
  • 目录
    • 链表的基本概念
      • 1.数组和链表
    • 链表的使用
      • 1.链表的简单使用
      • 2.链表的进阶使用
      • 3.链表的高阶使用
      • 4.链表的其他操作
    • 链表容器list
      • 1.list介绍
      • 2. list使用
      • 3. list与vector之间的区别
      • 4.list例子代码


  • 数据结构:

    • 逻辑结构:数组,栈,队列,字符串,树,图
    • 存储结构:顺序存储,链式存储
  • C++常用的数据结构有:string , stack , queue , deque , vector , list , map , iterators.







  • 一个是当前节点所保存的值,设为int value。
  • 另一个就是指向下一个节点的指针,我们再假设这个节点类是node,那么这个指针就是 node *next。

这里一定不是int *next。因为这个指针指向的下一个元素是一个类的实例,而不是int类型的数据。那么node这个类最简单的实现就如下:

class node
public:  int value;  node *next;  node()  {  value = 0;  next = NULL;  }


#include <iostream>
#include <deque>using namespace std;class node{public:int value;//链表节点的数据域node* next;//用于指向下一个节点,是链表中的指针域node():value(0),next(NULL){};//默认构造函数node(int value):value(value),next(NULL){};//带参数的构造函数 ~ node(){cout<<"delete the node!!!"<<endl;delete next; // 删除节点的指针域 }
}; int main(){node mNode1(1),mNode2(2),mNode3(3),mNode4(4);mNode1.next = &mNode2;mNode2.next = &mNode3;mNode3.next = &mNode4;cout<<"the value of node3 is :"<<mNode3.value<<endl;  //直接输出节点 cout<<"the value of node3 is :"<<mNode1.next->next->value<<endl;  //通过链表查找 return 0;

the value of node3 is :3
the value of node3 is :3
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!





#include <iostream>
#include <deque>using namespace std;class Node{public:int value;//链表节点的数据域Node* next;//用于指向下一个节点,是链表中的指针域Node():value(0),next(NULL){};//默认构造函数Node(int value):value(value),next(NULL){};//带参数的构造函数 ~ Node(){cout<<"delete the node!!!"<<endl;delete next; // 删除节点的指针域 }
}; int main(){Node *head , *curr;  //定义头结点指针和当前插入节点的指针head = new Node();//头插法生成链表 for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){curr = new Node(i);if(curr==NULL){cerr<<"内存分配失败!"<<endl; }else{curr->next = head->next;  //将当前节点指针指向之前头结点指向的地方head->next = curr;  //头结点指向当前的节点cout<<"the value is : "<<curr->value<<endl;}}return 0;

the value is : 0
the value is : 1
the value is : 2
the value is : 3
the value is : 4
the value is : 5
the value is : 6
the value is : 7
the value is : 8
the value is : 9


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Node{public:int value;//链表节点的数据域Node* next;//用于指向下一个节点,是链表中的指针域Node():value(0),next(NULL){};//默认构造函数Node(int value):value(value),next(NULL){};//带参数的构造函数 ~ Node(){cout<<"delete the node!!!"<<endl;delete next; // 删除节点的指针域 }
}; int main(){Node *head , *curr;head = new Node();//头插法生成链表 for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){curr = new Node(i);if(curr==NULL){cerr<<"内存分配失败!"<<endl; }else{curr->next = head->next;head->next = curr;
//          cout<<"the value is : "<<curr->value<<endl;}}//链表的遍历while(head){cout<<"current data is : "<<head->value<<endl;head = head->next;} return 0;

current data is : 0
current data is : 9
current data is : 8
current data is : 7
current data is : 6
current data is : 5
current data is : 4
current data is : 3
current data is : 2
current data is : 1
current data is : 0






#include <iostream>
#include <deque>using namespace std;class Node{public:int value;//链表节点的数据域Node* next;//用于指向下一个节点,是链表中的指针域Node():value(0),next(NULL){};//默认构造函数Node(int value):value(value),next(NULL){};//带参数的构造函数 ~ Node(){cout<<"delete the node!!!"<<endl;delete next; // 删除节点的指针域 }
}; int main(){Node *head , *curr;head = new Node();//头插法生成链表 for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ){curr = new Node(i);if(curr==NULL){cerr<<"内存分配失败!"<<endl; }else{curr->next = head->next;head->next = curr;}}//链表的插入curr = head;while(curr->value != 5){   //第一步:找到要插入的节点的前驱 curr = curr->next;}cout<<"curret node is : "<<curr->value<<endl;Node* insertNode = new Node(55);  //创建要插入的节点 insertNode->next = curr->next;  //第二步:将插入的节点的指针域指向当前节点的后继 curr->next = insertNode;  //第三步:将当前节点的指针指向插入的新节点//链表遍历curr = head;while(curr){cout<<"the value is : "<<curr->value<<endl;curr = curr->next;}//链表元素的删除//第一步找到要删除的节点的前继curr = head;while(curr->next->value != 55){curr = curr->next;}cout<<"curret node is : "<<curr->value<<endl;Node *tempNode;tempNode = curr->next;  //第二步:保存下要删除的节点 curr->next = tempNode->next; //第三步:将要删除节点的前继指针指向要删除节点的后继 delete tempNode;  //第四步:删除当前的节点//链表遍历curr = head;while(curr){cout<<"the value is : "<<curr->value<<endl;curr = curr->next;}return 0;

curret node is : 5
the value is : 0
the value is : 9
the value is : 8
the value is : 7
the value is : 6
the value is : 5
the value is : 55
the value is : 4
the value is : 3
the value is : 2
the value is : 1
the value is : 0
curret node is : 5
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
delete the node!!!
the value is : 0
the value is : 9
the value is : 8
the value is : 7
the value is : 6
the value is : 5
the value is : 4
the value is : 3
the value is : 2
the value is : 1
the value is : 0


// 在末尾加入新的结点
void AddToTail(ListNode** pHead, int value){ListNode* pNew = new ListNode();pNew->val = value;pNew->next = nullptr;if (*pHead == nullptr){*pHead = pNew;}else{ListNode* pNode = *pHead;while(pNode->next != nullptr)pNode = pNode->next;pNode->next = pNew;}return;
}// 删除某个值为value的结点
void RemoveNode(ListNode** pHead, int value){if(pHead == nullptr || *pHead == nullptr) return;ListNode* pToDeleted = nullptr;if((*pHead)->val == value){pToDeleted = *pHead;*pHead = (*pHead)->next;}else{ListNode* pNode = *pHead;while(pNode->next != nullptr && pNode->next->val != value)pNode = pNode->next;if(pNode->next != nullptr && pNode->next->val == value){pToDeleted = pNode->next;pNode->next = pNode->next->next;}}if(pToDeleted != nullptr){delete pToDeleted;pToDeleted = nullptr;}return;



2. list使用

3. list与vector之间的区别


#include <iostream>
#include <list>using namespace std;int main(){list<int> c1;list<int>::iterator c1_iter;//向链表的末尾加入元素 c1.push_back(1);c1.push_back(2);c1.push_back(3);//使用迭代器访问链表 for(c1_iter = c1.begin();c1_iter != c1.end();c1_iter++){cout<<"data is : "<<*c1_iter<<endl;}//将链表反转 c1.reverse();for(c1_iter = c1.begin();c1_iter != c1.end();c1_iter++){cout<<"reverse data is : "<<*c1_iter<<endl;}return 0;

data is : 1
data is : 2
data is : 3
reverse data is : 3
reverse data is : 2
reverse data is : 1

#include <list>
#include <iostream>  int main( )
{  using namespace std;  list <int> c1;  list <int>::iterator c1_Iter;  c1.push_back( 20 );  c1.push_back( 10 );  c1.push_back( 30 );  cout << "Before sorting: c1 =";  for ( c1_Iter = c1.begin( ); c1_Iter != c1.end( ); c1_Iter++ )  cout << " " << *c1_Iter;  cout << endl;  c1.sort( );  cout << "After sorting c1 =";  for ( c1_Iter = c1.begin( ); c1_Iter != c1.end( ); c1_Iter++ )  cout << " " << *c1_Iter;  cout << endl;  c1.sort( greater<int>( ) );  cout << "After sorting with 'greater than' operation, c1 =";  for ( c1_Iter = c1.begin( ); c1_Iter != c1.end( ); c1_Iter++ )  cout << " " << *c1_Iter;  cout << endl;

Before sorting: c1 = 20 10 30
After sorting c1 = 10 20 30
After sorting with ‘greater than’ operation, c1 = 30 20 10


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