
by Kristóf Litavecz


我如何使用编码技巧使航空公司取代丢失的婴儿车 (How I used my coding skills to make an airline replace my lost baby stroller)

Last summer my wife and our two children flew from Hungary to California to visit friends. Among other complications, our airline lost our little one’s stroller on the way.

去年夏天,我的妻子和我们的两个孩子从匈牙利飞往加利福尼亚,探望朋友。 除其他并发症外,我们的航空公司在途中丢失了我们的小推车。

After numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact the airline through emails, tweets, friendly phone calls — and then angry phone calls — to cover our costs, I had enough. I decided to take things to the next level.

在多次尝试通过电子邮件,推文,友好的电话(然后是愤怒的电话)来联系航空公司以支付我们的费用而失败之后,我受够了。 我决定将事情提高到一个新的水平。

So I built a Twitter Bot that replied to every tweet from the airline’s account to remind them of our case, which had been pending for over three months at that point.

因此,我建立了一个Twitter Bot ,回复了该航空公司帐户中的每条推文,以提醒他们我们的案件,当时该案件已经待了三个多月了。

By no means did I do this for revenge or extort money. All I wanted them to do was treat us fairly and cover the costs of a child’s lost stroller.

我决不是为了报仇或勒索钱财。 我想要他们做的就是公平地对待我们,并支付孩子失散的童车的费用。

I had been learning to program for about a year now, and making heavy use of freeCodeCamp community for support and inspiration.


So, here is what I did:


  1. I created a new Cloud9 dev environment


  2. I created a Twitter account


  3. I created a simple Twitter Bot using Node.js我使用Node.js创建了一个简单的Twitter Bot
  4. I configured it so that it would randomly tweet one of ten reminder messages every hour

    我配置好了 这样它就会每小时随机发送10条提醒消息之一

  5. Then I launched the bot然后我启动了机器人

One and a half weeks later, the money landed in my account, and I bought a new stroller.


I put all of my code on this GitHub repository in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation. And here’s how I did all this.

我将所有代码都放在此GitHub存储库中,以防您遇到类似情况。 这就是我所做的所有事情。

步骤1:创建新的Cloud9 IDE环境: (Step 1: Create a new Cloud9 IDE environment:)

Head to Cloud9 and create a new workspace.


If you would like to replicate my bot just clone my repository by entering the following line in your terminal:


git clone

git clone

第2步:创建一个Twitter帐户和一个Twitter应用 (Step 2: Create a Twitter account and a Twitter App)

If you don’t have a Twitter account yet, go ahead and create one. Once you are registered, you can create a new application, which will allow you to access Twitter’s API and programmatically generate tweets.

如果您还没有Twitter帐户, 请继续创建一个 。 注册后,您可以创建一个新的应用程序,该应用程序将允许您访问Twitter的API并以编程方式生成推文。

As soon as my app was set up I retrieved four security keys that are necessary to access the API:


  • Consumer Key (API Key)使用者密钥(API密钥)
  • Consumer Secret (API Secret)消费者秘密(API秘密)
  • Access Token访问令牌
  • Access Token Secret访问令牌机密

All of the above keys should be added to the config.js file the following way:


步骤3:配置Twitter机器人 (Step 3: Configure the Twitter bot)

I had to do some initial configuration to ensure that the bot will do what it is supposed to do.


1.安装Node.js依赖项 (1. Install Node.js dependencies)

npm install --save twitter

2.设置搜索查询 (2. Set up the search query)

This was an important step to define a search query to which the Bot tweeted back to. I went to the “app.js” file and updated the search parameters.

这是定义Bot发回信息的搜索查询的重要步骤。 我转到“ app.js”文件并更新了搜索参数。

  • q represents the keywords.


  • count represents the number of tweets the query should return.


  • result_type represents the sorting logic, in our case, it shows the most recent one first.


  • lang stands for language (for example, English).


The below config would automatically reply to the most recent tweet that contains “@freecodecamp”

以下配置将自动回复包含“ @freecodecamp”的最新推文

// Set up your search parametersvar params = {  q: '@freecodecamp',  count: 1,  result_type: 'recent',  lang: 'en'}

步骤#4:配置推文 (Step #4: Configure the tweets)

Since the Bot was running hourly, I did not want it to tweet the same message over and over again. Therefore I created an array of ten or so tweets and the Bot randomly selected one every time.

由于Bot每小时运行一次,因此我不希望它一遍又一遍地发布相同的消息。 因此,我创建了一个由十个左右的鸣叫组成的数组,而Bot每次都随机选择一个。

//set up array of tweets that can be randomly selectedvar TWEETS_TO_REPLY = [    "This is the first version of my tweets",    "This is the second",    "Tweet 3 where is my stroller?"];

EDIT: As Jonny Asmar pointed out below, make sure that you do not mention people in your responses as that is against Twitter’s TOS.

编辑:正如乔尼·阿斯玛(Jonny Asmar)在下面指出的那样,请确保您在回复中不要提及其他人,因为这与Twitter的TOS背道而驰。

步骤#5:配置鸣叫频率 (Step #5: Configure the tweet frequency)

Lastly, I set up the Bot to run hourly.


First I created a variable that represents one hour in milliseconds:


//set up tweet time intervalvar INTERVAL = 1*60*60*1000;

Then I made sure that I launched the Bot accordingly:


// Start bot and timerBotStart();setInterval(BotStart, INTERVAL);

步骤6:启动漫游器 (Step 6: Launch the bot)

As soon as it was all configured I launched the Bot and waited patiently.


npm run serve

我从这一切中学到的 (What I learned from all this)

To my surprise, about 24 hours later, a customer service representative finally responded to me. They informed me that they had initiated the money transfer.

令我惊讶的是,大约24小时后,一位客户服务代表终于对我做出了回应。 他们告诉我他们已经开始汇款了。

A year ago I would not have been able to do any of this. Even if this is a small thing, this triumph mattered to me a lot.

一年前,我将无能为力。 即使这是一件小事,这种胜利对我也很重要。

This story is about how I learned to code in 2017, and how I found some additional inspiration this side project. I did not start a new career as a developer (yet), but there are many other ways you can make use of your coding skills in your day to day life. Some even argue that coding has become the 4th literacy.

这个故事是关于我如何在2017年学习编码的,以及如何从这个附带项目中获得其他启发的。 我还没有以开发人员的身份开始新的职业,但是在日常生活中还有很多其他方法可以利用您的编码技能。 甚至有人认为编码已经成为第四种读写能力 。

Hopefully for all of you who are starting to learn how to code, you will find a little inspiration in my story, too. On all those late nights when you’re struggling with a coding challenge, keep in mind that whether or not you will start a new career as a developer, understanding the language of the computers will pay off one day.

希望对所有开始学习编码的人,我的故事也能有所启发。 在所有深夜中,当您在编码挑战中苦苦挣扎时,请记住,无论您是否将开始新的开发工作,了解计算机的语言都将有一天获得回报。

致谢 (Acknowledgments)

This post could not have happened without the freeCodeCamp community, nor the CS50 team. I am grateful for their support.

没有freeCodeCamp社区或CS50团队,就不会发生这篇文章。 我感谢他们的支持。

Also, I’m grateful to Brandon Morelli and Scott Spence for writing these detailed guides Twitter Bot guides:

另外,我也感谢Brandon Morelli和Scott Spence撰写了以下详细指南Twitter Bot指南:

Build a simple Twitter Bot with Node.js in just 38 lines of codeTutorials don’t have to be complicated. Together we’ll build a simple Twitter favorite bot with Node.js in just 38…codeburst.ioWhy you should have your own Twitter bot, and how to build one in less than 30 minutesUPDATE 20171102: Since this story was originally posted back in January 2017 there have been a few things that have…

仅需38行代码,即可使用Node.js构建一个简单的Twitter Bot。 教程不必 复杂。 我们一起将用38.使用Node.js构建一个简单的Twitter最喜欢的机器人…… 为什么要拥有自己的Twitter bot,以及如何在不到30分钟的时间内构建一个Twitter bot 更新20171102:因为这个故事最初被发布回来在2017年1月,发生了一些事情……




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