Pow(x, n)

实现 pow(x, n)(https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/valarray/pow/) ,即计算 x 的 n 次幂函数(即,xn)。

示例 1:

输入:x = 2.00000, n = 10

示例 2:

输入:x = 2.10000, n = 3

示例 3:

输入:x = 2.00000, n = -2
解释:2-2 = 1/22 = 1/4 = 0.25


  • -100.0 < x < 100.0
  • -231 <= n <= 231-1
  • -104 <= xn <= 104



Pow(x, n)求幕即计算 x 的 n 次幂函数,以计算2的11次方(2028)为例,常规算法是计算10次2与原数相乘。





--*--Source path:... E:/BLOG/python_day/python_day_code/D.py--*--Starting var:.. self = <__main__.Solution object at 0x000002025F6867B8>--*--Starting var:.. x = 2.0--*--Starting var:.. n = 11--*--14:02:56.664210 call         5     def myPow(self, x, n):--*--14:02:56.664210 line         6         if n == 0:--*--14:02:56.664210 line         8         res ,curr = 1, abs(n)--*--New var:....... res = 1--*--New var:....... curr = 11--*--14:02:56.664210 line         9         while curr > 0:--*--14:02:56.664210 line        10             if curr & 1 == 1:--*--14:02:56.664210 line        11                 res *= x--*--Modified var:.. res = 2.0--*--14:02:56.664210 line        12             curr >>= 1--*--Modified var:.. curr = 5--*--14:02:56.664210 line        13             x *= x--*--Modified var:.. x = 4.0--*--14:02:56.664210 line         9         while curr > 0:--*--14:02:56.664210 line        10             if curr & 1 == 1:--*--14:02:56.664210 line        11                 res *= x--*--Modified var:.. res = 8.0--*--14:02:56.664210 line        12             curr >>= 1--*--Modified var:.. curr = 2--*--14:02:56.679833 line        13             x *= x--*--Modified var:.. x = 16.0--*--14:02:56.679833 line         9         while curr > 0:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        10             if curr & 1 == 1:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        12             curr >>= 1--*--Modified var:.. curr = 1--*--14:02:56.679833 line        13             x *= x--*--Modified var:.. x = 256.0--*--14:02:56.679833 line         9         while curr > 0:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        10             if curr & 1 == 1:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        11                 res *= x--*--Modified var:.. res = 2048.0--*--14:02:56.679833 line        12             curr >>= 1--*--Modified var:.. curr = 0--*--14:02:56.679833 line        13             x *= x--*--Modified var:.. x = 65536.0--*--14:02:56.679833 line         9         while curr > 0:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        14         if n < 0:--*--14:02:56.679833 line        16         return  res--*--14:02:56.679833 return      16         return  res--*--Return value:.. 2048.0--*--Elapsed time: 00:00:00.015623

最终得出x = 2048


import pysnooper  #pip install pysnooper后重新加载IDE后使用@pysnooper.snoop("./log/debug.log", prefix="--*--") #需提前建立目录及文件class Solution:def myPow(self, x, n):if n == 0:return 1res ,curr = 1, abs(n)while curr > 0:if curr & 1 == 1:res *= xcurr >>= 1x *= xif n < 0:return 1 / resreturn  res# %%s = Solution()print(s.myPow(x = 2.00000, n = 11))


项目地址:GitHub - cool-RR/PySnooper: Never use print for debugging again

便捷安装:pip install pysnooper



PySnooper - Never use print for debugging again

PySnooper is a poor man's debugger. If you've used Bash, it's like set -x for Python, except it's fancier.

Your story: You're trying to figure out why your Python code isn't doing what you think it should be doing. You'd love to use a full-fledged debugger with breakpoints and watches, but you can't be bothered to set one up right now.

You want to know which lines are running and which aren't, and what the values of the local variables are.

Most people would use print lines, in strategic locations, some of them showing the values of variables.

PySnooper lets you do the same, except instead of carefully crafting the right print lines, you just add one decorator line to the function you're interested in. You'll get a play-by-play log of your function, including which lines ran and when, and exactly when local variables were changed.

What makes PySnooper stand out from all other code intelligence tools? You can use it in your shitty, sprawling enterprise codebase without having to do any setup. Just slap the decorator on, as shown below, and redirect the output to a dedicated log file by specifying its path as the first argument.


We're writing a function that converts a number to binary, by returning a list of bits. Let's snoop on it by adding the @pysnooper.snoop() decorator:

import pysnooper
def number_to_bits(number):if number:bits = []while number:number, remainder = divmod(number, 2)bits.insert(0, remainder)return bitselse:return [0]number_to_bits(6)

The output to stderr is:

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