

抖音 制谱:孙世彦



Fitz & The Tantrums - Fitz & the Tantrums


Turn it up

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in

the city I know.

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin'


You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold.

I want the good life.

Every good night you're a hot one to hold.

Cause you don't even know.

I can make your hands clap.

Said I can make your hands clap.

Somebody save your soul cause you've been sinning in

the city I know.

Too many troubles all these lovers got you losin'


You're like a drug to me a luxury my sugar and gold.

I want your sex and your affection when I'm holding

you close.

Cause you don't even know.

I can make your hands clap.

Said I can make your hands clap.

Every night when the stars come out.

Am I the only living soul around.

Need to believe you could hold me down.

Cause I'm in need of something good right now.

We could be screaming till the sun comes out.

And when we wake we be the only sound.

Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

Turn it up

Bet I can make your hands clap.

My fresh is searching for your worst and best don't

ever deny

I'm like a stranger give me danger.

All your wrongs and your rights.

Secrets on broadway to the freeway you're a keeper of


Feel no conviction grapes of wrath can only sweeten

your wine.

But you don't even know.

I can make your hands clap.

Said I can make your hands clap.

Every night when the stars come out.

Am I the only living soul around.

Need to believe you could hold me down.

Cause I'm in need of something good right now.

We could be screaming till the sun comes out.

And when we wake we be the only sound.

Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

Bet I can make your hands clap.

So can I get a hand clap.

抖音 制谱:孙世彦

98k用计算机图片,98K (HandClap)_谱友园地_中国曲谱网相关推荐

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