c语言测试(C language test)

c语言测试(C language test)

* * college course exam papers

Course Name: "C: the use of C language programming software to enter the world" (A) volume

Grade: class:

Name: ______BUKAILI_________ number: _________________ test (test) closed book

Question no. 1-20 21-40 41-50 total


Multiple choice (2 points for each question, a total of 100 points)

1. in the C language, the following is a valid identifier (AB). (choose two.)

A. COUNT B. P234 C. 4x D. short

2. there is an array of int num [5] = {10,20,30,40,50}; num[3] = (C). (choose one)

A. 30 B. 50 C. 40 D. 20 E. 10


3.C, while and do... The main difference is the while cycle (B). (choose one)

The cycle of control of A.while than do... The while loop control strict conditions

B.do... The body of the while is at least the unconditional implementation of a

C.do... While allows from the outside into the loop body

D.do... The body of the loop is not while compound statement

The correct description is below 4. (CD). (choose two.)

A. in the C program, only a written statement in each line

B. in the C program, Abc and ABC are the same 2 variables

If the C. type A and B in the same way, the value of B will put a in the assignment expression of a=b were calculated, and the value of B.

D. if a is a float type variable, a=10 is legal, because the float variable allows storing integer

The output result is below 5. C code (BC). (choose one)

Int answer, result;



Printf ("The result is%d, result+5);

A.The result is 90 B. The result is 95

C. The result is 10 D. The result is 100

6. in C, with char array []= array definition: "China"; the array space for array (C). (choose one)

A. 4 bytes of B. 5 bytes of C. 6 bytes of D. 7 bytes

7. in C (A) is outside any function declaration. (choose one)

A. global variable B. C. local variable parameter D. argument

8. of the following C program:


Void (main)


Int num=0;

While (num<=2) {


Printf (%d, num);



The output is the result (A). (ch

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