
A tripod is one of the most important—and often overlooked—pieces of photography gear. Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of one.

三脚架是最重要且经常被忽视的摄影器材之一。 这是您需要了解的以充分利用其中的一环。

为什么需要三脚架 (Why You Need a Tripod)

A tripod supports and stabilizes your camera. Without one, it’s almost impossible to do things like:

三脚架可支撑并稳定相机。 没有一个,几乎不可能做这样的事情:

  • Take photos with a shutter speed longer than a fraction of a second without having everything be a blurry mess.


  • Easily take self portraits and group shots that include you.


  • Keep your camera locked down in the same position so you can take HDR photos or composite images (where you combine multiple photos into a single image).将相机锁定在同一位置,以便可以拍摄HDR照片或合成图像(将多张照片合并为一张图像)。
  • Use a long telephoto lens for extended periods of time without massive amounts of back pain, shoulder pain, and emotional pain.


  • Make timelapse videos.制作间隔拍摄视频。

根据您的需求选择合适的三脚架 (Get the Right Tripod For Your Needs)

There are hundreds of different tripods out there that cost anything from $20 all the way up to well over $1000. It’s important to buy a tripod that fits your needs.

有数百种不同的三脚架,价格从20美元到1000美元不等。 购买适合您需求的三脚架很重要。

Tripods come in two main materials: aluminium and carbon fiber. Aluminium is cheaper but heavier, while carbon fiber is lighter and more expensive. Lots of manufacturers make otherwise identical tripods in both materials.

三脚架有两种主要材料:铝和碳纤维。 铝更便宜但更重,而碳纤维更轻更贵。 许多制造商在两种材料上都制作了相同的三脚架。

There are two parts to any tripod: the tripod legs and the tripod head. The legs support the camera, while the head is where you attaches the camera. Different heads allow you to position the camera in different ways. Cheap tripods may combine the two, but mostly, you’ll be able to buy the same tripod with a couple of different interchangeable heads.

任何三脚架都有两个部分:三脚架腿和三脚架头。 腿支撑相机,而头部则是安装相机的位置。 不同的头允许您以不同的方式放置相机。 廉价的三脚架可以将两者结合在一起,但是在大多数情况下,您可以使用几个不同的可互换头购买相同的三脚架。

There are loads of different styles of tripod head, but the most important ones are:


  • Ball heads: A ball head is the cheapest and most common tripod head for photography. They’re very flexible and let you position your camera pretty much anyway you could want.

    球头:球头是摄影中最便宜,最常见的三脚架头。 它们非常灵活,可让您随意放置相机。

  • Pan and tilt heads: A pan and tilt head locks your camera to two axes that are controlled independently. You can pan the camera side to side without affecting its tilt, or tilt the camera up and down without accidentally panning it. This makes it easier to make small adjustments and take panoramic photos. They’re also better for video than ball heads.

    平移和倾斜云台:平移和倾斜云台将您的相机锁定在两个独立控制的轴上。 您可以左右左右摇摄相机而不会影响其倾斜度,也可以上下倾斜相机而不会意外摇摄它。 这样可以更轻松地进行小调整和拍摄全景照片。 它们的视频效果也比球形头更好。

  • Gimbal heads: A gimbal head supports heavy camera setups while still allowing you to move it quickly as if you’re hand holding it. They’re mainly for wildlife and sports photographers, rather than people who want to lock their camera in a stable position.

    万向节云台:万向节云台支持笨重的相机设置,同时仍然允许您像手持一样快速移动它。 它们主要用于野生动植物摄影师,而不是想将相机锁定在稳定位置的人。

What tripod setup you should get depends on your exact needs. If you just need something to hold your camera for family portraits, the cheapest thing you can buy with three legs will work. It only needs to hold your camera steady for a fraction of a second.

您应该获得哪种三脚架设置取决于您的确切需求。 如果您只需要拿照相机来拍摄全家福,那么用三只脚买的最便宜的东西就可以用。 它只需要稳定相机一秒钟即可。

On the other hand, if you want the tripod to hold your camera steady for a 30 second exposure—or a six hour timelapse—then you need to invest in something a lot more stable. With tripods, you get what you pay for.

另一方面,如果您希望三脚架将相机稳定保持30秒(或间隔6小时)曝光,那么您需要投资一些更稳定的东西。 有了三脚架,您就能得到所要付出的一切。

Personally, I use an aluminium Vanguard Alta Pro with a ballhead. At $169, it’s affordable while still being stable enough to support a heavy camera set up for long exposures and timelapses. The only downside is that it’s a bit big and heavy to travel with.

我个人使用带有球头的铝制Vanguard Alta Pro 。 它的价格为169美元,价格适中,同时仍然足够稳定,可以支撑重型相机以长时间曝光和延时拍摄。 唯一的缺点是旅行时会有些笨重。

如何设置三脚架,使其尽可能稳定 (How to Set Up Your Tripod So It’s as Stable as Possible)

Every tripod comes with nested segmented legs that extend so you can collapse your tripod down for travelling while still being able to get a reasonable amount of height when you need it. The problem is that the further you extend your tripod, the less stable it gets. This means you should never extend your tripod more than is necessary to get the shot you want. It’s better to have to bend over or kneel down and have your camera stable at waist level than to have it unstable at eye level.

每个三脚架都带有延伸的嵌套分段腿,因此您可以将三脚架向下折叠以进行旅行,同时仍可以在需要时获得适当的高度。 问题是三脚架延伸得越远,其稳定性就越差。 这意味着您三脚架的伸展绝不应超过拍摄所需的范围。 最好弯腰或跪下并使相机在腰部水平处保持稳定,而不是在视线水平处使其保持稳定。

When you’re extending your tripod, start with the thicker leg sections first since they’re the most stable. These are normally the top sections. After, work down through the two or three thinner leg sections using as few as possible.

伸展三脚架时,请先从较粗的腿部分开始,因为它们最稳定。 这些通常是顶部。 之后,尽量减少使用两到三个较细的腿部区域。

Think about what surface you’re putting your tripod on, too. If it’s something loose like sand, snow, or gravel, then there’s a good chance the tripod could shift. If you can, place it on something firmer; if not, push and rock your tripod down firmly so that anything that is likely to shift, like pebbles, already have done before you start taking pictures. There’s nothing worse than your tripod shifting an hour into a timelapse.

也考虑一下要在什么表面上放置三脚架。 如果是沙子,雪或碎石等松散的东西,那么三脚架很有可能会移动。 如果可以的话,将它放在更坚固的东西上; 如果没有,请稳稳地向下推动并摇动三脚架,以便在开始拍照之前已经做好任何可能移动的操作,例如鹅卵石。 没有什么比三脚架将一个小时移入游戏中时光倒流更糟糕了。

If your tripod has a center column, you should only extend it as a last resort when you absolutely need the extra height. It’s the least stable section of a tripod.

如果您的三脚架带有中心柱,则在绝对需要额外高度时,只能将其作为最后的选择。 这是三脚架中最不稳定的部分。

Lots of tripods come with a hook underneath their centre column. This is so you can hang your camera bag—or better yet, a plastic bag filled with rocks—from the tripod to really hold it in position and stop the wind from affecting it. If your camera tripod has one, always use that hook if you’re taking a long exposure shot or timelapse.

许多三脚架的中心柱下方都带有挂钩。 这样一来,您可以将相机包(或装满岩石的塑料袋)从三脚架上悬挂下来,以真正将其固定在位,并阻止风影响它。 如果您的相机三脚架有一个,则在长时间曝光拍摄或间隔拍摄时请始终使用该挂钩。

使用水平仪或水平仪 (Use a Spirit or Digital Level for Flat Horizons)

It’s almost impossible to position a camera so that it’s totally level without a spirit level (or a digital equivalent). This isn’t as important for photography when you’ve got a bit more flexibility to fix uneven horizons in post, but it’s essential for video work.

几乎不可能将摄像机放置在没有水平仪(或数字等效物)的情况下完全水平的位置。 当您具有更大的灵活性来解决邮政中的水平不齐时,这对于摄影来说并不重要,但是对于视频工作而言,这是必不可少的。

Many tripod heads have a spirit level built in. There’s a good chance your camera also has a digital level you can use. If you don’t have either, pick up something like this small $7 spirit level and use it to get your camera perfectly level.

许多三脚架云台都内置有水平仪。您的相机很有可能也可以使用数字水平仪。 如果您都没有,则拿起类似的小型7美元水平仪,然后使用它使相机达到完美的水平仪。

拍照时停止相机移动 (Stop the Camera Moving While You Take Photos)

When you take a picture, there’s actually a lot of movement happening in the camera. You just don’t notice it because you’re moving a whole lot more. With your camera on a stable tripod, however, that little bit of movement can affect your images—especially long exposure images.

拍摄照片时,相机中实际上发生了很多移动。 您只是没有注意到它,因为您要移动的更多。 但是,将相机放在稳定的三脚架上,一点点移动都会影响图像,尤其是长时间曝光的图像。

Don’t just press the shutter button to take an image. Either get a camera remote or use the two second timer that’s built in to every DSLR. This means that you can’t introduce any movement while snapping your shot.

不要只按快门按钮拍摄图像。 要么让摄像机遥控,要么使用每个DSLR内置的两秒计时器。 这意味着在快照时不能进行任何动作。

When you take an image with a DSLR, the mirror inside snaps up really quickly. This can also add some shake. To stop it, you can enable mirror lock up mode (if your camera supports it). The simpler option though, is just to shoot using live view; the mirror is always locked up then.

当您使用DSLR拍摄图像时,内部的反光镜会Swift捕捉。 这也会增加一些震动。 要停止它,您可以启用反光镜锁定模式(如果您的相机支持)。 不过,更简单的选择是使用实时取景进行拍摄。 镜子总是被锁起来。

Although it might sound counterintuitive, if your lens has image stabilization, you should turn it off when you’re using a tripod. Image stabilization works by having elements inside the lens that can move a few millimeters. This works great if you’re holding your camera in your hands, but if you’ve got it locked down on a tripod, the small amounts of movement from the stabilization system can actually make each photo slightly different.

尽管听起来可能违反直觉,但如果镜头具有防抖功能,则在使用三脚架时应将其关闭。 防抖功能是通过使镜头内部的元件移动几毫米来实现的。 如果您将相机握在手中,则效果很好,但是如果将相机锁定在三脚架上,则稳定系统的少量移动实际上会使每张照片略有不同。

A tripod is a crucial bit of kit for a lot of different kinds of photography. There’s a reason landscape photographers are prepared to lug them for miles to get the shot.

三脚架是很多不同类型摄影作品中必不可少的工具。 风景摄影师准备将他们拖延数英里来拍摄是有原因的。

Image Credits: ShareGrid and Andrey Emelianov via Unsplash.

图片来源: ShareGrid和Andrey Emelianov(通过Unsplash)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353967/how-to-use-a-tripod/



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