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Heavy Transportation
Time Limit: 3000MS Memory Limit: 30000K
Total Submissions: 11929 Accepted: 3171


Hugo Heavy is happy. After the breakdown of the Cargolifter project he can now expand business. But he needs a clever man who tells him whether there really is a way from the place his customer has build his giant steel crane to the place where it is needed on which all streets can carry the weight. 
Fortunately he already has a plan of the city with all streets and bridges and all the allowed weights.Unfortunately he has no idea how to find the the maximum weight capacity in order to tell his customer how heavy the crane may become. But you surely know.

You are given the plan of the city, described by the streets (with weight limits) between the crossings, which are numbered from 1 to n. Your task is to find the maximum weight that can be transported from crossing 1 (Hugo's place) to crossing n (the customer's place). You may assume that there is at least one path. All streets can be travelled in both directions.


The first line contains the number of scenarios (city plans). For each city the number n of street crossings (1 <= n <= 1000) and number m of streets are given on the first line. The following m lines contain triples of integers specifying start and end crossing of the street and the maximum allowed weight, which is positive and not larger than 1000000. There will be at most one street between each pair of crossings.


The output for every scenario begins with a line containing "Scenario #i:", where i is the number of the scenario starting at 1. Then print a single line containing the maximum allowed weight that Hugo can transport to the customer. Terminate the output for the scenario with a blank line.

Sample Input

3 3
1 2 3
1 3 4
2 3 5

Sample Output

Scenario #1:



 1 //第一次提交的代码基本是套模板的,和自己写的出入较大,不习惯,将代码修改下感觉也许更好!,第一次提交的代码见最下面 2 #include<iostream> 3 #include<cstdlib> 4 #include<cstdio> 5 #include<cstring> 6 #include<algorithm> 7 #include<cmath> 8 using namespace std; 9 const int inf = (1<<20);10 int p[1005];        //p是用于并查集的,r是用来存储边序号的11 struct prog {12     int w,v,u;        //记录起点,终点,权值13 };14 bool cmp(prog a,prog b)15 {//间接排序函数,16     return a.w>b.w;17 }18 int find(int x)19 {//并查集里的find函数,你懂的20     return p[x]==x?x:p[x]=find(p[x]);21 }22 int main()23 {24     int t;25     cin >> t;26     int k = 1;27     while(t--)28     {29         int n ,m;30         cin >> n >> m;31         prog *r;32         r=new prog[m];33         int i ;34         for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++ )35             cin>>r[i].u>>r[i].v>>r[i].w;    //输入边的信息36 37         for ( i =1 ; i <= n; i ++ )38             p[i]=i;//初始化并查集39 40         sort(r,r+m,cmp);//根据边的权值的大小将边的序号进行排序,r[i]表示第i+1大的边存储在u,v,w数组中的序号41         int ans=inf;    //将答案初始化为最大值42         for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++ )43         {44             int x=find(r[i].u);45             int y=find(r[i].v);46             if(x!=y)47             {//如果该边所在的两边不在同一个连通分量里,则连接该边48                 if(ans>r[i].w)//如果该边的权值比ans小(实际上一定不会比ans大),则更新ans49                     ans=r[i].w;50                 p[x]=y;//连接该边51                 if(find(1)==find(n))//当1和n连通时,则说明找到了一条从1到n的路,并且可知该路的所有边的权值都是最大的,故边的最小权值就是答案52                     break;53             }54         }55         //输出答案,格式如题所述56         cout<<"Scenario #"<<k<<":"<<endl;57         cout<<ans<<endl<<endl;58         k++;59     }60     return 0;61 }


 1 #include<iostream> 2 #include<cstdlib> 3 #include<cstdio> 4 #include<cstring> 5 #include<algorithm> 6 #include<cmath> 7 using namespace std; 8 const int inf = (1<<20); 9 int *p,*r;        //p是用于并查集的,r是用来存储边序号的10 int *u,*v,*w;    //分别代表边的起点,终点,和权值,明显不是我的风格,先熟悉下模板,不得不这样写11 bool cmp(const int a,const int b)12 {//间接排序函数,13     return w[a]>w[b];14 }15 int find(int x)16 {//并查集里的find函数,你懂的17     return p[x]==x?x:p[x]=find(p[x]);18 }19 int main()20 {21     int t;22     cin >> t;23     int k = 1;24     while(t--)25     {26         int n ,m;27         cin >> n >> m;28         int i ;29         u=new int[m];30         v=new int[m];31         w=new int[m];32         r=new int[m];//动态分配33         for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++ )34         {35             int a , b , c ;36             cin>>a>>b>>c;37             u[i]=a;38             v[i]=b;39             w[i]=c;//加入边40         }41         p=new int[n+1];42         for ( i =1 ; i <= n; i ++ )43             p[i]=i;//初始化并查集44         for ( i = 0 ;i < m ; i ++ )45             r[i]=i;//初始化边序号46         sort(r,r+m,cmp);//根据边的权值的大小将边的序号进行排序,r[i]表示第i+1大的边存储在u,v,w数组中的序号47         int ans=inf;    //将答案初始化为最大值48         for ( i = 0 ; i < m ; i ++ )49         {50             int e=r[i];//找到第i+1大的边51             int x=find(u[e]);52             int y=find(v[e]);53             if(x!=y)54             {//如果该边所在的两边不在同一个连通分量里,则连接该边55                 if(ans>w[e])//如果该边的权值比ans小(实际上一定不会比ans大),则更新ans56                     ans=w[e];57                 p[x]=y;//连接该边58                 if(find(1)==find(n))//当1和n连通时,则说明找到了一条从1到n的路,并且可知该路的所有边的权值都是最大的,故边的最小权值就是答案59                     break;60             }61         }62         //输出答案,格式如题所述63         cout<<"Scenario #"<<k<<":"<<endl;64         cout<<ans<<endl<<endl;65         k++;66     }67     return 0;68 }


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