在本节中,我们将展示一个带有编号步骤的图表。如果您按照步骤进行,从一个开始并遵循引导箭头,任意复杂性的C声明可以快速翻译为英语(也可以是任意复杂性)。我们将通过忽略图中的typedef来简化声明。若要读取typedef,请忽略“typedef”一词来翻译声明。如果它转换为“p is a…”,那么现在只要您想声明它所转换的类型,就可以使用名称“p”。

In this section we present a diagram with numbered steps. If you proceed in steps,starting at one and following the guide arrows, a C declaration of arbitrary complexity can quickly be translated into English (also of arbitrary complexity). We'll simplify declarations by ignoring typedefs in the diagram. To read a typedef, translate the declaration ignoring the word "typedef". If it translates to "p is a…", you can now use the name "p" whenever you want to declare something of the type to which it translates.

用于C声明的魔术解码器环(Magic Decoder Ring for C Declarations)


Declarations in C are read boustrophedonically,i.e. alternating right-to-left with left-to right. And who'd have thought there would be a special word to describe that! Start at the first identifier you find when reading from the left. When we match a token in our declaration against the diagram, we erase it from further consideration. At each point we look first at the token to the right, then to the left. When everything has been erased, the job is done.


Let's try a couple of examples of unscrambling a declaration using the diagram. Say we want to figure out what our first example of code means:

char* const *(*next)();


As we unscramble this declaration, we gradually "white out" the pieces of it that we have already dealt with, so that we can see exactly how much remains. Again, remember const means "read-only". Just because it says constant, it doesn't necessarily mean constant.


The process is represented in Table. In each step, the portion of the declaration we are dealing with is printed in bold type. Starting at step one, we will proceed through these steps.

解读C声明的步骤(Steps in Unscrambling a C Declaration)

Steps in Unscrambling a C Declaration
Declaration Remaining
(start at leftmost identifier)
Next Step to Apply Result
char * const *(*next )(); step 1 say "next is a…"
char * const *(*) (); step 2,3 doesn't match, go to next step, say "next is a…"
char * const *(* )(); step 4  doesn't match, go to next step
char * const *(* )(); step 5 asterisk matches, say "pointer to …", go to step 4
char * const *() (); step 4 "(" matches up to ")", go to step 2
char * const * () ; step 2 doesn't match, go to next step
char * const * () ; step 3 say "function returning…"
char * const * ; step 4 doesn't match, go to next step
char * const * ; step 5 say "pointer to…"
char * const ; step 5 say "read-only…"
char * ; step 5 say "pointer to…"
char ; step 6 say "char"



Then put it all together to read:
"next is a pointer to a function returning a pointer to a read-only pointer-to-char" and we're done. Now let's try a more complicated example.

char *(*c[10])(int **p);


Try working through the steps in the same way as the last example. The steps are given at the end of this chapter, to give you a chance to try it for yourself and compare your answer.

[C指针] 用图表解读C声明:Unscrambling C Declarations by Diagram相关推荐

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