1. The Great Lakes wolf is a _____, stumping scientists as to whether it is a subspecies of the gray wolf or a distinct species.

A prototype

B riddle

C paragon

D model

E legend

F conundrum

来源:Section 13 Easy

解析:stump 是“难倒”的意思,这里熟词僻意,既然难倒了科学家,说明这种狼比较神秘莫测,所以空格选 BF 选项合适。riddle 谜语,conundrum谜。

翻译:GL 狼是一种谜,难倒了科学家,因为他们不知道它到底是灰狼的亚种还是一种独立的物种。

2. The book aims to illuminate how science has changed the meaning of nothingness from _____ philosophical concept to something we can almost put under a microscope.

A a tangible

B a palpable

C a nebulous

D a nettlesome

E an incontrovertible

F a vague

来源:Section 13 Easy

解析:from...to...说明空格处选 to 后面 something we can almost put under a microscope 的反义,所以正确答案选 CF 选项。nebulous 模糊的,vague 模糊的。


3. Readers have long considered Lawd Today! , Richard Wright`s first written and last published novel, _____; the novel simply seems inconsistent with the image of what a Wright text should do or be.

A an artifact

B a prototype

C an anomaly

D a mainstay

E an aberration

F a model

来源:Section 13 Easy

解析:the novel simply seems inconsistent with the image of what a Wright text should do or be说明这个小说是与大家预期相反的,正确答案选 CE 选项。anomaly 异常, aberration 反常。

翻译:LT 这本书(RW 写的第一本但是最后才出版的书)的读者长期把这本书当成一部不寻常的小说。这本小说很明显看起来和RW文稿的原本的样子不一样。

4. Despite the _____ of medical information available through e-mail, the Internet, and mobile devices, not many patients are taking advantage of the potential of electronic communications for health-related needs.

A wealth

B complexity

C intricacy

D profusion

E resurgence

F overload

来源:Section 15 Easy





5. In protoscientific (for example, in ancient Greece), claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they were reasonable; experimental verification, if thought necessary at all, was _____.

A utilitarian

B perfunctory

C egregious

D empirical

E inductive

来源:Section 16 Medium

解析:本题最关键的地方是 if thought necessary at all,if 在这里是即使的意思,所以这句话的意思是即使被认为很有必要,所以后面的答案选一个和 necessary 广义取反的词,正确答案选 B 选项。perfunctory 敷衍的。


6. Not only was this writer content to leave the reading public in the dark, she seems to have _____ the role of trickster, seeding her works with apparent clues that led nowhere.

A rejected

B disdained

C relished

D participated in

E delighted in

F developed

来源:Section 16 Medium

解析:不仅满足,还享受这个过程,递进关系,选 CE 选项。relish 享受, delight in 享受。


7. Apparently, advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved _____ on each continent.

A independently

B interchangeably

C paradoxically

D simultaneously

E symmetrically

来源:Section 18 Medium

解析:on each continent 体现出这些乌龟是分开进化的,所以能体现此特征的词是 A 选项。independently 独立地。


8. One _____ is that so far, Web services have turned out to be much harder to deliver than their champions had hoped.

A hope

B snag

C prospect

D hitch

E upshot

F reason

来源:Section 19 Medium

解析:后面的内容体现了一种非常 hard 的状态,所以对应的选项是 BD 选项。snag 障碍,hitch 故障。


9. The researcher noted that microbes, although _____, make up far more of the living protoplasm on Earth than all humans, animals and plants combined.

A invisible

B omnipresent

C diminutive

D ubiquitous

E minuscule

F ethereal

来源:Section 21 Medium

解析:although 后的空格和 make up far more of the living protoplasm 取反,所以正确答案选 CE 选项。diminutive 极小的,minuscule 非常小的。


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