
  1. List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();

  2. //初始keys

  3. List<YourObject> list = this.redisTemplate.opsForValue().multiGet(keys);


  1. List<YourObject> list = this.redisTemplate.executePipelined(new RedisCallback<YourObject>() {

  2. @Override

  3. public YourObject doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {

  4. StringRedisConnection conn = (StringRedisConnection)connection;

  5. for (String key : keys) {

  6. conn.get(key);

  7. }

  8. return null;

  9. }

  10. });


  1. /**

  2. * Executes the given action object within a connection that can be exposed or not. Additionally, the connection can

  3. * be pipelined. Note the results of the pipeline are discarded (making it suitable for write-only scenarios).

  4. *

  5. * @param <T> return type

  6. * @param action callback object to execute

  7. * @param exposeConnection whether to enforce exposure of the native Redis Connection to callback code

  8. * @param pipeline whether to pipeline or not the connection for the execution

  9. * @return object returned by the action

  10. */

  11. public <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action, boolean exposeConnection, boolean pipeline) {

  12. Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");

  13. Assert.notNull(action, "Callback object must not be null");

  14. RedisConnectionFactory factory = getConnectionFactory();

  15. RedisConnection conn = null;

  16. try {

  17. if (enableTransactionSupport) {

  18. // only bind resources in case of potential transaction synchronization

  19. conn = RedisConnectionUtils.bindConnection(factory, enableTransactionSupport);

  20. } else {

  21. conn = RedisConnectionUtils.getConnection(factory);

  22. }

  23. boolean existingConnection = TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(factory);

  24. RedisConnection connToUse = preProcessConnection(conn, existingConnection);

  25. boolean pipelineStatus = connToUse.isPipelined();

  26. if (pipeline && !pipelineStatus) { //开启管道

  27. connToUse.openPipeline();

  28. }

  29. RedisConnection connToExpose = (exposeConnection ? connToUse : createRedisConnectionProxy(connToUse));

  30. T result = action.doInRedis(connToExpose);

  31. if (pipeline && !pipelineStatus) {// 关闭管道

  32. connToUse.closePipeline();

  33. }

  34. // TODO: any other connection processing?

  35. return postProcessResult(result, connToUse, existingConnection);

  36. } finally {

  37. if (!enableTransactionSupport) {

  38. RedisConnectionUtils.releaseConnection(conn, factory);

  39. }

  40. }

  41. }


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