If you’re a system administrator or power user, you may find yourself accessing Administrative Tools quite a bit. Today we show you how to access them faster by adding them to the Start Menu.

如果您是系统管理员或超级用户,则可能会发现自己经常访问管理工具。 今天,我们向您展示如何通过将它们添加到“开始”菜单来更快地访问它们。

Usually you’ll need to navigate to Control Panel to access Administrative Tools. This can be time consuming and annoying for administrators and power users.

通常,您需要导航到控制面板以访问管理工具。 对于管理员和高级用户而言,这可能既耗时又烦人。

Add Administrative Tools to Start Menu


First right-click on the Start Menu and select Properties.


In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties screen click on Customize.


Scroll down System administrative tools and select Display on the All Programs menu and the Start menu.

向下滚动系统管理工具,然后在“所有程序”菜单和“开始”菜单上选择“ 显示”

Click Ok to accept the changes and close out of the remaining screens. Now when you click on the Start Menu, you’ll see Administrative Tools and can select the different settings and features contained there.

单击确定以接受更改并关闭其余屏幕。 现在,当您单击开始菜单时,您将看到管理工具,并可以选择其中包含的其他设置和功能。

If you want to put a shortcut to Administrative Tools on the desktop you can right-click on the Administrative Tools button we just added to the Start menu and drag to the desktop, or open Control Panel and do the same thing.


These simple tweaks will allow you faster access to resources in the Administrative Tools section.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/7340/how-to-add-administrative-tools-to-start-menu-in-windows-7/

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