
hotel california(加州旅馆) - the eagles(飞鹰乐队)

on a dark desert highway.
cool wind in my hair.
warm smell of colitas rising
up through the air up ahead in the distance.
i saw a shimmering light
my head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
i had to stop for the night
there she stood in the doorway
i heard the mission bell
and i was thinking to myself
this could be heaven or this could be hell
then she lit up a candle
and she showed me the way
there were voices down in corridor
i thought i heard them say......
welcome to the hotel california
such a lovely place (such a lovely face)
there's plenty of rooms at the
hotel california
any time of year you can find it here
her mind is tiffany-twisted
she got the mercedes-benz
she got a lot of pretty,
pretty boys that she calls friends
how they dance in the courtyard
sweet summer sweat
some dance to remember
some dance to forget
so i called up the captain
please bring me my wine
he said we haven't had that spirit
here since nineteen sixty nine
and still those voices are
calling from far away
wake you up in the middle of the night
just to hear them say......
welcome to the hotel
calofornia such a lovely place
(such a loveely face)
they livin'it up at the hotel california
what a nice surprise bring your alibis
mirrors on the ceilling
the pink champagne on ice
and she said we are all just prisoners
here of our own device
and in the master's chambers
they gathered for the feast
they stab it with their steely knives
but they just can't kill the beast
last thing i remember,
i was running for the door
i had to find the passage back
to the place i was before
relax said programmed to receive
you can check out any time you like
but you can never leave


  1. 加州旅馆 Hotel California (The Eagles)

    喜爱英文歌曲的fans没有几个不知道<Hotel California(加州旅馆)>,这首非常经典的吉他曲是二十世纪最著名的流行音乐作品之一,它造就了一批Hotel California的 ...

  2. 英文经典老歌翻译与鉴赏:Hotel California(加州旅馆)

    英文经典老歌翻译与鉴赏:Hotel California(加州旅馆) 很喜欢的一首歌词,推荐给大家(中英文对照) 所翻译的内容借鉴了很多前辈高人的成果,非本人独立翻译的结果,特此申明,呵呵. [@mo ...

  3. 加州旅馆 Hotel California (The Eagles)

    喜爱英文歌曲的fans没有几个不知道<Hotel California(加州旅馆)>,这首非常经典的吉他曲是二十世纪最著名的流行音乐作品之一,它造就了一批Hotel California的 ...

  4. 神秘永远的《加州旅馆》

    来源:http://blog.csdn.net/zhumi/archive/2004/07/15/42423.aspx 一 数日前与几位朋友聊起各自心目中最喜爱的歌,有人提到披头士(Beatles)的 ...

  5. Hotel California 加州旅馆

    曲名:Hotel California  加州旅馆 歌手:The Eagles 老鹰乐队 (这首歌很难理解,因为它有太多的双关语!但如果你知道它反映的是某次吸毒后的情景,就可以很好地了解大意了!) O ...

  6. 英语歌曲:HOTEL CALIFORNIA 加州旅馆

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair 在漆黑荒凉的高速公路上,凉风吹散了我的头发 Warm smell of colitas, rising u ...

  7. hotel california(加州旅馆) - the eagles(飞鹰乐队)

    hotel california(加州旅馆) - the eagles(飞鹰乐队) on a dark desert highway. cool wind in my hair. warm smell ...

  8. hotel california(加州旅馆)中英对照歌词

    很早以前看过的,今天无意中又看到了,遂收藏之,相当经典! on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair warm smell of colitas ris ...

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