Welcome to Celebrity Side Hustles, where our most beloved stars explain how their passion projects led to second careers.

Sheryl Crow is the first to admit she’s new to the branding game, though she’s been in the business of making music since her days as Michael Jackson’s backup singer.

“I’m of a generation that ‘branding’ wasn't a part of being a musician or a songwriter. That’s a new thing,” she told Vanity Fair on a recent phone call. “I’m always doing stuff that‘s interesting to me and if it works out in my favor that’s great as far as my music career is concerned, but otherwise, I try not to think about my music as a brand.”

Even now that Sheryl Crow has created “Sheryl Crow,” her eponymous HSN clothing Kigurumi Pajamas line, a hallmark of celebrity brand-building, she’s no closer to feeling comfortable in the modern limelight. The title track to her new album, Be Myself, which debuts on April 21, eight days after the collection airs on HSN, skewers the trappings of contemporary fame-making. She sings about taking an Uber to a juice bar to see a new band play. It got “99 million followers in only one day,” but the song asks, “How many selfies can you take before you look like a jerk?”

The line, a passion project that Crow didn’t necessarily intend to coincide with the release of the album, compliments the sentiment of “be myself” to a literal “T.” The heart of the design is the lyric inscriptions—every piece has words printed in it or on it, but they’re most obvious on message T-shirts. The tone is opposite of the cool irony of Vetements or any of the other stark, black-and-white looks that have been trending as of late. They could be the philosophical cousin to the message tees of fashion week’s fall 2017, which saw shirts emblazoned with messages like, “The future is female” and “Stronger than fear.” Stylistically, Crow’s are colorized and fringe-ified in a way that might appeal to a wide range American customers, with everything from “You’re my favorite mistake” to “Gonna soak up the sun.” Crow now joins the ranks of Giuliana Rancic and Serena Williams who have their own clothing collections at the TV retailer.

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