作者 | 李秋键

责编 | Carol

封图 | CSDN 下载自视觉中国



吃豆人是电子游戏历史上的经典街机游戏,由Namco公司的岩谷彻设计并由Midway Games在1980年发行。Pac-Man被认为是80年代最经典的街机游戏之一,游戏的主角小精灵的形象甚至被作为一种大众文化符号,或是此产业的代表形象。












import random
import pygame
class Wall(pygame.sprite.Sprite):def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color, **kwargs):pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])self.image.fill(color)self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.left = xself.rect.top = y
class Food(pygame.sprite.Sprite):def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color, bg_color, **kwargs):pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])self.image.fill(bg_color)self.image.set_colorkey(bg_color)pygame.draw.ellipse(self.image, color, [0, 0, width, height])self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.left = xself.rect.top = y
class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):def __init__(self, x, y, role_image_path):pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)self.role_name = role_image_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]self.base_image = pygame.image.load(role_image_path).convert()self.image = self.base_image.copy()self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.left = xself.rect.top = yself.prev_x = xself.prev_y = yself.base_speed = [30, 30]self.speed = [0, 0]self.is_move = Falseself.tracks = []self.tracks_loc = [0, 0]'''改变速度方向'''def changeSpeed(self, direction):if direction[0] < 0:self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.base_image, True, False)elif direction[0] > 0:self.image = self.base_image.copy()elif direction[1] < 0:self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.base_image, 90)elif direction[1] > 0:self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.base_image, -90)self.speed = [direction[0] * self.base_speed[0], direction[1] * self.base_speed[1]]return self.speed'''更新角色位置'''def update(self, wall_sprites, gate_sprites):if not self.is_move:return Falsex_prev = self.rect.lefty_prev = self.rect.topself.rect.left += self.speed[0]self.rect.top += self.speed[1]is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, wall_sprites, False)if gate_sprites is not None:if not is_collide:is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, gate_sprites, False)if is_collide:self.rect.left = x_prevself.rect.top = y_prevreturn Falsereturn True'''生成随机的方向'''def randomDirection(self):return random.choice([[-0.5, 0], [0.5, 0], [0, 0.5], [0, -0.5]])




import pygame
from Sprites import *
class Level1():def __init__(self):self.info = 'level1''''创建墙'''def setupWalls(self, wall_color):self.wall_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()wall_positions = [[0, 0, 6, 600],[0, 0, 600, 6],[0, 600, 606, 6],[600, 0, 6, 606],[300, 0, 6, 66],[60, 60, 186, 6],[360, 60, 186, 6],[60, 120, 66, 6],[60, 120, 6, 126],[180, 120, 246, 6],[300, 120, 6, 66],[480, 120, 66, 6],[540, 120, 6, 126],[120, 180, 126, 6],[120, 180, 6, 126],[360, 180, 126, 6],[480, 180, 6, 126],[180, 240, 6, 126],[180, 360, 246, 6],[420, 240, 6, 126],[240, 240, 42, 6],[324, 240, 42, 6],[240, 240, 6, 66],[240, 300, 126, 6],[360, 240, 6, 66],[0, 300, 66, 6],[540, 300, 66, 6],[60, 360, 66, 6],[60, 360, 6, 186],[480, 360, 66, 6],[540, 360, 6, 186],[120, 420, 366, 6],[120, 420, 6, 66],[480, 420, 6, 66],[180, 480, 246, 6],[300, 480, 6, 66],[120, 540, 126, 6],[360, 540, 126, 6]]for wall_position in wall_positions:wall = Wall(*wall_position, wall_color)self.wall_sprites.add(wall)return self.wall_sprites'''创建门'''def setupGate(self, gate_color):self.gate_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()self.gate_sprites.add(Wall(282, 242, 42, 2, gate_color))return self.gate_sprites'''创建角色'''def setupPlayers(self, hero_image_path, ghost_images_path):self.hero_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()self.ghost_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()self.hero_sprites.add(Player(287, 439, hero_image_path))for each in ghost_images_path:role_name = each.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]if role_name == 'Blinky':player = Player(287, 199, each)player.is_move = Trueplayer.tracks = [[0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 9], [0, 0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3],[0.5, 0, 15], [0, -0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 3],[0, -0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, -0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 3],[-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 5]]self.ghost_sprites.add(player)elif role_name == 'Clyde':player = Player(319, 259, each)player.is_move = Trueplayer.tracks = [[-1, 0, 2], [0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 5], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7],[-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, 0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, -0.5, 3],[-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 9]]self.ghost_sprites.add(player)elif role_name == 'Inky':player = Player(255, 259, each)player.is_move = Trueplayer.tracks = [[1, 0, 2], [0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 10], [0, 0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 3],[0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 11],[-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 7],[-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 3],[-0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 1]]self.ghost_sprites.add(player)elif role_name == 'Pinky':player = Player(287, 259, each)player.is_move = Trueplayer.tracks = [[0, -1, 4], [0.5, 0, 9], [0, 0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 23], [0, 0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3],[0, -0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 19], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 3],[0, -0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, 0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 19], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 9]]self.ghost_sprites.add(player)return self.hero_sprites, self.ghost_sprites'''创建食物'''def setupFood(self, food_color, bg_color):self.food_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()for row in range(19):for col in range(19):if (row == 7 or row == 8) and (col == 8 or col == 9 or col == 10):continueelse:food = Food(30*col+32, 30*row+32, 4, 4, food_color, bg_color)is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(food, self.wall_sprites, False)if is_collide:continueis_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(food, self.hero_sprites, False)if is_collide:continueself.food_sprites.add(food)return self.food_sprites




import os
import sys
import pygame
import Levels
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
PURPLE = (255, 0, 255)
SKYBLUE = (0, 191, 255)
BGMPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/sounds/bg.mp3')
ICONPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/icon.png')
FONTPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/font/ALGER.TTF')
HEROPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/pacman.png')
BlinkyPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/Blinky.png')
ClydePATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/Clyde.png')
InkyPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/Inky.png')
PinkyPATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/images/Pinky.png')
def startLevelGame(level, screen, font):clock = pygame.time.Clock()SCORE = 0wall_sprites = level.setupWalls(SKYBLUE)gate_sprites = level.setupGate(WHITE)hero_sprites, ghost_sprites = level.setupPlayers(HEROPATH, [BlinkyPATH, ClydePATH, InkyPATH, PinkyPATH])food_sprites = level.setupFood(YELLOW, WHITE)is_clearance = Falsewhile True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:sys.exit(-1)pygame.quit()if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:for hero in hero_sprites:hero.changeSpeed([-1, 0])hero.is_move = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:for hero in hero_sprites:hero.changeSpeed([1, 0])hero.is_move = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_UP:for hero in hero_sprites:hero.changeSpeed([0, -1])hero.is_move = Trueelif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:for hero in hero_sprites:hero.changeSpeed([0, 1])hero.is_move = Trueif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:if (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) or (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) or (event.key == pygame.K_UP) or (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN):hero.is_move = Falsescreen.fill(BLACK)for hero in hero_sprites:hero.update(wall_sprites, gate_sprites)hero_sprites.draw(screen)for hero in hero_sprites:food_eaten = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(hero, food_sprites, True)SCORE += len(food_eaten)wall_sprites.draw(screen)gate_sprites.draw(screen)food_sprites.draw(screen)for ghost in ghost_sprites:# 幽灵随机运动(效果不好且有BUG)'''res = ghost.update(wall_sprites, None)while not res:ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.randomDirection())res = ghost.update(wall_sprites, None)'''# 指定幽灵运动路径if ghost.tracks_loc[1] < ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][2]:ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])ghost.tracks_loc[1] += 1else:if ghost.tracks_loc[0] < len(ghost.tracks) - 1:ghost.tracks_loc[0] += 1elif ghost.role_name == 'Clyde':ghost.tracks_loc[0] = 2else:ghost.tracks_loc[0] = 0ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])ghost.tracks_loc[1] = 0if ghost.tracks_loc[1] < ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][2]:ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])else:if ghost.tracks_loc[0] < len(ghost.tracks) - 1:loc0 = ghost.tracks_loc[0] + 1elif ghost.role_name == 'Clyde':loc0 = 2else:loc0 = 0ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[loc0][0: 2])ghost.update(wall_sprites, None)ghost_sprites.draw(screen)score_text = font.render("Score: %s" % SCORE, True, RED)screen.blit(score_text, [10, 10])if len(food_sprites) == 0:is_clearance = Truebreakif pygame.sprite.groupcollide(hero_sprites, ghost_sprites, False, False):is_clearance = Falsebreakpygame.display.flip()clock.tick(10)return is_clearance
def showText(screen, font, is_clearance, flag=False):clock = pygame.time.Clock()msg = 'Game Over!' if not is_clearance else 'Congratulations, you won!'positions = [[235, 233], [65, 303], [170, 333]] if not is_clearance else [[145, 233], [65, 303], [170, 333]]surface = pygame.Surface((400, 200))surface.set_alpha(10)surface.fill((128, 128, 128))screen.blit(surface, (100, 200))texts = [font.render(msg, True, WHITE),font.render('Press ENTER to continue or play again.', True, WHITE),font.render('Press ESCAPE to quit.', True, WHITE)]while True:for event in pygame.event.get():if event.type == pygame.QUIT:sys.exit()pygame.quit()if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:if is_clearance:if not flag:returnelse:main(initialize())else:main(initialize())elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:sys.exit()pygame.quit()for idx, (text, position) in enumerate(zip(texts, positions)):screen.blit(text, position)pygame.display.flip()clock.tick(10)
def initialize():pygame.init()icon_image = pygame.image.load(ICONPATH)pygame.display.set_icon(icon_image)screen = pygame.display.set_mode([606, 606])pygame.display.set_caption('吃豆人')return screen
def main(screen):pygame.mixer.init()pygame.mixer.music.load(BGMPATH)pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0)pygame.font.init()font_small = pygame.font.Font(FONTPATH, 18)font_big = pygame.font.Font(FONTPATH, 24)for num_level in range(1, Levels.NUMLEVELS+1):if num_level == 1:level = Levels.Level1()is_clearance = startLevelGame(level, screen, font_small)if num_level == Levels.NUMLEVELS:showText(screen, font_big, is_clearance, True)else:showText(screen, font_big, is_clearance)







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