oracle e-bussiness 简称

Applications Product Prefixes

ABM - Activity Based Management
AD - Applications DBA
AHL - Oracle Advanced Service Online
AHM - Oracle Hosting Manager
AK - Oracle Common Modules-AK
ALR - Oracle Alert
AMF - Oracle Fulfillment Services
AMS - Oracle Marketing
AMV - Oracle MarketView
AN - Oracle Sales Analysis
AP - Oracle Payables
AR - Oracle Receivables
AS - Oracle Sales
ASF - Oracle Field Sales
ASG - Oracle CRM Gateway for Mobile Services
ASL - Oracle Mobile Field Sales Laptop
ASO - Oracle Order Capture
ASP - Oracle Field Sales/PalmTM Devices
AST - TeleSales
AU - Application Utilities
AX - Global Accounting Engine
AZ - Application Implementation
BEN - Oracle Advanced Benefits
BIC - Customer Intelligence
BIL - Sales Intelligence
BIM - Marketing Intelligence
BIS - Oracle Applications BIS
BIV - Oracle Service Intelligence
BIX - Call Center Intelligence
BNE - Oracle Web ADI
BOM - Oracle Bills of Material
BSC - Balanced Scorecard
CCT - Oracle Call Center and Telephony
CE - Oracle Cash Management
CHV - Oracle Supplier Scheduling
CLN - Supply Chain Trading Connector for RosettaNet
CN - Oracle Sales Compensation
CRP - Oracle Capacity
CS - Oracle Service
CSC - Customer Care
CSD - Depot Repair
CSE - Oracle Enterprise Install Base
CSF - Field Service
CSI - Install Base
CSL - Oracle Field Service/Laptop
CSM - Oracle Field Service Palm
CSP - Oracle Spares Management
CSR - Oracle Scheduler
CSS - Support
CST - Oracle Cost Management
CUA - CRL Financials Assets
CUE - Oracle Billing Connect
CUF - CRL Financials
CUG - Oracle Citizen Interaction Center
CUI - Oracle Network Logistics Inventory
CUN - Oracle Network Logistics NATS
CUP - Oracle Network Logistics Purchasing
CUS - CRL SupplyChain
CZ - Oracle Configurator
DDD - Oracle CADView-3D
DOM - Oracle Document Managment and Collaboration
DT - Oracle DateTrack
EAA - Oracle SEM Exchange
EAM - Oracle Enterprise Asset Management
EC - Oracle e-Commerce Gateway
ECX - Oracle XML Gateway
EDR - Oracle E Records
EGO - Oracle Engineering Online
ENG - Oracle Engineering
ENI - Oracle Engineering Intelligence System
EVM - Value Based Management
FEM - Strategic Enterprise Management
FF - Oracle FastFormula
FII - Financials Intelligence
FLM - Oracle Flow Manufacturing
FND - Application Object Library
FPT - Oracle Banking Center
FRM - Oracle Report Manager
FTE - Oracle Transportation Hub
FV - Oracle Federal Financials
GHR - Oracle Federal HR
GL - Oracle General Ledger
GMA - Oracle Process Manufacturing Systems
GMD - Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development
GME - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution
GMF - Oracle Process Manufacturing Financials
GMI - Oracle Process Manufacturing Inventory
GML - Oracle Process Manufacturing Logistics
GMP - Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Planning
GMS - Oracle Grants Accounting
GR - Oracle Process Regulatory Mgmt
HRI - Human Resources Intelligence
HXC - Oracle Time and Labor
HXT - Oracle Time and Labor Rules
IBA - iMarketing
IBC - Oracle iContent
IBE - iStore
IBP - Bill Presentment & Payment
IBU - iSupport
IBY - iPayment
ICX - Oracle Self-Service Web Applications
IEB - Oracle Interaction Blending
IEC - Oracle Campaign Plus
IEM - Oracle eMail Center
IEO - Call Center Technology
IES - Scripting
IEU - Oracle Universal Work Queue
IEX - Oracle Collections
IGC - Commitment Administration
IGF - Student Systems Fin Aid
IGI - Oracle International Public Sector Financials
IGS - Oracle Student Sytems
IGW - Oracle Grants Proposal
IMC - Oracle Customers Online
IMT - Oracle iMeeting
INV - Oracle Inventory
IPA - CRL Financials Projects
IPD - Oracle Product Development Exchange
ISC - Supply Chain Intelligence
ITG - Oracle Internet Procurement Enterprise Connector
JA - Asia/Pacific Localizations
JE - European Localizations
JG - Regional Localizations
JL - Latin America Localizations
JTF - CRM Foundation
JTM - Oracle CRM Mobile Foundation
JTS - Oracle CRM Self Service Administration
ME - Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
MFG - Oracle Manufacturing
MRP - Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP
MSC - Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning
MSD - Oracle Demand Planning
MSO - Oracle Constraint Based Optimization
MSR - Oracle Risk Optimization
MWA - Mobile Applications
ODQ - Oracle Data Query
OE - Oracle Order Entry
OFA - Oracle Assets
OKB - Oracle Contracts for Subscriptions
OKC - Oracle Contracts Core
OKE - Oracle Project Contracts
OKI - Oracle Contracts Intelligence
OKL - Oracle Lease Management
OKO - Oracle Contracts for Sales
OKR - Oracle Contracts for Rights
OKS - Oracle Contracts Service Module
OKX - Oracle Contracts Integration
ONT - Oracle Order Management
OPI - Operations Intelligence
OTA - Oracle Training Administration
OZF - Funds & Budgets
OZP - Trade Planning
OZS - Oracle iClaims
PA - Oracle Projects
PAY - Oracle Payroll
PER - Oracle Human Resources
PJI - Oracle Project Intelligence
PJM - Oracle Project Manufacturing
PMI - Process Mfg Intelligence
PN - Oracle Property Manager
PO - Oracle Purchasing
POA - Purchasing Intelligence
POM - Oracle Exchange
PON - Oracle Sourcing
POS - Internet Supplier Portal
PQH - Oracle Public Sector HR
PQP - Oracle Public Sector Payroll
PRP - Oracle Proposals
PSA - Public Sector Applications
PSB - Oracle Public Sector Budgeting
PSP - Oracle Labor Distribution
PV - Partner Relationship Management
QA - Oracle Quality
QOT - Oracle Quoting
QP - Oracle Pricing
QRM - Oracle Risk Management
RG - Application Report Generator
RHX - Oracle Advanced Planning Foundation
RLA - Oracle Release Management Integration Kit
RLM - Oracle Release Management
SHT - Applications Shared Technology
SSP - Oracle SSP
SYSADMIN - System Administration
VEA - Oracle Automotive
VEH - Oracle Automotive Integration Kit
WIP - Oracle Work in Process
WMS - Oracle Warehouse Management System
WPS - Oracle Manufacturing Scheduling
WSH - Oracle Shipping
WSM - Shop Floor Management
XDP - Oracle Provisioning
XLA - Oracle Common Accounting Modules
XNB - Oracle eBusiness Billing
XNC - Oracle Sales for Communications
XNI - Oracle Install Base Intelligence
XNM - Marketing for Communications
XNP - Oracle Number Portability
XNS - Oracle Service for Communications
XTR - Oracle Treasury
ZFA - Oracle Financial Analyzer
ZSA - Oracle Sales Analyzer

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