Sentences:Ask your partners the following question about his/her best friend。Make sure to listen carefully to what your partner has to say


1、 Is your friend usually in a good mood?

2、 Is it important for your friend to be successful in whatever he/she does?

3、 Does your friend notice your feelings?

4、 Does your friend often give presents,or pay for lunch or a coffee?

5、 Does your friend work hard?

6、 Does your friend become angry or annoyed if he/she has to wait for something or someone?

7、 Can you trust your friend with a secret?

8、 Does your friend listen well when you are speaking?

9、 Does your friend keep his/her feelings to him/herself?

10、 Is your friend usually not worried by things,no matter what happens?

11、 Does your friend think the future will be good?

12、 Does your friend often change their opinion about things?

13、 Does your friend often postphone things he/she has to do?

14、 Is your friend happy one moment and then sad the next?

15、 Does your friend like to be with people?


Generous ——〉 mean,stingy

Easygoing ——〉 disagreeable

Ambitious ——〉 lazy,unambitious

Cheerful ——〉 sad

Hardworking ——〉lazy

Trustworthy ——〉unreliable

Impatient ——〉patient

Optimistic ——〉pessimism

Sensitive ——〉insensitive

Moody ——〉steady-going

Sociable ——〉 reserved


Reserved ——〉open

Lazy ——〉

Attentive ——〉 careless

Best friend or undesirable friend

Confident in his/her abilities

Handsome or beautiful







Rich or well off

Artistic abilities

Inquisitive mind

Possess athletic abilities



Free spirit

Speak English well

Interested in the same things

Interested in different things

From the same social background

From different social background

Loves to tell stories

Rather reserved


plans for the future

happy with what he/she has

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