
You might not love the Ribbon in Excel 2007, but the user interface does have new features that are an improvement over Excel 2003. The new features are useful when you're working with large formulas or long names.

您可能不喜欢Excel 2007中的Ribbon,但是用户界面确实具有一些新功能,这些功能是对Excel 2003的改进。当您使用大型公式或长名称时,这些新功能很有用。

更改公式栏高度 (Change the Formula Bar Height)

In Excel 2003, if you click on a cell that contains a long formula, it can spill onto the worksheet, hiding the column headings.

在Excel 2003中,如果单击包含长公式的单元格,它可能会溢出到工作表上,从而隐藏列标题。

It's nice to see the formula, if you want to edit it, but annoying if you're trying to do something else.


In Excel 2007, you can adjust the height of the formula bar, and the long formulas don't cover the worksheet. To adjust the height:

在Excel 2007中,您可以调整公式栏的高度,而较长的公式不会覆盖工作表。 调整高度:

  1. Point to the bar at the bottom of the formula bar.指向编辑栏底部的栏。
  2. When the pointer changes to a two headed arrow, drag up or down, to change the formula bar height当指针变为两个箭头时,向上或向下拖动以更改编辑栏的高度

After you've adjusted the height, you can quickly restore it to its previous height, by clicking the Collapse Formula Bar button.


When the formula is collapsed, the button changes to Expand Formula Bar. Click that to return to the previous height setting.

折叠公式时,按钮将变为“展开公式栏”。 单击该按钮返回到先前的高度设置。

Also, if the formula is too long to show in the formula bar at its current height, scroll buttons appear, as you can see in the screen shot above.


You can click the scroll buttons to view the formula, if you don't want to change the formula bar height.


加宽名称框 (Widen the Name Box)

Another new feature that I find really helpful is the ability to widen the Name Box. Instead of just seeing the start of a long name, and three dots, you can widen the Name Box to see the entire name.

我发现真正有用的另一个新功能是能够扩展名称框。 您不仅可以看到长名称和三个点的开头,还可以加宽“名称框”以查看整个名称。

To adjust the Name Box width, point to the dividing line at the right edge of the Name Box, and drag to the right.


To return to the default Name Box width, double-click the dividing line. (At least I think it's the default width – I've changed my settings too many times to remember exactly.)

若要返回默认的名称框宽度,请双击分隔线。 (至少我认为这是默认宽度–我更改了设置太多次以致无法准确记住。)

Excel's Help says, "The maximum width of the name box is half of the width of the worksheet." However, I'm able to widen the Name Box to the full width of the worksheet, and narrow it to nothing.

Excel的帮助说:“名称框的最大宽度是工作表宽度的一半。” 但是,我可以将“名称框”扩大到工作表的整个宽度,并将其缩小为零。

Maybe that restriction applied in the Beta version, and the Help wasn't changed.


您是否使用这些功能? (Do You Use These Features?)

I've used Excel for so many years without these features, that I often forget they're available. Long formulas can be hidden in the formula bar when condensed, because they don't spill onto the worksheet, the way they used to.

我已经使用Excel多年没有这些功能了,以至于我常常忘记了它们的可用。 精简后,长公式可以隐藏在公式栏中,因为长公式不会像以前那样溢出到工作表上。

If a formula is cut off in a logical place, you might not even realize that part of it is hidden. Those scroll buttons are very subtle, and are the only clue that a formula doesn't fit.

如果公式在逻辑上被切断,您甚至可能没有意识到它的一部分是隐藏的。 这些滚动按钮非常微妙,并且是公式不适合的唯一线索。

Do you remember to use the new sizing features? Do you prefer them to the Excel static settings?

您还记得使用新的大小调整功能吗? 您是否更喜欢Excel静态设置?

观看视频 (Watch the Video)

Here's a short video that shows the new features for adjusting the formula bar height and the Name Box width.


It also shows how to temporarily collapse the Ribbon, so only the tabs are visible. That gives you an extra inch of space, if you need it when working on a large worksheet.

它还显示了如何临时折叠功能区,因此只有选项卡可见。 如果您在处理大型工作表时需要它,那么可以为您提供额外的空间。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/02/22/more-room-to-work-in-excel-2007/




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