
insert into 表 (列名,列名...) values (值,值,值...)
insert into 表 (列名,列名...) values (值,值,值...),(值,值,值...)
insert into 表 (列名,列名...) select (列名,列名...) from 表


delete from 表
delete from 表 where id=1 and name='alex'


update 表 set name = 'alex' where id>1


select * from 表
select * from 表 where id > 1
select nid,name,gender as gg from 表 where id > 1


a、条件select * from 表 where id > 1 and name != 'alex' and num = 12;select * from 表 where id between 5 and 16;select * from 表 where id in (11,22,33)select * from 表 where id not in (11,22,33)select * from 表 where id in (select nid from 表)b、通配符select * from 表 where name like 'ale%'  - ale开头的所有(多个字符串)select * from 表 where name like 'ale_'  - ale开头的所有(一个字符)c、限制select * from 表 limit 5;            - 前5行select * from 表 limit 4,5;          - 从第4行开始的5行select * from 表 limit 5 offset 4    - 从第4行开始的5行d、排序select * from 表 order by 列 asc              - 根据 “列” 从小到大排列select * from 表 order by 列 desc             - 根据 “列” 从大到小排列select * from 表 order by 列1 desc,列2 asc    - 根据 “列1” 从大到小排列,如果相同则按列2从小到大排序e、分组select num from 表 group by numselect num,nid from 表 group by num,nidselect num,nid from 表  where nid > 10 group by num,nid order nid descselect num,nid,count(*),sum(score),max(score),min(score) from 表 group by num,nidselect num from 表 group by num having max(id) > 10特别的:group by 必须在where之后,order by之前f、连表无对应关系则不显示select A.num, A.name, B.namefrom A,BWhere A.nid = B.nid无对应关系则不显示select A.num, A.name, B.namefrom A inner join Bon A.nid = B.nidA表所有显示,如果B中无对应关系,则值为nullselect A.num, A.name, B.namefrom A left join Bon A.nid = B.nidB表所有显示,如果B中无对应关系,则值为nullselect A.num, A.name, B.namefrom A right join Bon A.nid = B.nidg、组合组合,自动处理重合select nicknamefrom Aunionselect namefrom B组合,不处理重合select nicknamefrom Aunion allselect namefrom B



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