arduino wifi

I recently added to my set of electronics “stuff” an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 board.

我最近在电子产品中添加了Arduino MKR WiFi 1010开发板。

If you are wondering, I found out that MKR is pronounced “Maker”, and 1010 is pronounced “ten ten”.

如果您想知道,我发现MKR的发音为“ Maker”,而1010的发音为“十十”。

It is the first board that has WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity built-in, and I’m very excited about the opportunities and possibilities it enables.


In this post I want to give an overview of the board, and compare it to the Arduino Uno, which is the other Arduino board I currently have, and the one most commonly used by beginners, too.

在这篇文章中,我想对开发板进行概述,并将其与Arduino Uno进行比较,这是我目前拥有的另一块Arduino开发板,也是初学者最常用的一块。

构成因素 (Form factor)

Let’s start from the appearance.


It measures 61.4mm x 25mm and only weighs 32 grams.

它的尺寸为61.4mm x 25mm,仅重32克。

Compared to the Arduino Uno board, the Arduino MRK WiFi 1010 is much smaller. More than 2x smaller.

与Arduino Uno开发板相比,Arduino MRK WiFi 1010小得多。 小2倍以上。

功率 (Power)

The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 can be powered with an 5V input, or with a Micro-USB connector.

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010可以通过5V输入或Micro-USB连接器供电。

It operates at 3.3V. This is a very important distinction with Arduino Uno, which operates at 5V. 3.3V is the maximum voltage the I/O pins can support.

它的工作电压为3.3V。 这是与Arduino Uno的非常重要的区别,后者的工作电压为5V。 I / O引脚可以支持的最大电压为3.3V。

处理器 (Processor)

The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 board comes with a low power SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 32-bit ARM processor.

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010开发板带有低功耗SAMD21 Cortex-M0 + 32位ARM处理器。

The processor is 32 bit. The Arduino Uno board features the ATmega328 processor, which is 8 bit.

处理器为32位。 Arduino Uno开发板具有8位ATmega328处理器。

记忆 (Memory)

The board has 256KB of Flash Memory and 32KB of SRAM.

该开发板具有256KB闪存和32KB SRAM。

I / O引脚 (I/O Pins)

The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 provides:

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010提供:

  • 8 Digital I/O pins, pins 0 - 7.8个数字I / O引脚,引脚0-7。
  • 7 Analog Input pins (ADC 8/10/12 bit), pins A0 / A6.7个模拟输入引脚(ADC 8/10/12位),引脚A0 / A6。
  • 1 Analog Output pin (DAC 10 bit), the pin identified with DAC0/A0.1个模拟输出引脚(DAC 10位),该引脚用DAC0 / A0标识。

The DC current per I/O pin is 7mA.

每个I / O引脚的直流电流为7mA。

Pins 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 18, 19 are PWM pins.


The full pinout can be found here.


物联网连接 (IoT connectivity)

The Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 provides a WiFi module, the WiFi U-BLOX NINA-W10 Series Low Power 2.4GHz. It supports the protocol 802.11 b/g/n and also provides Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

Arduino MKR WiFi 1010提供了一个WiFi模块,即WiFi U-BLOX NINA-W10系列低功耗2.4GHz。 它支持802.11 b / g / n协议,还提供低功耗蓝牙(BLE)。

安全 (Security)

The board comes with a crypto chip that enables SHA-256 secure connections, the ATECC508.


锂电充电电路 (Li-Po charging circuit)

When charging the board through the Micro-USB port, the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 can charge an external battery through its Li-Po charging circuit.

通过Micro-USB端口为开发板充电时,Arduino MKR WiFi 1010可以通过其Li-Po充电电路为外部电池充电。

The battery needs to be a Li-Po Single Cell, 3.7V, 700mAh minimum.


When the USB power is disconnected, the device will switch to the external battery automatically.


价钱 (Price)

On the price side, the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 is more expensive than an Arduino Uno Rev3 board, but less expensive than an Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2.

在价格方面,Arduino MKR WiFi 1010比Arduino Uno Rev3板贵,但比Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2便宜。

On the official Arduino store, at the time of writing:


  • the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 is €29.90Arduino MKR WiFi 1010的价格为€29.90
  • the Arduino Uno rev3 is €20.00Arduino Uno rev3为€20.00
  • the Arduino Uno WiFi rev2 is €38.90Arduino Uno WiFi rev2售价€38.90

If we consider the Arduino Uno Rev3 board lacks WiFi / Bluetooth connectivity, it’s not really on the same level - that’s not an IoT device.

如果我们认为Arduino Uno Rev3板缺少WiFi /蓝牙连接,那它的水平实际上不是同一水平-这不是IoT设备。

So we can say the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 is €9 cheaper than its Uno IoT counterpart, Arduino Uno WiFi rev2, which can be considered its educational counterpart.

因此,我们可以说Arduino MKR WiFi 1010比其Uno IoT同类产品Arduino Uno WiFi rev2便宜9欧元,后者可以被认为是其教育版。


arduino wifi

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