我正在尝试使用我使用caffe库从CSV文件准备的 **_图像数据_** 构建神经网络的最小示例。

I am trying to build a minimal example of a neural network with **_IMAGE DATA_** that I have prepared from a CSV file using the caffe libraries.


My prototext is as follows: \[wine\_train.prototxt\]


layers {

name: "data"


top: "data"

top: "label"

image_data_param {

source: "examples/wine/test.txt"

batch_size: 10






layer {

name: "data"


top: "label"

top: "label"

image_data_param {

source: "examples/wine/train.txt"

batch_size: 2






layers {

name: "ip"


bottom: "data"

top: "ip"

inner_product_param {

num_output: 3



layers {

name: "loss"


bottom: "ip"

bottom: "label"

top: "loss"


layer {

name: "accuracy"

type: "Accuracy"

bottom: "ip"

bottom: "label"

top: "accuracy"

include {

phase: TEST




and my solver is as follows:

net: "examples/wine/wine_train.prototxt"

test_iter: 250

test_interval: 1000

base_lr: 0.01

lr_policy: "step"

gamma: 0.1

stepsize: 5000

display: 1000

max_iter: 10000

momentum: 0.9

weight_decay: 0.0005

snapshot: 10000

snapshot_prefix: "wine/train"

solver_mode: CPU


Each time I get the following error:

LIGH@IVIP2:~/caffe$ build/tools/caffe train -model '/home/shaunak/caffe/examples/wine/wine_train.prototxt' -solver '/home/shaunak/caffe/examples/wine/solver.prototxt'

I0415 04:31:00.154145 57047 caffe.cpp:117] Use CPU.

I0415 04:31:00.154485 57047 caffe.cpp:121] Starting Optimization

I0415 04:31:00.154552 57047 solver.cpp:32] Initializing solver from parameters:

test_iter: 250

test_interval: 1000

base_lr: 0.01

display: 1000

max_iter: 10000

lr_policy: "step"

gamma: 0.1

momentum: 0.9

weight_decay: 0.0005

stepsize: 5000

snapshot: 10000

snapshot_prefix: "wine/train"

solver_mode: CPU

net: "examples/wine/wine_train.prototxt"

I0415 04:31:00.154660 57047 solver.cpp:79] Creating training net from net file: examples/wine/wine_train.prototxt

[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:245] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 4:9: Expected integer or identifier.

F0415 04:31:00.154774 57047 upgrade_proto.cpp:928] Check failed: ReadProtoFromTextFile(param_file, param) Failed to parse NetParameter file: examples/wine/wine_train.prototxt

*** Check failure stack trace: ***

@ 0x7f4a30766c3c google::LogMessage::Fail()

@ 0x7f4a30766b88 google::LogMessage::SendToLog()

@ 0x7f4a3076658a google::LogMessage::Flush()

@ 0x7f4a30769521 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal()

@ 0x7f4a30b8b1ee caffe::ReadNetParamsFromTextFileOrDie()

@ 0x7f4a30b6dfa2 caffe::Solver《》::InitTrainNet()

@ 0x7f4a30b6ee63 caffe::Solver《》::Init()

@ 0x7f4a30b6f036 caffe::Solver《》::Solver()

@ 0x40c3c0 caffe::GetSolver《》()

@ 0x406361 train()

@ 0x4048f1 main

@ 0x7f4a2fe86ec5 (unknown)

@ 0x404e9d (unknown)

Aborted (core dumped)



What exactly does the error say and how do I resolve it?

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