
在上一篇文章《深入理解Linux 条件变量1:使用场景、接口说明》我们简单介绍了条件变量的使用场景以及相关接口,正如大神linus所说:talk is cheap,show me the code,本文我们就使用条件变量机制,来实现一个【生产,消费模型】。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>/** Get offset of a member variable.** @param[in]   type     the type of the struct this is embedded in.* @param[in]   member   the name of the variable within the struct.*/
#define aos_offsetof(type, member)   ((size_t)&(((type *)0)->member))/** Get the struct for this entry.** @param[in]   ptr     the list head to take the element from.* @param[in]   type    the type of the struct this is embedded in.* @param[in]   member  the name of the variable within the struct.*/
#define aos_container_of(ptr, type, member)\((type *) ((char *) (ptr) - aos_offsetof(type, member)))/** Get the struct for this entry.* @param[in]   ptr     the list head to take the element from.* @param[in]   type    the type of the struct this is embedded in.* @param[in]   member  the name of the variable within the struct.*/
#define list_entry(ptr, type, member)\aos_container_of(ptr, type, member)typedef struct slist_s {struct slist_s *next;
} slist_t;static inline void slist_add(slist_t *node, slist_t *head)
{node->next = head->next;head->next = node;
}static inline void slist_add_tail(slist_t *node, slist_t *head)
{while (head->next) {head = head->next;}slist_add(node, head);
}static inline void slist_del(slist_t *node, slist_t *head)
{while (head->next) {if (head->next == node) {head->next = node->next;break;}head = head->next;}
}static inline int slist_empty(const slist_t *head)
{return !head->next;
}static inline void slist_init(slist_t *head)
{head->next = 0;
}/** Iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry.** @param[in]   queue   the head for your list.* @param[in]   tmp     the type * to use as a temp.* @param[in]   node    the type * to use as a loop cursor.* @param[in]   type    the type of the struct this is embedded in.* @param[in]   member  the name of the slist_t within the struct.*/
#define slist_for_each_entry_safe(queue, tmp, node, type, member)\for (node = aos_container_of((queue)->next, type, member),\tmp = (queue)->next ? (queue)->next->next : NULL;\&node->member;\node = aos_container_of(tmp, type, member), tmp = tmp ? tmp->next : tmp)// 自定义消息结构
typedef struct msg{slist_t list;int data;
} msg_t;pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cond_hasProduct = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
slist_t g_msg_head = {NULL};void *th_producer(void *arg)
{int cnt = 0;msg_t *new_node = NULL;pthread_detach(pthread_self());while(1){// 申请一个消息节点,初始化链表元素,并且对数据赋值new_node = (msg_t *)malloc(sizeof(msg_t));new_node->data = cnt++;slist_init(&new_node->list);pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);// 将节点数据添加到消息链表中slist_add_tail(&new_node->list, &g_msg_head);pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);// 发送信号到条件变量pthread_cond_signal(&cond_hasProduct);usleep(100000);}printf("thread producer exit.\n");return (void *)0;
}void *th_consumer(void *arg)
{char *name = (char *)arg;msg_t *pos = NULL;slist_t *tmp;while(1){pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);while(slist_empty(&g_msg_head)){// 等待条件变量状态变化通知pthread_cond_wait(&cond_hasProduct, &mutex);}// 取消息队列的首个 节点消息slist_for_each_entry_safe(&g_msg_head, tmp, pos, msg_t, list){printf("------- [%s] get %d --------\n", name, pos->data);slist_del(&pos->list, &g_msg_head);free(pos);pos = NULL;break;}pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);}return NULL;
}int main(void)
{pthread_t pid, cid, cid2, cid3;static const char *th_consum1 = "th_consum1";static const char *th_consum2 = "th_consum2";static const char *th_consum3 = "th_consum3";slist_init(&g_msg_head);pthread_create(&pid, NULL, th_producer, NULL);sleep(2);printf("start create consumer thread.\n");pthread_create(&cid, NULL, th_consumer, (void *)th_consum1);pthread_create(&cid2, NULL, th_consumer, (void *)th_consum2);pthread_create(&cid3, NULL, th_consumer, (void *)th_consum3);pthread_join(pid, NULL);pthread_join(cid, NULL);pthread_join(cid2, NULL);pthread_join(cid3, NULL);return 0;


------- [th_consum3] get 0 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 1 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 2 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 3 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 4 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 5 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 6 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 7 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 8 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 9 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 10 --------
------- [th_consum3] get 11 --------
------- [th_consum2] get 12 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 13 --------
------- [th_consum3] get 14 --------
------- [th_consum2] get 15 --------
------- [th_consum1] get 16 --------



  1. 上述示例代码中,th_producer生产线程中,pthread_cond_signal为什么要在pthread_mutex_unlock后面,而不是在它之前?
  2. 在th_consumer线程中,为什么使用while(slist_empty(&g_msg_head)),而不是if(slist_empty(&g_msg_head)) ?
  3. 在th_consumer线程中,pthread_cond_wait之前为什么要先pthread_mutex_lock?
  4. pthread_cond_wait 阻塞了,这个时候 mutex 互斥锁也已经lock了,生产线程还能不能拿到mutex?
  5. 在main函数中,我们先创建了生产线程,并且等待了2s才创建消费线程,而生产线程每100ms生产一次数据,然后就调用pthread_cond_signal 通知条件变量,那么是不是前2s发送的信号给条件变量都丢了?pthread_cond_wait就等不到前2s的通知了?


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