
浮动类toHexString()方法 (Float class toHexString() method)

  • toHexString() method is available in java.lang package.


  • toHexString() method is used to represent a hexadecimal string of the given parameter [value] of single-precision floating-point type.


  • toHexString() method is a static method, it is accessible with the class name too and if we try to access the method with the class object then also we will not get an error.


  • toHexString() method does not throw an exception at the time of conversion from float to Hexadecimal string.

    从float转换为16进制字符串时, toHexString()方法不会引发异常。



    public static String toHexString (float value);



  • float value – represents the float value to be converted.

    浮点值 –表示要转换的浮点值。

Return value:


The return type of this method is String, it returns the hexadecimal string of the given parameter that represent the float value.

此方法的返回类型为String ,它返回给定参数的代表十六进制值的十六进制字符串。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of toHexString(float value) method of Float class
public class ToHexStringOfFloatClass {public static void main(String[] args) {// Variables initialization
float f1 = 10.0f;
float f2 = 20.0f;
float f3 = 30.0f;
float f4 = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float f5 = Float.MIN_VALUE;
// Float instance creation
Float value = new Float(f1);
// It represents hexadecimal string of the given
// float type f2 argument
String s = value.toHexString(f2);
// Display Hexadecimal String Representation
System.out.println("value.toHexString(f2): " + s);
// It represents hexadecimal string of the given
// float type f3 argument
s = value.toHexString(f3);
// Display Hexadecimal String Representation
System.out.println("value.toHexString(f3): " + s);
// It represents hexadecimal string of the given
// float type f4 argument
s = value.toHexString(f4);
// Display Hexadecimal String Representation
System.out.println("value.toHexString(f4): " + s);
// It represents hexadecimal string of the given
// float type f5 argument
s = value.toHexString(f5);
// Display Hexadecimal String Representation
System.out.println("value.toHexString(f5): " + s);



value.toHexString(f2): 0x1.4p4
value.toHexString(f3): 0x1.ep4
value.toHexString(f4): 0x1.fffffep127
value.toHexString(f5): 0x0.000002p-126



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