互联网传真 传真指令

传真:传真 (FAX: Facsimile)

FAX is an abbreviation of "Facsimile".


It is commonly written and spoken as FAX. It is a telephonic transmission of a scanned copy of text and images printed on a paper, sent from one person to another through a telephone line. The device which is used to send original or duplicate scanned documents by electronic means over a telephone network is called a fax machine. The fax machine processes the contents of text or images as a single fixed graphic image, convert it into a bitmap, and then transfer it through the telephone system in the structure of audio-frequency tones. The fax machine at the receiving end deduces the tones, restructures the image and prints a paper copy.

它通常以FAX的形式书写和使用。 它是电话上打印的文本和图像在纸上的扫描副本的电话传输,通过电话线从一个人发送到另一个人。 用来通过电话网络通过电子方式发送原始或重复扫描文档的设备称为传真机。 传真机将文本或图像的内容作为单个固定的图形图像处理,将其转换为位图,然后通过电话系统以音频音调的形式进行传输。 接收端的传真机演绎出色调,重构图像并打印纸质副本。

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fax


传真的工作 (Working of FAX)

  • FAX machine is an arrangement of scanner and printer completely.


  • First Scanner scans the page and converts it into a fixed graphic image and then bitmap and transmits it through a telephone line.

    First Scanner扫描页面并将其转换为固定的图形图像,然后进行位图转换并通过电话线进行传输。

  • If a person wants to send a document through the fax machine, he should have to insert a paper into the Fax machine, then the machine will store the copy of the document and converts it into the fixed graphic image and then the machine will transfer it through a telephone line at the receiving end.


传真记录 (FAX History)

  • In 1842, fax technology was invented by Alexander Bain. He was the first person who turned out to be capable to transfer image/text through signals from the telephone line.

    1842年,亚历山大·贝恩(Alexander Bain)发明了传真技术。 他是第一个能够通过电话线的信号传输图像/文本的人。

  • Afterward, Frederick Bakewell enhanced Bain's invention and formed the first image telegraph which is the same as today's fax machine.

    此后,弗雷德里克·贝克韦尔(Frederick Bakewell)增强了贝恩(Bain)的发明,并形成了与今天的传真机相同的第一台图像电报。

In the 21st century, the fax technology was turn out to be out-of-date when the newer technology named "email" comes into existence.


为什么首选电子邮件而不是传真? (Why email is preferred over FAX?)

  • The quality of data sent over the internet is enhanced and better than Fax.


  • Sending data over the internet is inexpensive than sending it over Fax.


  • No requirement of any additional hardware for sending data over the internet nothing like Fax.


  • It can transmit data quicker and simpler than the FAX machine which saves a person's time and effort.


  • The fax machine may experience paper jams which can spoil the original document.


  • A person can send the data to various people in one click by using the CC or BCC email fields.


  • A person can offer supplementary information by attaching images, videos, files, etc.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/fax-full-form.aspx

互联网传真 传真指令

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