







My boat of friendship has been bumped

When the calm sea had a wave, the waves beat on the boat, the sky began to become gloomy, and my boat of friendship, therefore, has been turbulent, for a long time.

I recited from my childhood: “the friend of the sea, if the end of the world is next to the neighbourhood”, was expected to meet the people in the old years until I met her, so that I could understand what was the fate and what was a bosom friend. There are similarities and differences between us, but three views are also similar, and we have learned to tolerate each other in getting along with each other. We are classmate, friend and confidant. The relationship between me and her is the gentle water of a gentleman’s friend and the naughty youth and youth. We can detect each other’s emotions, and there are few big contradictions. Until that day, the eager restlessness that lurked in each other’s hearts broke free from the cage, and the boat of my friendship was rocking.

It seemed to be a late autumn night, and the cool breeze was lazy and leisurely. After the evening repair, I walked with her on the way back to the dormitory. After learning about the achievements of all of us, we fell into silence, but she was as if she had something to say, and I did not know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know that the new newspaper has just finished the list and staff arrangement in the afternoon. The mistakes in the period appear in every place, the cumbersome daily in my heart accumulates, let me Depressed and irritable, autumn wind seems to be a disturbing factor. Even the way back to my dormitory makes me feel so long.

“It’s really a lot of trouble.” I grumble and talk. She didn’t say anything until she finally said, “isn’t that the case?” An ordinary sentence, which I heard in my ear, was so sudden and inexplicable, but I was just silent. She began to talk about what happened at her side in the evening, expressing her dissatisfaction with the behavior of a classmate. This time, I stood on her opposite side, maintaining that student. The words between us are getting more intense. I understand that the boat of my friendship has been bumping. I stopped arguing and went back to the dorm. I suddenly noticed that the wind was cool tonight, and the moonlight was also dim. It seemed like an accident. It seemed like a certainty. We were silent and sorted out for second days.

On the third day, we talked about this contradiction at lunch time, confided our thoughts, and thought and sympathize with each other. I didn’t want to solve it before. I was surprised to find that because of him, I learned to face it.

The boat of my friendship has been bumpy but never dumped. After every bumpy ride, I grew up with her and learned more. If a man is a rainbow, a floating cloud does not ask for it. My dear friend, when my world opens up for you, you know that you are wearing a glare.



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