1. Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers` work to be quite vapid, and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as _____.

A jejune

B didactic

C dogmatic

D tendentious

E arcane

来源:Section 22 & 23 Medium

解析:通过 similarly 可知,空格的特征和前文的特征是一致的,前面对moral sentiments 的态度是 quite vapid,所以空格选 vapid 的同义词,正确答案选 A 选项。jejune 枯燥乏味的。


2. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.

A reveal

B justify

C manifest

D mitigate

E diminish

F undercut

来源:Section 22 & 23 Medium

【答案】A C

【解析】冒号前后整体取同,后文说马如果不好好检验的话就会粗制滥造,说明这些空中观察无法揭示重要的艺术才能,答案选 AC 选项。reveal 揭露,manifest 展现。


3. Films that critics have slumbered through rarely generate industry excitement, even though the critics` _____ reception may be less the fault of the movie than of its unfortunate time slot near a fatiguing film festival`s conclusion.

A somnolent

B impartial

C lethargic

D laconic

E befuddled

F evenhanded

来源:Section 22 & 23 Medium

【答案】C F


even though让步转折,rarely否定,负负得正,空格对应slumbered(睡眠),所以答案选 AC 选项。或者通过 critics’ 指代重复,空格体现评论家特征/行为,空格对应slumbered取同。




A. somnolent催眠的

B. impartial公正的

C. lethargic无精打采的

D. laconic简洁的

E. befuddled迷惑不解的

F. evenhanded公正的

4. Few studies have been published on ground-squirrel dispersal, and most of them have involved very small sample sizes, thus most statement regarding ground-squirrel dispersal must be considered _____.

A invaluable

B unexceptional

C inveterate

D routine

E conjectural

来源:Section 24 Medium




B.unexceptional 普通的

C.inveterate 积习难改的

D. routine惯例的

E. conjectural推测的

【解析】few studies 和 very small sample sizes 表明对ground-squirrel dispersal的研究比较有限、样本数量极少,也就说明跟它们相关大多数言论都不是基于研究的,即都是推测性的,正确答案选 E 选项。conjectural 推测的。


5. In the absence of a surface gradient, the new laws of refraction and reflection are _____ the conventional law, so they represent more of an extension than a complete revolution.

A inferable from

B entailed by

C antithetical to

D coincident with

E antecedent to

F oppositional to

来源:Section 24 Medium

解析:so they represent more of an extension than a complete revolution 说明空格体现的是 extension,那么对应的答案是 AB 选项。

inferable from 从...推论,entailed by 被…引出。

翻译:在不考虑梯度折射率的情况下, 新的折射和反射定律可以由传统的定律推导出,所以这些定律算是一个拓展而不是一个彻底的改变。

6. The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of _____ society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled.

A an expansionist

B a hierarchical

C an urban

D a heterogeneous

E a diverse

F a stratified

来源:Section 25 Medium

解析:at the center of a cluster of smaller, contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled 说明这里的 site 是处于中心并且通知外围,体现的是一种“分层”的感觉,正确答案选 BF 选项。hierarchical 分等级的,stratified 分阶层的。

翻译:Chavez Pass遗迹最初被认为是阶级社会的表现,因为它处在一群被控制的,小的聚居区中间。

7. A cure for the common cold has been so elusive that it has become a modern symbol of _____.

A danger

B futility

C unease

D pointlessness

E sloth

F apathy

来源:Section 26 Medium

解析:常见感冒的治疗方法找不到,所以宣召这种治疗方式变为了无意义的事情,正确答案选 BD 选项。futility 无效,pointlessness 无意义。


8. The dictator`s gleaming military uniform and imperial paraphernalia sharply contrast with the _____ fashion favored by most other contemporary political leaders.

A unostentatious

B modest

C august

D majestic

E formal

F casual

来源:Section 26 Medium

解析:contrast with 得知前后特征取反,前面特征是 gleaming和imperial,所以后面答案选 AB 选项。unostentatious 不夸耀的,modest 简朴的。


9. The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also _____, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.

A slippery

B elusive

C fruitless

D deceptive

E futile

F compelling

来源:Section 27 Medium

【答案】A B

【解析】后面的独立主格结构说学者们在出现和结束的时间上不能达成一致,说明这个 period 是模糊不确定的,所以正确答案选 AB 选项。



A.      slippery 难以捉摸的

B.      elusive 难以捉摸的

C.      fruitless 无结果的

D.      deceptive 欺骗性的

E.      futile 无用的

F.      compelling 有吸引力的

10. In the solar system, collisions involving cosmic object are among the most _____ processes shaping surfaces: images of many solar objects show a proliferation of impact craters formed throughout the past 4.5 billion years.

A cataclysmic

B pervasive

C misleading

D uncontrollable

E random

来源:Section 28 Medium

解析:proliferation of impact craters 说明这种活动很多,所以能对应这种多的选项是 B 选项。pervasive 普遍的。

翻译:在太阳系中,宇宙物体的碰撞是最普遍的为表面塑形的过程:很多太阳系的物体的图像都显示出了在从 45 亿年前就开始的大量增加的陨石坑。

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