
In today's life using of cloud is very common among people, we use different clouds like Google cloud, cloud Azure etc. to store our photos, Videos, documents, data etc. to save space as well as we think that we will be able to retrieve the data if we save them in cloud, in case our device gets damaged, stolen etc. But as it is said, "Everything that facilities us also puts us in risks". Cloud has made our lives easier, but before using it we should be well known for its risks, so, that we can take preventive measures while using it.

在当今人们的生活中,使用云非常普遍,我们使用Google Cloud , Azure云等不同的云来存储照片,视频,文档,数据等,以节省空间,而且我们认为我们将能够如果我们将数据保存在云中,以防设备损坏,被盗等,则可以检索数据。但是,正如所说的那样, “所有便利设施也使我们面临风险” 。 云使我们的生活更轻松,但是在使用它之前,我们应该以其风险而闻名,因此,我们可以在使用它时采取预防措施。

云计算涉及的不同类型的风险 (Different types of risks involved in cloud computing)

1)特权用户访问 (1) Privileged User Access)

Sometimes we provide access of our cloud to someone for several reasons, for example sometimes companies give access of their clouds to a person or a group of hired person for doing some sort of improvement in their cloud, or some problem handling, but this is a very big risk to your data, so, before providing any of such privilege to anyone you should take all the information like ID proof, Adhar no. , Address proof etc. of that person or group of persons. So, if in case anything happens in the future with your data you can trace that person and take action against.

有时,出于某些原因,我们向某人提供对云的访问权,例如,有时公司将其云对某人或一组受雇人员进行访问,以对他们的云进行某种改进或解决一些问题,但这是一个因此,对您的数据造成很大的风险,因此,在向任何人提供任何此类特权之前,您应该获取所有信息,例如ID证明,Adhar no。 ,该人或某人的地址证明等。 因此,如果将来您的数据有任何事情发生,您可以追踪该人并采取行动。

2)数据位置 (2) Data Location)

We all store data in the cloud but do we know where our data gets stored, most of us even have no idea about this, maybe we are a user of Delhi, but we don’t even know that our data is stored in which country. So, we must have an idea about this we should contact our service provider and ask him to keep the storage location as nearer as possible to us.

我们都将数据存储在云中,但是我们是否知道数据存储在哪里,我们大多数人甚至都不知道这一点,也许我们是德里的用户,但我们甚至不知道数据存储在哪个国家/地区。 因此,我们必须对此有所了解,我们应该联系我们的服务提供商,并请他将存储位置保持在离我们最近的位置。

3)合规 (3) Regulatory Compliance)

You should regulate your cloud very carefully means, you shouldn’t share your password, shouldn’t forget to log out your account while using in cyber cafes. Cloud doesn’t take responsibility for your data loss or moderation in such cases.

您应该非常谨慎地管理云,这意味着您不应共享密码,也不应忘记在网吧使用时注销帐户。 在这种情况下,云对您的数据丢失或丢失不承担任何责任。

4)数据隔离 (4) Data Segregation)

Uncountable no. of people are storing data in cloud, so, before using any cloud we should have proper knowledge about its data encryption, security, agreements etc.

无数号 的人正在将数据存储在云中,因此,在使用任何云之前,我们应该对它的数据加密,安全性,协议等有适当的了解。

5)恢复 (5) Recovery)

Now, this is one of the main purposes most of the people are using cloud nowadays, that if something happens to our device than our data will have a backup in our cloud. Now, let due to some issues one of the servers of our cloud gets crashed, then the copy of our data must be present on other servers also, our service provider should ensure us about this.

现在,这是当今大多数人使用云的主要目的之一,如果我们的设备发生故障,那么我们的数据将在我们的云中进行备份。 现在,由于某些问题,我们的云中的一台服务器崩溃了,那么我们的数据副本也必须存在于其他服务器上,我们的服务提供商应该向我们保证。

6)调查支持 (6) Investigate Support)

Let suppose, our data gets stolen, or edited by an unknown source, now the investigation of this is very very difficult, cause millions of clouds are there, trillions of users access them now to find that one user who encountered your data is almost impossible. This is one to the biggest risk.

假设,我们的数据被盗或被未知来源编辑,现在的调查非常困难,因为那里存在数百万个云,现在有数万亿用户访问它们,以发现几乎没有人遇到您的数据。 这是最大的风险之一。

7)长期稳定性 (7) Long Term Stability)

There are several clouds present, but not all of them run for long, it shouldn’t be like that you saved your data in a cloud and that company closed up and your data also got lost.


So, you should be choosy about your cloud, should only use the trusted companies, maybe that costs a little bit more but they are secured and your data will be safe. Remember "If data is operated and examined to that extent, it will reveal everything about you".

因此,您应该对云选择保持谨慎,应该只使用受信任的公司,这可能会花费更多,但是它们是安全的,并且您的数据将是安全的。 请记住“如果对数据进行一定程度的操作和检查,它将显示与您有关的所有信息”



The Internet has become a part of our daily lives today and our data is very ostentatious, so, we should be very careful about its handling. In the above article, I have tried to explain some of the risks of using cloud hope this will help you all, for any other queries shoot your questions in the comment section below! Will see you in my next article till then stay healthy and keep learning!

互联网已经成为我们今天日常生活的一部分,我们的数据非常夸张,因此,在处理它时我们应该非常小心。 在上面的文章中,我试图解释使用云的一些风险,希望这会对大家有所帮助,因为任何其他查询都可以在下面的评论部分中提出您的问题! 在我的下一篇文章中将看到您,直到您保持健康并继续学习为止!

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cloud-computing/risks-involved-in-cloud-computing.aspx



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