
什么是蚱hopper? (What is Grasshopper?)

Grasshopper is an interactive education app for learning about coding. It began at Google as an experimental project created by a group called Area 120.

Grasshopper是一个用于学习编码的交互式教育应用程序。 它始于Google,是一个由Area 120小组创建的实验性项目。

According to 9to5Google, since its launch in April 2018, Grasshopper has been downloaded 1.6 million times on iOS and Android devices.


What makes Grasshopper unique is that it specializes in the mobile user experience. Its underlying mission is to reach out to people who want to learn coding but who also primarily use a mobile device. It is filled with colorful and creative exercises designed to acclimate the user to the syntax of JavaScript and the nature of programming in general.

Grasshopper之所以与众不同,是因为它专注于移动用户体验。 它的基本任务是与想学习编码但也主要使用移动设备的人们接触。 它充满了丰富多彩的创意练习,旨在使用户熟悉JavaScript的语法和一般的编程性质。

As you progress through the exercises, you gain "patches" through various achievements. Grasshopper also keeps track of all the concepts you learned thus far. They even have a mode of the app that lets you practice the concepts you learned to get better at programming!

随着练习的进行,您会通过各种成就获得“补丁”。 蚱hopper还跟踪您到目前为止所学的所有概念。 他们甚至有一个应用程序模式,可让您练习所学的概念,以更好地进行编程!

你从那里去哪里? (Where do you go from there?)

At some point, there will come a time where the user will need to begin programming on a desktop computer (with an actual, physical keyboard) to continue their coding journey. freeCodeCamp is an excellent path to take because not only are there lots of in-depth exercises, you can also earn certificates in certain areas of coding that you can work to earn. This includes areas such as:

在某个时候,用户将需要开始在台式计算机(使用实际的物理键盘)上进行编程以继续其编码过程。 freeCodeCamp是一条绝佳的途径,因为不仅有很多深入的练习,而且您还可以在某些可以工作获得的编码领域获得证书 。 这包括以下领域:

  • Responsive Web Design响应式网页设计
  • Data Visualization数据可视化
  • APIs and MicroservicesAPI和微服务

You can even pick up where you left off on Grasshopper by earning a certificate on freeCodeCamp in JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures!


And the best part: It's all 100% free!

最好的部分是: 全部100%免费!

The certificates involve working through a series of exercises and completing a set of projects that test what you learned. If you get stuck, you can seek help from a community of other coders, new and experienced, who are ready and willing to help! There is also a news section of the site where everyday users are publishing helpful articles everyday!

证书涉及通过一系列练习和完成一组测试您所学知识的项目。 如果您遇到困难,可以从其他愿意并愿意提供帮助的新手和资深程序员社区中寻求帮助! 该网站的新闻栏目中,每天都有用户每天发布有用的文章!

Besides the individual online experience, freeCodeCamp study groups have been created all over the world where you can go and meet with other programmers to learn from and network with one another!


Through fantastic, free platforms like Grasshopper and freeCodeCamp, your start in the programming industry will be strong!


参考文献 (References)




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