
Whether you’ve done a coding bootcamp or taught yourself, getting your first developer job with only a few months of coding under your belt is hard.


问题 (The issues)

There are two main issues you’ll come across when you’re in this situation.


  1. You probably won’t have any qualifications in computer science or programming.您可能没有计算机科学或编程方面的任何资格。
  2. People believe that you can’t have learnt all the skills needed to be job-ready in a few months.人们认为,几个月之内您可能还没有学会准备工作所需的所有技能。

缺乏资格 (Lacking Qualifications)

Unfortunately, a lot of the people making the hiring decisions are traditional in their approach, often requiring a degree in computer science, or at least in a STEM subject. Not having a degree in one of these subjects will mean that you won’t get through the initial CV screening stage for some jobs.

不幸的是,做出招聘决定的许多人在他们的工作方式上都是传统的,通常需要计算机科学或至少是STEM学科的学位。 没有这些学科之一的学位意味着您将无法完成某些工作的初始简历筛选阶段。

Whilst this is a bummer, the solution isn’t to go and spend 3 years and thousands of pounds to get a degree. The landscape is changing and there are definitely jobs that don’t require a degree.

虽然这真是令人b目结舌,但解决方案不是花3年又花费数千英镑来获得学位。 情况正在发生变化,并且肯定有不需要学位的工作。

Even some very large firms are removing the degree requirements as they realize that actual experience is much more valuable than obscure education (notably Goldman Sachs).


Focus on getting your first developer job at a company that doesn’t require a degree. Three years of commercial experience is worth a lot more than a degree, and you’ll be getting paid the whole time, not getting yourself into debt.

专注于在不需要学位的公司获得第一份开发人员的工作。 三年的商业经验比一个学位更有价值,而且您将一直得到报酬,而不会陷入债务困境。

缺乏技能 (Lacking the Skills)

Most of the people who will be interviewing you will have completed a 3 or 4-year degree and then worked their way up the ladder to the position they are in now. This is why they can’t believe that you could be job ready in just 3 months.

大多数将要面试您的人都将完成3年或4年的学位,然后逐步晋升到现在的位置。 这就是为什么他们无法相信您可以在短短3个月内就做好工作的原因。

This will often be reinforced by experiences with other bootcamp or self-taught developers who they’ve worked with who did lack the skills needed to be a constructive member of the team.


After all, 3 months is a very short time to learn a lot of skills.


I’m not saying that it is impossible, but that you’ll have had to work incredibly hard. You probably are missing a few skills that you need or have some things that you need practice. Luckily, whilst a degree takes years and thousands of pounds, you can learn and improve your skills quickly and easily.

我并不是说这是不可能的,但是您将不得不非常努力地工作。 您可能会缺少一些所需的技能或需要练习的东西。 幸运的是,虽然学位需要花费数年甚至数千英镑,但您可以快速轻松地学习和提高技能。

你需要做什么 (What you need to do)

To overcome the reservations that the interviewers have, you need to demonstrate your skills and experience. Have lots of projects that you can show to interviewers. You should be able to answer a tech question with “this is the answer and this project is where I found out the value of doing it like this”.

为了克服面试官的保留意见,您需要证明自己的技能和经验。 有很多项目可以展示给面试官。 您应该能够用“这就是答案,而这个项目正是我发现这样做的价值所在”来回答技术问题的方法。

My advice to anyone in this situation is to do everything you can to draw attention away from the fact that you did a bootcamp or that you’ve only been coding for a few months. This doesn’t mean lie, but don’t put it on your CV. If they ask you where you learnt to do something you could say:

对于在这种情况下的任何人,我的建议是尽一切可能引起人们的注意,以避开您进行过训练营或仅仅编写了几个月的代码。 这并不意味着说谎,但请不要放在自己的简历上。 如果他们问您您在哪里学习了做某事,您可以说:

`I really became proficient with ${skill} when I work on ${project name}. It pushed me from being able to use it to really understanding how it works and my approach to using it changed. I learnt the value of doing ${something you learnt to do better}.`

“当我从事$ {project name}的工作时,我真的很熟练使用$ {skill}。 它使我从能够使用它转变为真正理解它的工作原理,并且改变了我的使用方法。 我了解了做$ {您学会做得更好的事情}的价值。

This could have been a project that you did as part of the bootcamp or an extra project that you did afterwards. If they ask you if you did a bootcamp or how long you’ve been coding, you will have to be honest, but make sure you highlight all of the skills that you’ve improved since then.

这可能是您在新手训练营中做过的一个项目,也可能是后来做过的一个额外项目。 如果他们问您是否进行了训练营或编码已有多长时间,您将必须诚实,但请确保突出显示自那时以来提高的所有技能。

This brings me nicely onto my next point:


Don’t stop learning. Don’t stop improving.

不要停止学习。 不要停止改善。

If you graduate from a bootcamp and don’t carry on improving yourself, I don’t blame them for not hiring you. I would spend most of my time practicing the skills I was taught in the bootcamp. There are hundreds of posts listing great project ideas.

如果您从训练营毕业,并且不继续提高自己的能力,那么我不怪他们没有雇用您。 我会花费大部分时间来练习在训练营中教给我的技能。 有数百篇文章列出了很棒的项目构想。

Personally, I spent three weeks building an e-commerce website with dynamic products, baskets, user accounts and receipt emailing. This was largely practicing skills that I had learnt from online courses I’d done.

我个人花了三周时间建立了一个电子商务网站,其中包含动态产品,购物篮,用户帐户和收据电子邮件。 这主要是练习我从在线课程中学到的技能。

To add a new skill, I spent the next week adding a chatbot to the site. I’d never done anything like this but some online tutorials and a bit of trial and error and I got it working.

为了增加新技能,我花了下周的时间在网站上添加了聊天机器人。 我从来没有做过这样的事情,但是做了一些在线教程和一些试验和错误,然后我开始工作了。

Building this chatbot was the best spent week of my whole time off. I interviewed at a company who had just built a similar chatbot for a customer and were looking to expand that side of the business. Having shown them my chatbot, I got an offer before I’d left the building and now have built a chatbot platform that handles over 100,000 chats a month!

构建这个聊天机器人是我整个假期中度过的最佳时间。 我在一家公司采访过,该公司刚刚为客户构建了一个类似的聊天机器人,并希望扩大业务范围。 向他们展示了我的聊天机器人后,我在离开大楼之前得到了报价,现在已经建立了一个聊天机器人平台,该平台每月可以处理超过100,000个聊天!

综上所述 (In Summary)

  • Have lots of projects which demonstrate a range of skills and experiences有很多项目展示了各种技能和经验
  • Be discrete about your bootcamp background or how long you’ve been coding不了解您的训练营背景或编码已有多长时间
  • Don’t stop learning new skills and sharpening the skills you have不要停止学习新技能并提高技能

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/getting-your-first-developer-job-with-little-experience-ff7b18299d6c/



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