






Fast remote access for every occasion

Install once and never google for PuTTY downloads again.

An admin's tool for a more civilized age, providing you with a fast and secure way to manage a remote Linux box at any time using everyday tools like a web terminal, text editor, file manager and others.

Access everywhere

Responsive remote terminal

Fully extensible with Python and JS

Ajenti Web Interface Platform

Ajenti platform includes following products:

  • Ajenti Core, a Python library, the platform itself including the HTTP server, socket engine and plugin container.

  • Ajenti Panel, a startup script and a set of stock plugins such as file manager, network configurator and service manager.

Feature Overview

HTTP Server

  • HTTP 1.1 Support.

  • Websockets with fallback to XHR polling.

  • Fast event-loop based processing.

  • Flexible routing.

  • Session sandboxing.

  • SSL with client certificate authentication.


  • >1000 requests per second.

  • 30 MB RAM footprint + 5 MB per session.


  • Highly modular Python API. Everything is a module and can be removed or replaced.

  • Builtin webserver API supports routing, file downloads, GZIP, websockets and more.

  • Transparent SSL client authorization.

  • Plugin architecture

  • Dependency injection

  • Server-side push and socket APIs.


  • Pluggable authentication and authorization.

  • Stock authenticators: UNIX account, password, SSL client certificate and Mozilla Persona E-mail authentication.

  • Unprivileged sessions isolated in separate processes.


  • Clean, modern and responsive UI. Single-page, no reloads.

  • Live data updates and streaming with Socket.IO support.

  • Full mobile and tablet support.

  • LESS and CSS, CoffeeScript and JavaScript auto-build support.

  • Numerous stock directives.

  • AngularJS templating.


  • Debian 6 or later

  • Ubuntu Precise or later

  • CentOS 6 or later

  • RHEL 6 or later

  • Can be run on other Linux or BSD systems with minimal modifications.

  • Supports Python 2.7+ and PyPy.

本文转自heavenseahill 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/shower/1973397,如需转载请自行联系原作者


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