
You can add a drop down list in a cell, to make it easy for people to enter data. It's really easy to make a simple drop down. Then, after you've made a basic list, experiment with fancier features, like hiding items that have been previously selected.

您可以在单元格中添加一个下拉列表,以方便人们输入数据。 简单地下拉菜单确实很容易。 然后,在创建基本列表之后,尝试使用更高级的功能,例如隐藏先前选择的项目。

制作基本的下拉列表 (Make a Basic Drop Down List)

It's easy to make a drop down list with Data Validation. In this example, people will pick the name of the printers that they use in the office.

使用Data Validation轻松创建一个下拉列表 。 在此示例中,人们将选择他们在办公室中使用的打印机的名称。

列出项目 (List the Items)

First, create a list of printers for the drop down


  • List the printers on a different sheet, in a single column在不同的工作表中单列列出打印机
  • Then, to name the list, select all the cells, click in the Name Box, type a one-word name "PrimaryList", and press Enter然后,要命名列表,请选择所有单元格,在“名称”框中单击,键入一个单词名称“ PrimaryList”,然后按Enter

Here is the name, "PrimaryList", being typed in the Name Box.

这是在名称框中键入的名称“ PrimaryList ”。

创建下拉列表 (Create the Drop Down List)

Next, select the cell(s) where you want the drop down list to appear


  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab在Excel功能区上,单击“数据”选项卡
  • Click the Data Validation command单击数据验证命令
  • From the Allow drop down, select List从“允许”下拉列表中,选择“列表”
  • Click in the Source box, and press the F3 key, to see a list of the names in the workbook在“源”框中单击,然后按F3键,以查看工作簿中的名称列表。
  • Click on the PrimaryList name, and click OK. That name is added to the Source box, with an equal sign in front of it单击PrimaryList名称,然后单击确定。 该名称将添加到“源”框中,并在其前面带有等号
  • Click OK, to create the drop down list in the cell.单击确定,以在单元格中创建下拉列表。
选择一个项目 (Select an Item)

Now, when the cell is active, you can see an arrow at the right border. Click the arrow, and select your primary printer from the list.

现在,当单元处于活动状态时,您可以在右边界看到一个箭头。 单击箭头,然后从列表中选择您的主打印机。

That blue cell has also been named – PPSel (short for Primary Printer Selected)

该蓝色单元也已命名为– PPSel (“选定的主打印机”的缩写)

隐藏二手物品 (Hide Used Items)

Now it's time to make the data entry sheet a little fancier. We'll add two more drop down lists, where people can choose the names of the backup printers that they use.

现在是时候让数据输入表更新颖一些了。 我们将再添加两个下拉列表,人们可以在其中选择他们使用的备用打印机的名称。

The list of printers is almost the same, but we don't want them to pick their primary printer again. That printer should be removed from the list.

打印机列表几乎相同,但是我们不希望它们再次选择其主打印机。 该打印机应从列表中删除。

编号未使用的物品 (Number the Unused Items)

To check which printer was selected as the primary printer, we'll add a formula in the column beside the PrimaryList.


NOTE: I've formatted the list as a named Excel Table, so when I enter the formula in the first row, it will automatically fill down to the last row.

注意:我已经将列表格式化为一个名为Excel Table的格式,因此当我在第一行中输入公式时,它将自动填充到最后一行。

  • The new column has the heading NotUsed.新列的标题为NotUsed。
  • The formula in cell C4 is:C4单元格中的公式为:


= IF(COUNTIF(PPSel,[@ Printer]),“”,SUM(MAX(C $ 3:C3),1))

That numbers every row, except the one with the printer selected as the Primary Printer (PPSel)


列出备用打印机 (List the Backup Printers)

Next, create another named table, with a list of ID numbers from 1 to 10 (to match the number of printers)


In the column to the right, put the heading, "Backup"


Put this formula in the first data row in that column:


=IF(E4>MAX(Table1[NotUsed]),"", INDEX(PrimaryList, MATCH([@ID], Table1[NotUsed],0)))

= IF(E4> MAX(Table1 [NotUsed]),“”,INDEX(PrimaryList,MATCH([@ ID],Table1 [NotUsed],0)))

The formula:


  • Checks the ID number, to see if it's greater than the MAX number in the NotUsed column检查ID号,以查看其是否大于NotUsed列中的MAX号
  • If it is greater the result is an empty string如果大于则结果为空字符串
  • Otherwise, it uses MATCH to find the position of that ID number, in the NotUsed column否则,它将在未使用列中使用MATCH查找该ID号的位置
  • The INDEX function returns the printer name from that row.INDEX函数从该行返回打印机名称。

命名备份列表 (Name the Backup List)

Next, you'll create a dynamic named range with the list of Backup Printers.


  • Select the cell F2, just above the "Backup" heading cell选择单元格F2,在“备份”标题单元上方
  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Formulas tab, and click Define Name在Excel功能区上,单击“公式”选项卡,然后单击“定义名称”
  • Type "BackupList" as the name键入“ BackupList”作为名称
  • In the Refers to box, enter the following OFFSET formula, and click OK在“引用”框中,输入以下OFFSET公式,然后单击“确定”。


= OFFSET(清单!$ F $ 3,1,0,MAX(表1 [未使用]),1)

The formula returns a range of cells, with the number of rows based on the maximum number in the NotUsed column. You can see that range outlined with a green dashed line, in the screenshot below.

该公式返回一个单元格范围,其中行数基于“未使用”列中的最大数目。 在下面的屏幕快照中,您可以看到用绿色虚线概述的范围。

添加备用打印机下拉列表 (Add the Backup Printer Drop Down Lists)

As the final step, add two more drop down lists on the data entry sheet.


For these drop downs, use the named range that you just created – BackupList

对于这些下拉列表,请使用刚创建的命名范围– BackupList

After you select a Primary Printer, its name won't appear in the list for the Backup Printer selection cells.


获取样本工作簿 (Get the Sample Workbook)

There are other examples, and the sample workbook for this example, on the Hide Used Items page of my Contextures site.

在我的Contextures网站的“ 隐藏使用的项目”页面上,还有其他示例以及该示例的示例工作簿。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2017/05/25/hide-used-items-in-excel-drop-down-list/




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