



  • matlab进入对应目录
    比如 C:\Users\popsheng\Desktop\Scaramuzza_OCamCalib_v3.0_win

    • 输入ocam_calib
  • 拍照要求

    In order to obtain good calibration results, I suggest the following:

    1. Approach the checkerboard to the mirror or to the fisheye as much as you can (see sample images below). This will improve the calibration and will increase the chances that the Automatic Checkerboard Extraction tool finds all the corners! Make sure that every corner of the checkerboard is visible in each image. For the Automatic Checkerboard Extraction tool it is furthermore important that a white border is present around the pattern.
    2. Take pictures of the checkerboard in order to cover all the visible area of the camera, e.g. from all around the mirror. By doing this, you allow calibration to compensate for possible misalignments between the camera and mirrors axes. The second and most important reason for doing this is that it helps the automatic detection of the center of the omnidirectional image.
  • Load images
    Before loading the images, make sure that they are in the same folder of the toolbox files.(Copy all the images into OCamCalib folder)

  • click on the button Read names

    • 会提示:Basename camera calibration images (without number nor suffix):
      比如图片文件名是image1.jpg、image2.jpg… 这一步我们就输入image

    • 接下来会提示:Image format: ([]='r'='ras', 'b'='bmp', 't'='tif', 'g'='gif', 'p'='pgm', 'j'='jpg', 'm'='ppm') >> g 告诉我们指示文件类型

  • Extraction of grid corners

    • 会提示:Extraction of the grid corners on the images Type the images you want to process (e.g. [1 2 3], [] = all images) = 即我们可以选择处理那几张图片,直接回车表示处理全部图片

    • 接下来会提示:Number of squares along the X direction ([]=10) = 以及 Number of squares along the Y direction ([]=10) = 表示棋盘角点的个数,如果我们使用官网的棋盘,那么X就是6,Y就是8

    • 接下来会提示:Size dX of each square along the X direction ([]=30mm) = 以及 Size dX of each square along the Y direction ([]=30mm) = 棋盘方格宽度,可以点击回车

    • 接下来会提示:X coordinate (along height) of the omnidirectional image center = ([]=960) = 以及 Y coordinate (along width) of the omnidirectional image center = ([]=1280) =用于指定图像中心点坐标,可以直接回车,软件默认使用(height/2, width/2),

    • 接下来是:EXTRACTION OF THE GRID CORNERS Do you want to use the automatic image selection or do you want to process the images individually ( [] = automatic, other = individual )? 这一步表示我们可以选择处理某些图片,回车表示自动进行图像选择(忽略角点遮挡的图像),也是推荐的做法,回车即可


  • lick on the button Calibration

    • 会提示:Degree of polynomial expansion ([]=4) = 即去除畸变的多项式展开度(幂值),默认值即可,直接回车

  • Find center
    Iteration 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...

    Note, if at any time you would like to modify the coordinates of the center, you can simply modify the value of the variables ocam_model.xc and ocam_model.yc, which respectively contain row and column of the center location.

  • Calibration Refinement
    This function alternately refines EXTRINSIC and INTRINSIC calibration parameters by using a non linear minimization method Because of the computations involved this refinement can take some seconds Loop interrupting: Press enter to stop refinement. (OCamCalib GUI must be selected!) Maximum number of iterations ([] = 100, 0 = abort, -1 = no limit) =

  • Reproject on images

  • Show Extrinsic

  • Analyse error


  • Recompute corners


    • 会提示:wintx ([] = 20) = winty ([] = 20) = 即容错窗口大小,回车默认即可
  • Show Calib Results

  • Load, Save, and Export the calibration results
    一次点击Save Load Export Data即可,根目录下的 calib_results.txt就是我们需要的文件


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