出分配在大电视和小电视之间(长话短说,所以厨房区域的人们可以观看比赛并知道何时轮到他们)。 秘诀是使用分量AV输出电缆,但将选择器开关切换到标准清晰度。 我不知道为什么会这样,但是Xbox会同时在组件电缆和常规复合电缆上推出标准def视频。 不幸的是,如果您只有更新的HDMI,只有Xbox,您将无法利用这一技巧。

That’s a nifty gaming parlor trick, Len. For those readers who want to try it but have an HDMI only Xbox 360, a cheap HDMI splitter can help them realize their two-screen vision.

Len,这是一个很棒的游戏店把戏。 对于那些想尝试却只有HDMI的Xbox 360的读者来说, 便宜的HDMI分配器可以帮助他们实现两屏视觉。

DIY幽灵般的镜子是便宜但高科技的万圣节道具 (DIY Spooky Mirror Is a Cheap but High-Tech Halloween Prop)

I’ve been working on a neat Halloween project I lifted off Instructables… the finished project looks like it would be so complicated to make but in reality it’s just a cheap LCD panel behind an IKEA mirror. I’ve sent a link to the project and to a demo video, you really ought to check it out!

我一直在从事一个整洁的万圣节项目,我将Instructables运离了……完成的项目看起来制作起来很复杂,但实际上,它只是一个宜家镜子后面的廉价LCD面板。 我已经发送了指向该项目和演示视频的链接,您真的应该检查一下!

We definitely have to agree with your assessment, it looks like a complex and pricey project but all said it’s actually quite simple. Nice find!

我们绝对必须同意您的评估,它看起来像一个复杂而昂贵的项目,但所有人都说这实际上很简单。 好发现!

使用旧的闪存驱动器作为密码重置 (Use an Old Flash Drive as a Password Reset)

Ben writes in with a tip for getting some use out of your old USB drives:


I finally found a reason to justify keeping my super old and super low capacity flash drives in the back of my drawer: using them as password reset disks! A 64MB flash drive is just about useless for darn near anything but password reset files are only 1.5kb in size. I copied the file over and threw the flash drive in my home safe. Future crisis averted!

我终于找到了理由将超旧和超低容量闪存驱动器保留在抽屉的背面:将它们用作密码重置磁盘 ! 一个64MB的闪存驱动器几乎对几乎所有东西都毫无用处,但密码重置文件的大小仅为1.5kb。 我将文件复制过来,然后将闪存驱动器扔进了家用保险箱。 避免了未来的危机!

That is a great use for a really old flash drive, Ben. For those of you following along at home you can check out our guide to setting up a Password Reset Disk in Windows Vista/7 and Windows 8.

对于真正的旧闪存驱动器Ben来说,这很有用。 对于那些在家中跟随的人,您可以查看我们的指南,以在Windows Vista / 7和Windows 8中设置密码重置磁盘。

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at and look for your trick on the front page.

有提示或技巧可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件,网址是,并在首页上找到您的技巧。




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