【单选题】I was walking along the Qiantang River when I noticed the beautiful sun setting. I snapped a few shots(抓拍) and notice ________UFO in the picture.

【单选题】For those ____don’t smoke, it is ____ easier not to start smoking than it is to quit it.

【单选题】The lady was very moved, her tears ________ down her face.

【单选题】点A的坐标为(10,20,30),则该点到V面的距离为( )

【单选题】More than one boy of your members ______ to act in the short play, which is ______ tomorrow.

【单选题】It’s a ________ clock, made of brass and dating from the nineteenth century.

【单选题】With our country entering an aging society, ______ the retirement age is probably unavoidable.

【单选题】The matter ________ our study surely requires ________ carefully.

【单选题】Every morning I get up at 6: 00 because I have two dogs ______ at the door for me to take them out for the routine walk.

【单选题】_________ to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills .

【单选题】Greenland, the ________ island in the world, covers two million square kilometers.

【单选题】Is it the watch you want _____?

【单选题】The plan was that the two companies should first reach an agreement on the basic principle, the details ______________later.

【单选题】________ you work, ________ progress you will make.

【单选题】Nobody says a word about the incident, ___________?

【单选题】Much time _____ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally troubled by health problems.

【单选题】与H面垂直的线叫做( )

【单选题】在Word 2010中,选定图形的简单方法______。(2.0分)

【单选题】My parents ___________ go to their hometown. They go there once ten years.

【单选题】Office 2010各应用程序间有许多可以共享信息的方式。如果源信息经常发生变化,且希望将这种变化自动地在目的程序中反映出来,那么应在源数据与目的数据间采用______方法来实现信息共享。(2.0分)

【单选题】The terrible train crash in Wenzhou has shaken the country, not only causing the loss of lives, but also ________ people ________ confidence in the rail system.

【单选题】在Word 2010页面视图下分成三栏的文本版式,在Web版式视图中见到的是______栏。(2.0分)

【单选题】分节排版,就是将Word 2010的文档分节,使文档在不同的节中具有不同的______。(2.0分)

【单选题】The manager was satisfied to see many new products______________after great effort.

【单选题】It's _____ best to make _____ friends with those who are honest.

【单选题】Though he lives ______ in a ______ village, he doesn’t feel lonely.

【单选题】________ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tried to make herself________at the party.

【单选题】_________, this kind of Chinese food sells _______.

【单选题】-The Million Pound Bank Note is a great novel. -I totally agree.No other one can ____reflect the social situation in Britain at that age

【单选题】当Word 2010文档中含有页眉、页脚、图形等复杂格式内容时,就应采用______方式进行显示。(2.0分)

【单选题】-Panda Coco has lived in a zoo since she was born. Can you imagine ______ her alone in the forest? -Well, I don't think she can survive ______ the wild.

【单选题】The mountain climbing not only got students close to nature, but also promoted the friendship among them. _____________

【单选题】在Word 2010编辑过程中,通过______键将输入光标移到文档的开始处。(2.0分)

【单选题】Fried foods are said to be junk foods but _________, many people, especially young children enjoy eating them a lot.

【单选题】I can’t have him _______ fun of others.

【单选题】It’s standard practice for a company like this one______________a security officer.

【单选题】In ______ 1940s, in ________twenties, my grandfather had to move to the northeast of China to make _________ living.

【单选题】(2012·四川)I make $2,000 a week, 60 surely won't make ______ difference to me.

【单选题】He is thought___________foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.

【单选题】There is a teapot shaped like a Chinese duck, ________ mouth made of steel.

【单选题】The flood ________ everything, the victims became homeless and could only live temporarily in shelters.

【单选题】在Word 2010文本编辑区的左边,藏着一个隐形的______栏(把鼠标移到该处时,鼠标形状变为指向右上方的箭头状,此时,单击鼠标左键,则选择整行文本;若按住左键拖动,可以选择连续行的文档)。(2.0分)

【单选题】The committee _____ made up of 20 members, who _____ experts in medicine.

【单选题】Li Qiang is_____ honest boy. He wants to be _____ useful person when he grows up

【单选题】Is there _______ university near here?

【单选题】________basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.

【单选题】下列选项中,______操作能删除Word 2010中当前所有选定文本,并将其放在剪贴板上。(2.0分)

【单选题】The father as well as his three kids ________ skating on the cold river every Sunday afternoon in winter.

【单选题】There is not much news in today’s paper, _____________?

【单选题】下列选项中,关于Word 2010中特殊符号的操作,说法错误的是______。(2.0分)

word怎么将文档分成三节_分节排版,就是将Word 2010的文档分节,使文档在不同的节中具有不同的______。(2.0分)_学小易找答案...相关推荐

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