
  • Word Preparation
    • scenery: 景色
    • astonishing: 令人震惊的
    • clear blue sky: 万里无云的天
    • natural wonder: 自然景观
    • ocean floor: 海底
    • home to someone or something: 是某人/某物的家
  • Grammar
    • scenery和scene的区别

Word Preparation

scenery: 景色

the general appearance of the natural environment, especially when it is beautiful.

Let’s sit outside and enjoy the scenery of the beach.

They stopped at the top of the hill to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

astonishing: 令人震惊的

extremely surprising or impressive

She gave an astonishing performance at the award ceremony.

His success as an actor was astonishing to us because we all thought he couldn’t act.

clear blue sky: 万里无云的天

a blue and cloudless sky

Let’s wait till there is a clear blue sky to go to the beach.

They took pictures with the clear blue sky in the background.

natural wonder: 自然景观

something amazing and beautiful that is not man-made

We saw the natural wonders of California when we went there on our vacation.

I prefer to see natural wonders rather than man-made structures.

ocean floor: 海底

the bottom of an ocean

There are many different kinds of fish that live near the ocean floor.

The submarine bottomed on the ocean floor.

home to someone or something: 是某人/某物的家

a place where someone or something lives or survives

The forest is home to many wild animals like foxes and rabbits.

The ocean is home to many plants and animals.






  • The scenery of this mountain is magnificent.
  • If I were you, I would go to the countryside because it is quiet, peaceful and the scenery is great.
  • There were hilarious scenes (of) when the pig ran into the shop.
  • The first scene of the play takes place in the king’s palace.

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