
Word documents open with one-inch margins by default. You can adjust the page margins by choosing one of Word’s predefined options, or you can specify the exact height and width of the margins yourself. Here’s how.

默认情况下,Word文档以一英寸的页边距打开。 您可以通过选择Word的预定义选项之一来调整页边距,也可以自己指定页边距的确切高度和宽度。 这是如何做。

在Word中更改页边距 (Change Page Margins in Word)

Open Word and head over to the “Layout” tab. Here, select “Margins” in the “Page Setup” group.

打开Word并转到“布局”选项卡。 在这里,在“页面设置”组中选择“页边距”。

Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear. Here, you’ll find Word’s list of predefined margin settings.

选择后,将出现一个下拉菜单。 在这里,您将找到Word的预定义页边距设置列表。

Go ahead and choose an option if you see one that matches what you’re needing. Once selected, the page margins will change based on those specifications.

如果您看到一个符合您需求的选项,请继续选择一个选项。 选择后,页边距将根据这些规格而变化。

If you weren’t able to find an option that fits what you’re looking for, you can customize the page margins yourself down to the tenth of an inch by selecting “Custom Margins” at the bottom of the drop-down menu.


The “Page Setup” window will now appear, in which you’ll automatically be in the “Margins” tab. Under the “Margins” section, you can adjust the top, bottom, left, and right margins by clicking the up and down arrows next to each option. This increases or decreases the page margins by 0.1-inch increments.

现在将出现“页面设置”窗口,您将在其中自动进入“页边距”标签。 在“页边距”部分下,您可以通过单击每个选项旁边的向上和向下箭头来调整顶部,底部,左侧和右侧的页边距。 这样可以以0.1英寸的增量增加或减少页边距。

You can also adjust the gutter margin. The gutter margin is generally used in facing-pages layouts (known as “Mirrored” in Word) and refers to the area of the page that is rendered unusable or unviewable due to the binding process.

您还可以调整装订线边距。 装订线边距通常用于面对页面的布局(在Word中称为“镜像”),是指由于绑定过程而导致无法使用或无法查看的页面区域。

Setting the gutter margin works the same way as setting the page margin. Simply adjust the margin by selecting the up or down arrow next to the option.

设置装订线边距与设置页面页边距的工作方式相同。 只需选择选项旁边的向上或向下箭头即可调整边距。

Once you’re done, select “OK” to apply the changes.


将自定义保证金设置为默认值 (Set a Custom Margin as the Default)

If you’re finding yourself using the same custom margins over and over, instead of setting the margins each time you open Word, you can just set your custom margins as the default.


To do so, select “Margins” in the “Page Setup” group of the “Layout” tab. In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Custom Margin.”

为此,请在“布局”选项卡的“页面设置”组中选择“页边距”。 在出现的下拉菜单中,选择“自定义保证金”。

In the “Page Setup” window that appears, customize your margins and then select “Set As Default” in the bottom-left corner of the page.


A dialog box will appear letting you know the changes will affect all new documents based on the NORMAL template. Select the “Yes” button.

将出现一个对话框,通知您更改将影响基于NORMAL模板的所有新文档。 选择“是”按钮。

Now, next time you open Word, it will automatically open with the set custom margins.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447480/how-to-change-page-margins-in-word/



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