UPDATE: http://studiostyles.info/ for a great growing community of Visual Studio Styles and Themes. You can create, import and export themes in your browser!

更新: http : //studiostyles.info/,用于不断壮大的Visual Studio样式和主题社区。 您可以在浏览器中创建,导入和导出主题!

I run my Visual Studio.NET with Consolas 15pt and have since I discovered Consolas. I like to run at a big(ger) font for a few reasons. First, it looks best at 15pt. 16pt? Crap. 13pt? Please. I also run it with a white (paper-like) background and the default colors. I also tend to run FullScreen with SHIFT-ALT-ENTER.

我在Consolas 15pt上运行了Visual Studio.NET,自从发现Consolas之后就拥有了。 由于某些原因,我喜欢以大字体运行。 首先,它看起来最好在15pt。 16点? 废话13点? 请。 我还使用白色(纸质)背景和默认颜色来运行它。 我也倾向于使用SHIFT-ALT-ENTER运行全屏。

More and more though I hear that folks are vibing on the black background again. Personally, I've always found the black blackground folks to be a little creepy - just a little too black t-shirt, if you know what I mean.

尽管我越来越听到人们再次在黑色背景上猛烈抨击。 就我个人而言,我总是发现黑色背景的人有点令人毛骨悚然-如果您明白我的意思,那就只是有点太黑的T恤。

Lately, though, it seems, that folks I respect have been trying the black background thing. A while back Atwood blogged about this.

不过,最近看来,我尊敬的人们一直在尝试黑色背景。 不久前,阿特伍德(Atwood)对此发表了博客。

There's a lovely theme for Mac folks running TextMate using the Monaco Font by this fellow at Vibrant Ink.

Mac用户使用Vibrant Ink的这个家伙使用Monaco字体运行TextMate时,有一个可爱的主题。

Folks with "TextMate Envy" can get a free Monaco Font for Windows here. Since that was so easy to find, I figured I'd try black background world also. But not just "switch to black background," no, no, that'd be too simplistic. I need to pump up the color on the foreground as well.

使用“ TextMate Envy”的人们可以在此处免费获得Windows的摩纳哥字体。 由于这很容易找到,所以我想我也会尝试黑色背景世界。 但是不只是“切换到黑色背景”,不,不,那太简单了。 我还需要增加前景上的颜色。

Now, that doesn't look too bad. Here's what I did from Tools|Options inside Visual Studio.NET

现在,看起来还不错。 这是我在Visual Studio.NET中的“工具|选项”中所做的

  • Changed the font to Monaco in Environment|Fonts and Colors under "Text Editor"


  • Changed:


    • Plain Text - White


    • Line Numbers - Silver


    • Comments - 213,0,213 (Purpley)

      评论-213,0,213( Purpley )

    • Identifier - 253,223,57 (Mustardy)

      标识符- 253,223,57(芥末)

    • Keyword - 244,122,0 (Orangey)

      关键字-244,122,0( Orangey )

    • Operator - White


    • String - Lime


    • UserTypes - 179,179,0 (Mustardy)

      用户类型-179,179,0( Mustardy )

I think I'll leave it like this for a while and see what happens.


Feel free to post links to a screenshot of your colors and fonts in your editor in the comments. Put the link to your screenshot in the Home Page field in the comment and your name in the comments will automatically turn into a hyperlink.

随时在评论中的编辑器中发布指向您的颜色和字体的屏幕截图的链接。 将指向您的屏幕截图的链接放在注释的“主页”字段中,注释中的名称将自动变为超链接。

Now, gray background people? Well, they're just freaks. ;)

现在,灰色背景的人吗? 好吧,他们只是怪胎。 ;)

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/changing-your-colors-in-visual-studionet-black-versus-white

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