Oracle AWR 报告 每天自动生成并发送邮箱

Oracle AWR 介绍

如果说每天都去手工的出创建AWR报告,是个费时的活。 所以,最好就是弄成脚本来执行。 这篇文章就是说明这个问题的。

注意的一个问题,AWR 报告的两个snap 之间不能有重启DB的操作。

Python 执行 系统命令

Python 发送带 附件 邮件 脚本

一. 准备工作

一般我们都是条用awrrpt.sql 来创建我们的AWR报告。 我们先看下这个脚本的具体内容:
[oracle@rac1 admin]$ cat awrrpt.sql | grep -v 'Rem'|grep -v '^--'
set echo off heading on underline on;
column inst_num heading "Inst Num" new_value inst_num format 99999;
column inst_name heading "Instance" new_value inst_name format a12;
column db_name heading "DB Name" new_value db_name format a12;
column dbid heading "DB Id" new_value dbid format 9999999999 just c;

prompt Current Instance
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

select d.dbid dbid
, db_name
, i.instance_number inst_num
, i.instance_name inst_name
from v$database d,
v$instance i;


undefine num_days;
undefine report_type;
undefine report_name;
undefine begin_snap;
undefine end_snap;

在以上的脚本里,我们发现它只是生成了一些变量,然后把这些变量传给了另一个脚本:awrrpti.sql。 我们看下awrrpti.sql 脚本的具体内容:

[oracle@rac1 admin]$ cat awrrpti.sql | grep -v 'Rem'|grep -v '^--'

set echo off;
set veri off;
set feedback off;

variable rpt_options number;

define NO_OPTIONS = 0;
define ENABLE_ADDM = 8;

:rpt_options := &NO_OPTIONS;

prompt Specify the Report Type
prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
prompt Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
prompt Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
prompt Defaults to 'html'

column report_type new_value report_type;
set heading off;
select 'Type Specified: ',lower(nvl('&&report_type','html')) report_type from dual;
set heading on;

set termout off;
column ext new_value ext;
select '.html' ext from dual where lower('&&report_type') <> 'text';
select '.txt' ext from dual where lower('&&report_type') = 'text';
set termout on;

-- 这个脚本主要是确定SNAP的。
@@awrinpnm.sql 'awrrpt_' &&ext
-- 这个脚本主要是确定AWR 文件名称的

set termout off;
column fn_name new_value fn_name noprint;
select 'awr_report_text' fn_name from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'text';
select 'awr_report_html' fn_name from dual where lower('&report_type') <> 'text';

column lnsz new_value lnsz noprint;
select '80' lnsz from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'text';
select '1500' lnsz from dual where lower('&report_type') <> 'text';

set linesize &lnsz;
set termout on;
spool &report_name;

select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.&fn_name( :dbid,
:bid, :eid,
:rpt_options ));

spool off;

prompt Report written to &report_name.

set termout off;
clear columns sql;
ttitle off;
btitle off;
repfooter off;
set linesize 78 termout on feedback 6 heading on;
undefine report_name

undefine report_type
undefine ext
undefine fn_name
undefine lnsz

undefine NO_OPTIONS
undefine ENABLE_ADDM

undefine top_n_events
undefine num_days
undefine top_n_sql
undefine top_pct_sql
undefine sh_mem_threshold
undefine top_n_segstat

whenever sqlerror continue;
[oracle@rac1 admin]$

这个脚本才是我们真正生成AWR的脚本。 在这个脚本里面,提示我们选择AWR报告的类型。

select output from
table(dbms_workload_repository.&fn_name(:dbid, :inst_num,:bid, :eid,:rpt_options ));

(1)&fn_name :决定AWR报告的类型,有2个值:awr_report_html和awr_report_text。
(2)dbid,inst_num,bid,eid 可以通过dba_hist_snapshot查询. bid 指的是begin snap_id, eid 指的是end snap_id.

SQL> select * from (select snap_id,dbid,instance_number from dba_hist_snapshot order by snap_id) where rownum<10;

---------- ---------- ---------------
184 809910293 2
184 809910293 1
185 809910293 2
185 809910293 1
186 809910293 2
186 809910293 1
187 809910293 2
187 809910293 1
188 809910293 2

9 rows selected.

我这里是个RAC 环境, 通过这个可以看出在每个节点上都保存着AWR的信息。

-- No options. Setting this will not show the ADDM
-- specific portions of the report.
-- This is the default setting.
-- Show the ADDM specific portions of the report.
-- These sections include the Buffer Pool Advice,
-- Shared Pool Advice, PGA Target Advice, and
-- Wait Class sections.
define NO_OPTIONS = 0;
define ENABLE_ADDM = 8;

SQL>select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_html(809910293, 2,220,230,0));

SQL>select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_text(809910293, 2,220,230,0));

二. 生成AWR报告 SQL脚本
以上写了这么多,就是为了一个脚本:myawrrpt.sql. 这个脚本就是自动的去收集信息。 因为如果我们是调用awrrpt.sql的话,需要输入一些参数。 我们修改一下脚本,让它根据我们的需求来收集信息,这样就不用输入参数了。

[oracle@rac1 admin]$ cat myawrrpt.sql
conn / as sysdba;
set echo off;
set veri off;
set feedback off;
set termout on;
set heading off;

variable rpt_options number;

define NO_OPTIONS = 0;
define ENABLE_ADDM = 8;

-- according to your needs, the value can be 'text' or 'html'
define report_type='html';
:rpt_options := &NO_OPTIONS;

variable dbid number;
variable inst_num number;
variable bid number;
variable eid number;
select max(snap_id)-48 into :bid from dba_hist_snapshot;
select max(snap_id) into :eid from dba_hist_snapshot;
select dbid into :dbid from v$database;
select instance_number into :inst_num from v$instance;

column ext new_value ext noprint
column fn_name new_value fn_name noprint;
column lnsz new_value lnsz noprint;

--select 'txt' ext from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'text';
select 'html' ext from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'html';
--select 'awr_report_text' fn_name from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'text';
select 'awr_report_html' fn_name from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'html';
--select '80' lnsz from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'text';
select '1500' lnsz from dual where lower('&report_type') = 'html';

set linesize &lnsz;

-- print the AWR results into the report_name file using the spool command:

column report_name new_value report_name noprint;
select 'awr'||'.'||'&ext' report_name from dual;
set termout off;
spool &report_name;
select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.&fn_name(:dbid, :inst_num,:bid, :eid,:rpt_options ));
spool off;

set termout on;
clear columns sql;
ttitle off;
btitle off;
repfooter off;
undefine report_name
undefine report_type
undefine fn_name
undefine lnsz
undefine NO_OPTIONS
[oracle@rac1 admin]$

这个脚本是收集过去48个小时的snap 来生成AWR。 生成的文件名称是awr .html,这个也是spool 指定的,可以生成其他名称。

三. 自动上传AWR的Python脚本

在这个脚本里做2件事,第一是调用第二步里的SQL脚本,生成awr报告,然后将AWR 发送到指定邮箱。

#created by tianlesoftware

import os
import sys
import smtplib
import pickle
import mimetypes
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email.MIMEImage import MIMEImage
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart


def createawr():
pipe = os.popen(' /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/sqlplus /nolog @awrrpt.sql')

def mysendmail(fromaddr,toaddrs,subject):

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = fromaddr
msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(toaddrs)
msg['Subject'] = subject

txt = MIMEText(" AWR Report, The report be send at 9 AM every day ")

fileName = r'/home/oracle/awr.html'
ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(fileName)
if ctype is None or encoding is not None:
ctype = 'application/octet-stream'
maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
att = MIMEImage((lambda f: (, f.close()))(open(fileName, 'rb'))[0], _subtype = subtype)
att.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename = fileName)


if __name__=='__main__':
#print 'send successful'

四. 将Python 添加到crontab

[oracle@qs-wg-db1 scripts]$ crontab -l

40 17 * * * export ORACLE_HOME='/home/oracle_app' && ORACLE_SID=XX && cd /u01/backup/scripts && /u01/backup/scripts/ >/u01/backup/scripts/createSendAWR.log 2>&1

SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory

Linux Crontab 定时任务 命令详解


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