
IBASE structure相关推荐

  1. SAP CRM IBASE structure的读取逻辑

    IBASE structure的读取逻辑


    [外链图片转存失败(img-zFuWLUzH-1566273661028)(https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/2085791-c4f58b9 ...

  3. 将Object structure IBASE从UI上隐藏

    Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 11, 2014 Object structure IBASE ID = 112500. 在SPRO里将cate ...

  4. 如何通过parent object ID获得underlying object structure IBASE ID

    Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 07, 2014 通过object ID ZJERRY0906D2获得underlying object str ...

  5. IBASE hierarchy structure and related API

    Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Apr 11, 2014 IBASE 13835包含了一个first level component: componen ...

  6. how is object structure really created - when the child equipment is downloaded

    create parent equip in ERP. 此时先不创建child equip 用request download将parent equip download 到CRM: 这一步骤完成之后 ...

  7. 如何查看header object和category 03的IBASE的relationship关系

    Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 23, 2014 IBASE 113009, category为03 ( object structure ) ...

  8. IBASE business knowledge from Gerhard

    One level of usage is a structuring of the customer according to his "business language". ...

  9. 使用report 打印category 03的IBASE hierarchy

    Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 16, 2014 使用report 打印hierarchy: *&------------------- ...


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