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 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<string.h> 3 int main() 4 { 5     long i,j,n,g,s,t,a[1001],b[1001]; 6     char str[8001];//这里数组开大一点 第一次RT了 数比较大 7     while(scanf("%ld", &n)&&n) 8     { 9         s = 0;10         t = 0;11         int flag = 1;12         scanf("%d", &a[0]);13         for(i = 1 ; i < n ; i++)14             {15                 scanf("%ld",&a[i]);16                 b[i] = a[i]-a[i-1];17             }18         for(g = 2 ; g <= n ; g++)19         {                20             scanf("%d", &a[0]);            21             for(j = 1  ;j < n ; j++)22             {23                 scanf("%d", &a[j]);24                 if(b[j]!=a[j]-a[j-1])25                 {26                     flag = 0;27                     goto in;28                 }29             }30         }31 in:{32        for(i = g ; i <= n  ;i++)33            gets(str);34    }35         if(flag == 1)36             printf("homogeneous\n");37         else38             printf("not homogeneous\n");39     }40     return 0;41 }

这个题很容易TLE 从网上搜了下题解 找了篇比较好的 自己按照思想敲了一遍 搬这里了 也忘记出处了 就不贴原创了

Homogeneous squares

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory limit: 65536K


Assume you have a square of size n that is divided into n×n positions just as a checkerboard. Two positions (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), where 1 ≤ x1,y1,x2,y2 ≤ n, are called "independent" if they occupy different rows and different columns, that is, x1≠x2 and y1≠y2. More generally, n positions are called independent if they are pairwise independent. It follows that there are n! different ways to choose n independent positions.

Assume further that a number is written in each position of such an n×n square. This square is called "homogeneous" if the sum of the numbers written in n independent positions is the same, no matter how the positions are chosen. Write a program to determine if a given square is homogeneous!


The input contains several test cases. 
The first line of each test case contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 1000). Each of the next n lines contains n numbers, separated by exactly one space character. Each number is an integer from the interval [-1000000,1000000]
The last test case is followed by a zero.


For each test case output whether the specified square is homogeneous or not. Adhere to the format shown in the sample output.


1 2
3 4
1 3 4
8 6 -2
-3 4 0


not homogeneous


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