
先SL开工单申请电汇方式, 得到SL批准和在荷兰的美金汇款账户信息,


切记备注栏填写上 SL xxxx 用户的SL账户数字,否则SL无法判断是哪个用户汇的款

汇款币种 USD,


中转行 (BOFAUS3N)
Account number: 18316021 
IBAN: NL28 BOFA 0018 3160 21


在SL先开个工单先问一下,流程 和汇款的 SL荷兰银行账号信息,(以工单回复给出的对方银行信息为准)

20171220 update,现在SL工单回复一个pdf附件列出了对方银行信息



附录- SL荷兰银行的电汇信息





3. 2个账户BOFANLNX(收款行) 和 BOFAUS3N (中转行)都要给银行操作职员

4. 电汇备注栏必须填写客户的SL账号,例如SL123xx 或者IBM123xx

收款行 Bank Code: ( BOFANLNX )

Bank: Bank of America N.A., Netherlands  汇款到荷兰,币种是美金

Account Name: Softlayer Dutch Holdings BV

中转行 Correspondent Bank: ( BOFAUS3N ) Bank of America New York -

Account Number: 18316021

IBAN: NL28 BOFA 0018 3160 21

Address: Rembrandt Tower, 11th floor, Amstelpein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam, The Netherlands




send funds through BOFANLNX and tell the bank that the corresponding bank is BOFAUS3N

Bank of America New York (BOFAUS3N) 中转银行is the USD correspondent bank for Bank of America Netherlands

SL财务为了避税放在荷兰。客户汇款是到荷兰的BOFANLNX,中转银行corresponding bank BOFAUS3N,汇款币种是美元。



汇款备注栏必须填写客户的SL账号,例如SL12345 或者IBM12345形式(否则SL不知道充值到那个客户的账号下面)


Bank of America要求,




假设付美金到SL, 海外电汇总体费用 = SL账单费用 + 国内银行手续费 + 海外银行手续费。

1) SL账单费用, 就是 SL管理台 e-invoice 显示的SL本月费用+SL前期欠款费用

2) 国内银行手续费, 一般是每笔100人民币 (当天现场给出)

3) 海外银行手续费,有些是0,有些有费用,看情况,(一般在汇款发生后的2周左右,银行根据结算结果才给出)

只要 根据特别注意-01的操作,海外银行收费费是没有的,



除此以外 (也就是说没有内部结算关系), 费用会产生,按笔收。


SL 工单回复 20170712


Please use the wire payment information listed below to send a wire payment.

Bank name: Bank of America N.A., Netherlands
Bank address: Rembrandt Tower, 11th Floor Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bank code: BOFANLNX
Account name: SoftLayer Dutch Holdings BV
Account number: 9999999 (填写上你们自己的账户号码)
Correspondent bank: Bank of America New York – BOFAUS3N
IBAN: NL28 BOFA 0018 3160 21

In additional please read and confirm you agree to all of the information below to be approved for wire payments.
1. You must include your account ID: SL999999 in the notes field of the wire transfer receipt.

2. You must make the payment in USD. If you do not any currency conversion fees will be your responsibility.

3. You must check with your bank to confirm that they have an inter-operability agreement with ours. If they do not you need to confirm the intermediary banks they use and the additional fees they may charge to pay them at the time you send the wire. Please note we do not cover any fees charged by your bank or the intermediary ones. If you do not check this it can cause your wire payment to be short. Our bank does not charge a fee to receive an incoming wire.

4. Unless you have existing special terms for payments your billing terms are the standard terms that apply prior to the wire payment being set.

Please confirm and accept all of the above terms and we can complete setting your account up for Wire Transfer payments.

Andrew Snow
Revenue Services Representative

IBM Bluemix Infrastructure (Softlayer)
14001 North Dallas Tollway, Suite M100, Dallas, TX 75240
Toll Free: 866-325-0045 option # 3
Email: accounting@softlayer.com

(2017-01-xxxx, SL ticket 12345678)

Bank of America New York (BOFAUS3N) 中转银行 is the USD correspondent bank for Bank of America Netherlands.
汇款银行 Remitting banks will need to use this information in order to format the wires correctly.

Our bank information is as follows:
Bank: Bank of America N.A., Netherlands 
Account Name: Softlayer Dutch Holdings BV
Account Number: 18316021
中转银行Correspondent Bank: Bank of America New York - BOFAUS3N
Address: Rembrandt Tower, 11th floor, Amstelpein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
IBAN: NL85 BOFA 0266 5378 98

**Be sure to add your account number (SLxxxx) to the wire to ensure proper fund disbursement**

切记:在银行电汇备注栏目,填写SLxxxx or IBxxxx 你们的SL账号名称

[备注: 银行电汇需要的信息]

1。Banking Code - 银行代码,就是对方行的代码。

2。Credit Account No. - 对方(付款人或者贷款人)的帐户号码。

3。Name, address of financial institution - 付款银行的名称及地址。

4。IBAN - 银行国际代码

5。BIC - 银行识别代码


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