
The last twelve months have brought us a presidential impeachment trial, the coronavirus pandemic, sweeping racial justice protests triggered by the death of George Floyd, and a critical presidential election. News coverage of these events shapes popular reaction and popular reaction shapes policy. But until recently, people haven’t had the data to talk about news coverage.

在过去的十二个月中,我们进行了总统弹trial审判,冠状病毒大流行,乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)逝世引发的全面种族主义抗议,以及关键的总统选举。 这些事件的新闻报道影响着民众的React,而民众的React也影响着政策。 但是直到最近,人们还没有关于新闻报道的数据。

How much coverage does Trump receive compared to Biden? How did this change when coronavirus and the George Floyd protests came into the picture? Now, just weeks before a historic election, what is front and center in the news?

与拜登市相比,特朗普可以获得多少承保? 当冠状病毒和乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)抗议活动出现时,这种情况如何变化? 现在,就在历史性大选前几周,新闻的前沿和中心是什么?

Previously, acquiring data about cable news content meant meticulously and manually coding hours of news coverage by hand. The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer provides easy access to this information by giving you the ability to not just search transcripts, but also compute the screen time of public figures in nearly 24–7 broadcasts from CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC.

以前,获取有关有线新闻内容的数据意味着手工精心地手工编码新闻报道的小时数。 斯坦福有线电视新闻分析器使您不仅可以搜索成绩单,还可以计算来自CNN,Fox News和MSNBC的近24-7广播中公众人物的放映时间,从而可以轻松访问此信息。

Let’s take a closer look at what cable news has talked about in 2020.


我们在弹trial审判之前,期间和之后谈论了特朗普……直到冠状病毒出现 (We talked about Trump before, during, and after the impeachment trial… until the coronavirus came along)

In early 2020, mentions of “Trump” (red line in the graph above) were high before, during, and after President Trump’s senate impeachment trial (Jan 16 to Feb 5). However, the emergence of coronavirus (green) coincided with a significant drop in mentions of “Trump”. Trump mentions have still not returned to their February levels.

在2020年初,特朗普总统参议院弹each案审判(1月16日至2月5日)之前,期间和之后,都提到“特朗普”(上图中的红线)。 但是,冠状病毒(绿色)的出现与“特朗普”的提及大幅下降同时发生。 特朗普的提及仍未回到2月份的水平。

2020年的最大高峰与拜登有关 (The biggest spikes of 2020 are related to Biden)

Joe Biden’s dominance of the Super Tuesday races in early March, and his nomination of Kamala Harris as VP running mate in mid August, led to spikes in mentions of “Biden” (blue) that exceeded the daily keyword counts of other major events. (These spikes occurred on all three channels.) Also evident is the near disappearance of “Biden” mentions in late March as the coronavirus took hold around the country.

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在3月初的“超级星期二”比赛中独占min头,并在8月中旬提名卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)担任跑步副队长,导致提到“拜登”(蓝色)的人数激增,超过了其他重大赛事的每日关键词数量。 (这些尖峰出现在所有三个通道上 。)3月底,随着冠状病毒在全国各地蔓延,“拜登”提到的内容几乎消失了。

种族不公正现象在6月初成为新闻焦点,然后逐渐消失 (Racial injustice dominated the news in early June, then faded)

Mentions of words related to racial injustice and the George Floyd protests in late May/early June (yellow) reached a peak in early June that was higher than that of coronavirus at any point in 2020. Words related to this topic still get mentioned at a much higher rate than prior to the protests, but have been slowly declining since.

与种族不公有关的言论以及5月下旬/ 6月上旬(黄色)的乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)抗议活动在6月初达到顶峰,在2020年的任何时候都高于冠状病毒。比抗议前的比率高得多,但此后一直在缓慢下降。

谁在谈论谁在屏幕上 (Who is talked about vs. who is on screen)

The graph above showed how often “Trump” and “Biden” were mentioned in cable news transcripts — the amount of time their face appears on screen paints a different picture. While mentions of “Trump” were low during the initial wave of coronavirus coverage in March and April, Trump’s face was on screen more than at any time in his presidency during this period due to the White House’s daily coronavirus briefings.

上图显示了有线电视新闻记录中“特朗普”和“拜登”被提及的频率-他们的脸出现在屏幕上的时间描绘了一幅不同的图画。 在三月和四月的第一轮冠状病毒报道期间,对“特朗普”的提及很少,但特朗普当选总统的脸比任何时候都多 在此期间,由于白宫每天都会发布冠状病毒简报。

view interactive chart). Right: A comparison of screen time shows that while Biden’s screen time was low during this period, Trump was on screen more than at any other point in 2020 (查看互动图表 )。 右图:放映时间的比较显示,虽然在此期间拜登的放映时间很短,但特朗普的放映时间比2020年的其他任何时候都要多( view interactive chart).查看互动图表 )。

自己尝试一下 (Try it out yourself)

The Stanford TV News Analyzer provides an easy way to measure the representation of people and events on cable news. The site is updated with the latest broadcasts each day, and now includes near 24–7 broadcasts of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC beginning on January 1, 2010 (over 270,000 hours of video). We encourage you to use its transcript search and screen time measurement features to ask your own questions, like:

斯坦福电视新闻分析器提供了一种简便的方法来衡量有线新闻中人物和事件的代表性。 该网站每天都会更新为最新广播,现在包括从2010年1月1日开始的近24–7次CNN,Fox News和MSNBC广播(超过270,000个小时的视频)。 我们鼓励您使用其笔录搜索和屏幕时间测量功能来提出自己的问题,例如:

  • Does coverage of political candidates lead or lag the polls?


  • On which channels do controversial phrases like “Chinese coronavirus” first appear? (Tucker Carlson was first on January 23rd, but anchors on all three channels used the term in the same week).

    有争议的短语(例如“中国冠状病毒”)首先出现在哪些渠道? (塔克·卡尔森(Tucker Carlson)最早是在1月23日,但所有三个频道的主持人在同一周都使用了该术语)。

  • What is the breakdown of screen time by gender on the most popular cable news programs?在最受欢迎的有线新闻节目中,按性别细分的屏幕时间是多少?

We invite you to our Getting Started page and our explainer article to learn more about how to measure the contents of cable news yourself.

我们邀请您访问“ 入门”页面和解释文章,以了解有关如何自己衡量有线新闻内容的更多信息。

In the coming weeks we will be releasing a series of analyses that use the Stanford Cable TV Analyzer to inspect issues such as gender representation on cable news and coverage of the upcoming 2020 election. For now, you can find more information about our mission and the Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer on our Frequently Asked Questions page, and our technical report.

在未来几周内,我们将发布一系列使用斯坦福有线电视分析仪的分析报告,以检查诸如有线电视新闻中的性别代表以及即将到来的2020年大选的报道等问题。 目前,您可以在我们的常见问题页面和技术报告中找到有关我们的使命和斯坦福有线电视新闻分析器的更多信息。

We understand that the Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer is only as powerful as the questions that people answer with it. So journalists, media critics, and armchair data scientists out there… we want to work with you to get to the bottom of things. We are excited to enable you to approach news analysis and news monitoring in a large-scale and data-driven way.

我们了解到,斯坦福有线电视新闻分析器的功能与人们用它回答的问题一样强大。 因此,记者,媒体评论家和扶手椅数据科学家在那里……我们希望与您一起深入浅出。 我们很高兴能够使您以大规模和数据驱动的方式进行新闻分析和新闻监视。

我们的队伍 (Our Team)

Student research assistants, Stanford University: James Hong (student lead), Jacob Ritchie, Jeremy Barenholtz, Will Crichton, Daniel Fu, Ben Hannel, Michaela Murray, Xinwei Yao, Haotian Zhang


Maneesh Agrawala: Forest Baskett Professor Computer Science and Director of the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Stanford University

Maneesh Agrawala :Forest Baskett计算机科学教授,斯坦福大学布朗媒体创新研究所所长

Kayvon Fatahalian: Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University

Kayvon Fatahalian :斯坦福大学计算机科学助理教授

Geraldine Moriba: Journalist, documentary filmmaker, broadcast news executive, and former John S. Knight Journalism fellow

杰拉尔丁·莫里巴(Geraldine Moriba):新闻记者,纪录片制片人,广播新闻执行官,前约翰·奈特新闻工作者

Acknowledgments: The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer is a collaboration between Stanford University’s Computer Science Department, the Brown Institute for Media Innovation, and the Internet Archive.

致谢:斯坦福有线电视新闻分析器是由斯坦福大学计算机科学系, 布朗媒体创新研究所 Internet档案馆之间的合作

翻译自: https://medium.com/tvnewsanalyzer/270-000-hours-of-news-at-your-fingertips-bd9f68f3b9dc




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