
A long time ago in the far-off year of 2015, Bethesda tried to copy the incredible variety of user mods for its big RPG franchises, and make money off of them. It was a bad idea, so they stopped doing that. In 2017, Bethesda had the exact same idea, and it’s still bad, but this time they don’t seem to be listening to anyone.

很久以前,在遥远的2015年,贝塞斯达(Bethesda)试图为其大型RPG特许经营权复制各种用户模型,并从中获利。 这是一个坏主意,所以他们停止这样做了。 在2017年,贝塞斯达(Bethesda)有着完全相同的想法,但仍然很糟糕,但是这次他们似乎没有在听任何人的话。

So now we’ve got paid mods from the “Creation Club” in Fallout 4, and soon to come in the Skyrim Special Edition. And yes, they’re still paid mods, no matter how often Bethesda screams that they’re not paid mods, because they are mods which you pay for. Most of the initial crop is low-quality recolors of existing game equipment and mods that already exist on the free-to-use third party Nexus repository. It is, in short, kinda junk.

因此,现在我们已经在《辐射4》中从“创意俱乐部”获得了付费模组,并且即将推出《天际》特别版。 是的, 无论Bethesda多么频繁地尖叫他们不是付费的mod , 他们仍然是付费的mod ,因为它们是您要付费的mod。 最初的大部分收获是免费使用的第三方Nexus存储库中已经存在的现有游戏设备和mod的低质量重新着色。 简而言之,它有点垃圾。

But whether or not you actually want to use Bethesda’s Creation Club paid mods system, it’s going to appear in your game. In Fallout 4, it brings along what can only be described as a “Spam Box” in the main menu, telling you to check out the Creation Club and hopefully spend some money on the paid mods therein. Luckily, there’s a way to make it disappear from the PC version of Fallout 4.

但是,无论您是否真的要使用Bethesda的Creation Club付费mods系统,它都将出现在您的游戏中。 在《辐射4》中,它带来了只能在主菜单中称为“垃圾邮件箱”的内容,告诉您检出Creation Club,并希望在其中的付费Mod上花一些钱。 幸运的是,有一种方法可以使它从PC版Fallout 4中消失。

Can you guess what that way is? I bet you can. It’s a mod. And it’s free. Not paid. It’s a mod that you don’t have to pay for. It is not a paid mod, which is what Bethesda is trying to sell you.

你能猜出那是什么吗? 我敢打赌你可以。 这是一个mod。 而且是免费的。 未支付。 这是您无需付费的mod。 它不是付费模组,这是Bethesda试图向您出售的模组。

第一步:下载Mod文件 (Step One: Download the Mod File)

Head to this page on the Nexus Mods repository. If you’re already familiar with the Nexus and you’ve installed the Nexus Mod Manager, you can just login to the site and click “Download (NMM)” to start the program and the installation process automatically. If you don’t have the Mod Manager installed, don’t worry, applying this tweak manually is easy, and we’ll show you how in the steps below. Just click “Download (Manual)” then “download manually” on the next page.

转到Nexus Mods存储库上的此页面 。 如果您已经熟悉Nexus并且已经安装了Nexus Mod Manager ,则可以登录该站点并单击“下载(NMM)”以自动启动程序和安装过程。 如果您没有安装Mod Manager,请不要担心,手动进行此调整很容易,我们将在下面的步骤中向您展示如何进行。 只需单击“下载(手动)”,然后单击下一页上的“手动下载”。

第二步:解压缩存档 (Step Two: Unzip the Archive)

Open your browser’s download folder, where the file “No More Creation Club News[version number].7z is waiting. Unzip the archive with whatever your typical unarchiving program happens to be—if you don’t know what a 7z file is, here’s a handy guide.

打开浏览器的下载文件夹,文件“ No More Creation Club News [版本号] .7z”正在等待。 使用您通常使用的典型取消归档程序将归档文件解压缩-如果您不知道7z文件是什么,请参阅以下指南 。

Open the new folder. Select the un-zipped “Interface” folder, then press Ctrl+C or right-click the file and select “Copy.”

打开新文件夹。 选择未压缩的“接口”文件夹,然后按Ctrl + C或右键单击该文件并选择“复制”。

第三步:将Interface文件夹插入到Fallout文件夹中 (Step Three: Insert the Interface Folder Into Your Fallout Folder)

In your file browser, navigate to the data folder of your Fallout 4 game installation. If you haven’t changed the default installation location in Steam, this will almost certainly be the following location:

在文件浏览器中,导航到Fallout 4游戏安装的数据文件夹。 如果您尚未在Steam中更改默认安装位置 ,则几乎可以肯定是以下位置:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

If you’re running an older version of Windows that isn’t 64-bit, it’s the same folder address without the (x86) specifier.


C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

Once you have the folder open, press Ctrl+V or right-click an empty space and press “Paste.” That’s it, you’re ready to go.

打开文件夹后,按Ctrl + V或右键单击空白处,然后按“粘贴”。 就是这样,您准备好了。

Open Fallout and begin the game in the usual way. You’ll be greeted with a main menu, blessedly free of paid mod spam.

打开辐射,然后以通常的方式开始游戏。 您会收到一个主菜单,它很幸运地没有付费的垃圾邮件。

Unfortunately, this method won’t get rid of the Creation Club menu item itself, or the bothersome extra data Bethesda forces you to download even if you don’t pay for the mods. We can only hope that the immediate and vehement response the company has received from players will discourage it from pulling this kind of move in future games. Sorry, did I say “hope?” I meant “dream.”

不幸的是,这种方法不会摆脱Creation Club菜单项本身,或者即使您不为mod付费, 贝塞斯达也会迫使您下载麻烦的额外数据 。 我们只能希望,公司从玩家那里得到的立即和热情回应将阻止它在未来的游戏中采取这种行动。 抱歉,我说“希望”吗? 我的意思是“梦想”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327131/how-to-hide-the-creation-club-news-spam-in-fallout-4/



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