1 Resource Duplication Across Forks

  1. 子进程是父进程的复制,在fork瞬间复制所有信息

    1. 复制父进程的代码
    2. 复制父进程的状态,包含全部的内存空间,比如变量
/*shared_variable.c*/int main(int argc, char * argv[]){int status;pid_t cpid, pid;int i=0;while(1){ //loop and fork childrencpid = fork();if( cpid == 0 ){/* CHILD */pid = getpid();printf("Child: %d: i:%d\n", pid, i);//set i in child to something differnti *= 3;printf("Child: %d: i:%d\n", pid, i);_exit(0); //NO FORK BOMB!!!}else if ( cpid > 0){/* PARENT *///wait for childwait(&status);//print i after waitingprintf("Parent: i:%d\n", i);i++;if (i > 5){       break; //break loop after 5 iterations}}else{/* ERROR */perror("fork");return 1;}//pretty printprintf("--------------------\n");}return 0;
Child: 3833: i:0
Child: 3833: i:0
Parent: i:0
Child: 3834: i:1
Child: 3834: i:3
Parent: i:1
Child: 3835: i:2
Child: 3835: i:6
Parent: i:2
Child: 3836: i:3
Child: 3836: i:9
Parent: i:3
Child: 3837: i:4
Child: 3837: i:12
Parent: i:4
Child: 3838: i:5
Child: 3838: i:15
Parent: i:5

1.1 File Descriptor’s across Forks

  1. 子复制父的文件描述符
  2. 父子同时对文件进行读写,共享offset
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){int fd, status;pid_t cpid;char c;if ( argc < 2){fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Require path\n");return 1;}//shared between all children and parentif( (fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0){perror("open");return 1;}while (1){cpid = fork();if( cpid == 0 ){/* CHILD *///try and read 1 byte from fileif( read(fd, &c, 1) > 0){printf("c: %c\n", c); // print the char_exit(0); //exit with status 0 on sucess read}else{//no more to read_exit(1); //exit with status 1 on failed read}}else if ( cpid > 0){/* PARENT *///wait for child to read firstwait(&status);//if exit status 1, break the loop, no more to readif( WEXITSTATUS(status) ){break; }//now parent reads a byteif( read(fd, &c, 1) > 0){printf("p: %c\n", c); // print the char}}else{/* ERROR */perror("fork");return 1;}}//done reading the fileclose(fd);return 0;

2 Inter-Process Communication and Pipes

  1. pipeline是进程之间外部通讯(一个进程,接收另一个进程执行的结果),pipe是进程内部通讯
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){//print hello world through a pipe!char hello[] = "Hello World!\n";char c;int pfd[2]; //pfd[0] reading end of pipe//pfd[1] writing end of pipe//open the pipeif( pipe(pfd) < 0){perror("pipe");return 1;}//write hello world to pipewrite(pfd[1], hello, strlen(hello));//close write end of pipeclose(pfd[1]);//read hello world from pipe, write to stdoutwhile( read(pfd[0], &c, 1)){write(1, &c, 1);}//close the read end of the pipeclose(pfd[0]);return 0;

2.2 Pipes Bursting! and Blocking!

  1. O.S. and the C standard library provides some amount of buffering on reads and writes. (C库和操作系统读写都有buffer)
  2. pipe就是kernel中的buffer
  3. when the pipe is full, the write will block.
  4. fcntl() or file descriptor control.通过fd来改变buffer的属性fcntl(pfd[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){char c = 'A';int i;int pfd[2]; //pfd[0] reading end of pipe//pdf[1] writing end of pipe//open the pipeif( pipe(pfd) < 0){perror("pipe");return 1;}//write A's to pipe until it's fulli = 0;while( write(pfd[1], &c, 1) > 0){printf("%d\n",i);i++;}perror("write");//close write end of pipeclose(pfd[1]);//read from pipe?!?while( read(pfd[0], &c, 1)){write(1, &c, 1);}close(pfd[0]);return 0;

2.3 Inter Process Pipes


int main(int argc, char * argv[]){//print hello world through a pipe! To child!char hello[] = "Hello World!\n";char c;int pfd[2]; //pfd[0] reading end of pipe//pfd[1] writing end of pipepid_t cpid;int status;//open a pipe, pfd[0] for reading, pfd[1] for writingif ( pipe(pfd) < 0){perror("pipe");return 1;}cpid = fork();if( cpid == 0 ){/* CHILD *///close the writing end in childclose(pfd[1]);//try and read 1 byte from pipe, write byte stdoutwhile( read(pfd[0], &c, 1) > 0){write(1, &c,1); }//close pipeclose(pfd[0]);_exit(0);    }else if ( cpid > 0){/* PARENT *///close reading end in parentclose(pfd[0]);//write hello world to pipewrite(pfd[1], hello, strlen(hello));//close the pipeclose(pfd[1]);//wait for childwait(&status);}else{/* ERROR */perror("fork");return 1;}return 0;

3 Duplicating File Descriptor and Pipelines

1.pipe 是通过文件描述符来实现进程内部通讯

3.1 Duplicating a File Descriptor

  1. int dup2(int filedes, int filedes2);
  2. duplicate the file descriptor fildes onto the file descriptor filedes2
  3. read and write from fildes2 now, it would be the same as reading and writing from filedes
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){//print hello world to a file with dupint fd;//check argsif ( argc < 2){fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Require destination path\n");return 1;}//open destination fileif( (fd = open(argv[1], O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT , 0644)) < 0){perror("open");return 1;}//close standard outclose(1);//duplicate fd to stdoutdup2(fd, 1);//print to stdout, which is now duplicated to fdprintf("Hello World!\n");return 0;

3.2 Setting up a pipeline

   /*pipe_dup.c*/int main(int argc, char * argv[]){int status;int pfd[2];pid_t cpid;char c;//open a pipe, pfd[0] for reading, pfd[1] for writingif ( pipe(pfd) < 0){perror("pipe");return 1;}//Setup a pipe between child 1 and child 2, like:// parent | childcpid = fork();if( cpid == 0 ){/* CHILD 1*///close stdinclose(0);//duplicate reading end to stdindup2(pfd[0], 0);//close the writing endclose(pfd[1]);//try and read 1 byte from stding and write stdoutwhile( read(0, &c, 1) > 0){ //stdin now pipe!write(1, &c,1); //this is still stdout}exit(0);} else if ( cpid > 0){/* PARENT *///close stdoutclose(1);//duplicate writing end to stdoutdup2(pfd[1], 1);//close reading end close(pfd[0]);//read and read 1 byte from stdin, write byte to pipewhile( read(0,&c,1) > 0){write(1, &c, 1);}//close the pipe and stdoutclose(pfd[1]);close(1);//wait for childwait(&status);}else{/* ERROR */perror("fork");return 1;}return 0;

18 File Duplication and Pipes相关推荐

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